%0 Book %A Tan Kwan Hong %D 2016 %C Hamburg, Germany %I Anchor Academic Publishing %@ 9783960675709 %T The Role of Informal Learning in Leadership Development and Competency Building. Beyond Blended Learning and the 70-20-10 Rule in the Context of Competency-Based Assessments and Evaluations %U https://m.anchor-publishing.com/document/336331 %X This paper analyzes the concept of Blended Learning and the 70-20-10 rule, and relates it to the subject matter of competency-based assessment and evaluation within the field of training and development. Having an in-depth understanding on Blended Learning is crucial as a foundation for developing and implementing appropriate assessment methodologies that effectively measures corresponding cognitive outcomes, skill-based outcomes, affective outcomes, results and return on investments, of which evidence collection can be pegged to the appropriate methods/techniques within the Blended Learning Framework adopted by the organization. %K Human Resource, Competency, Assessments, Evaluations, Competency-Based Assessments and Evaluations, Training, Learning, Development, Training and Development, Learning and Development, Organizational Development, Blended Learning, Formal Learning, Informal Learning, 70-20-10 Rule, Business, Corporate Training, Leadership Development, Competency Building %G English