
Learning French oral skills using role play as a learning strategy: The kenyan experience

©2013 Textbook 87 Pages


Role play and foreign language learning helps the learners to develop speaking skills within defined social contexts. Languages are always spoken within certain defined spacio-social context. The learning of French as a foreign language in Kenya takes cognizance that oral skills are important to facilitate competent communication in any given language. The Kenyan reality of learning oral French skills within a learning set-up in Kenyan secondary schools is well presented in this text. The salient challenges are also highlighted since language learning is normally not a smooth sail for the learner and for the teacher who plays a pivotal facilitation role in guiding the learner to imbibe the vital communicative skills in the language that is being taught. On the whole role play is not just a language learning activity; it is an activity that provides impetus which propels human development in ist entire gamut of activities. A conspicuous hint on the importance of role play in our daily lives is also presented in this text with some examples well presented and cited in this write-up. Stephen Kraschen’s Montior Model on language acquisition and the Grounded Theory which helps to interprete social research findings have been used to analyze the data which was derived from the inquiry done in the Kenyan secondary schools. The classical importance of role play and simulation in the learning process has been well underscored in this particular text.


Table Of Contents













Figure 1 : A map of Africa showing the major francophone blocs

Figure 2 : Regional French Language Centers set up by the French Embassy In Kenya

Figure 3 : Initial oral practice ( source -the research questionnaire, the author 2013 )

Figure 4 : The initial role play/simulation (source- the research questionnaire )

Figure 5 : The initial role play/simulation (source- the research questionnaire)

Figure 6: Role play preparation ( source – The research questionnaire )

Figure 7: The four skills of language learning ( source- The research questionnaire )


Table 1- The study sample size (students) drawn from the eight provinces in Kenya

Table 2- Role play/simulation situations in Entre Copains Book

Table 3 – Role play/simulation situations in Entre Copains

Table 4- Role play situations in Entre Copains

Table 5 – Role plays situations in Entre Copains

Table 6 – Rating of French Paper 3 ( oral paper)

Table 7 – Rating of French paper 3 ( oral paper)

Table 8 - Role play situations set by the Kenya National Examination Council for French candidates between 1995-2005

Table 9 – The micro – assessment criteria

Table 10- The KNEC assessment structure for oral French (paper 3)

Table 11- The micro – assessment criteria


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The focus of this text is on role play and foreign language learning. Generally we learn languages to communicate. We also learn languages to appreciate the diverse nature of humanity since humanity is as varied as its languages. Oral communication is the hallmark of mastery of a language being learnt. Writing is always a fairly challenging skill because the graphical aspect of grafting the letters or the symbols is never done “off- the- cuff”.

However oral expression despite its ‘broken’ nature from a tyro or a novice or a beginner a re-expression is allowed to‘re-communicate’ one’s intended message. Role play facilitates the training of developing the oral skills when the learning of a language takes place.

French being a foreign language presents a different scenario. The oral aspect of French within the Kenyan context presents some peculiar characteristics. The assumption that the learners of French will automatically speak it once they have learnt it has been a tall order. Learners of French as a foreign language in Kenya have the latent knowledge (Kraschen,1987).The challenge most of them have always encountered is to articulate the latent French that they already have in their mental faculty.

The language acquisition device according to Kraschen , never shuts off unless one is declared clinically dead. Language acquisition is a subconscious process. The speaking aspect is the next process once the language has been acquired.

The utterances are bound to encounter challenges where the conventional correct grammar is at times compromised during the actual communication since perfection is a habitual practice which is gained with time and effort. This study would wish to focus more on the oral output via role play and simulation and the challenges encountered therein.

According to Horwitz (1985) foreign language learners who have few or zero contact hours with the natural speakers of the language being learnt, role play and simulation activities are the only avenues which may afford the only opportunities to experience complex linguistic situations similar to those they would encounter in a natural environment where the language is spoken. In a nutshell, Horwitz observes that speaking another language involves acting in that particular language.

Verriour (1985) and Dickson (1989) documented that role play is stimulating and interesting when obstacles are encountered in the actual communication. This is the essence of role-play. A good role-play normally has obstacles (conflicts) well plotted to motivate communication.

When participants struggle to overcome the obstacles, these blockages create the reasons which facilitate communication. The two authorities concur that language is only interesting when social transaction seems to be blocked for a moment and then it is spurred on with many other numerous obstacles formulated and overcome by the logical utterances within any given language that is being learnt.

Cook (2000) divides the features of language play into three main categories: linguistic, semantic and pragmatic. These three categories are always fused in role play. The linguistic aspect always many a times focuses on phonetics and phonology where the sounds of the language are studied. The pragmatic aspect which involves that actual articulation is always intended to convey meaning and herein the aspect of semantics is implied. Role-play fuses these three aspects of the language into one act of performance.

Lantlof (1997) observes that role play which enlists the model utterances facilitates the imbibing of these model replicas which will eventually mould the learner to be a competent speaker of the language being learnt.

Richards (2001), Rogers (2001) and Nunan (2004) observe that role play appeals to the learners since it gives them practice with language use in situations they are likely to encounter in their daily lives within or without their immediate ‘ environments’. The learners who have a good command of the language can engage fairly well in role-play with precise instructions given. However, for the debutants or the learners who are being initiated into the foreign language they need to be given extreme support. The Lantolf model cited above comes in handy to help them develop confidence as they perform role play.

Beutler (1976) referred to role play as an activity which involves cognitive and affective learning. These two components of learning is what facilitates effective language learning because the reasoning (cognitive) and emotional (affective) aspects are always in tandem in language learning and practice.

The study I have undertaken on role play and language learning is a low input high output process. The scenarios which are designed or devised to motivate the practice of oral skills are always economically designed. The dialogue lines which are designed and churned out by the learners are always vast, varied and quite extensive in certain aspects.

The essence of language learning is to motivate the development of vocabulary and other linguistic aspects to be applied in the actual presentation of role play. This actually is the essence of role play in language learning. Learning French as a foreign language in Kenyan secondary schools is no exception.

The poor self-image of the learner and the inferiority complex which some learners at times experience and encounter are always well ‘weeded’ out when role play is well and purposefully used. Dennison and Kirk (1990) observe that a good introduction which gets rid of poor self image and inferiority complex should be encouraged to place the language learner on a good motivated and positive footing in the language learning process. I would wish to quote them verbatim thus:

“Poor self-image is a powerful block to learning and a very powerful block to clear communication, and it is also a very persistent block which is difficult to remove once it has developed”

The epitome and essence of language learning is to facilitate communication in that particular language. Role play facilitates this communication. The focus ends up not being the language while in essence one requires the linguistic ‘ingredients’ to perform role-play-cum-simulation. Crookall& Oxford (1990) observe that the challenge and the onus is on the teacher to facilitate the role-play activities to help the learner to navigate in the communication using the appropriate linguistic tools to convey the intended messages meaningfully despite the challenges at the projected linguistic finesse.

I would wish to cite an instance of ‘Dumb English’ which Wang &Motteram (2006) observed amongst the Chinese learners who study English as a foreign language. The learners always would wish to communicate in English however they cannot perform the task fairly competently because they are tense, shy and they feel that they lack sufficient English vocabulary and other linguistic expressions for them to communicate effectively.

This situation is perfectly akin to our Kenyan situation of the learners who study French as a foreign language. The learners are always shy, tense and since they know that the French linguistic competence and flair is not at their disposal they tend to either keep quiet or devise strategies which will make them shy away from oral practice. This is why role play will be a good panacea towards motivating them to speak the ‘snippets’ of the French language which they have already learnt.


I would wish to study role play within the Kenyan context. My focus will be on French as a foreign language being taught in Kenyan secondary schools. My other focus is on the French oral skills with role play as a technique for teaching or giving the learners orientation to acquire this skill.

Acquiring oral skills in French is always a challenge for learners in Kenyan secondary schools. Students who end up acquiring good oral skills generally display good mastery of the French language even in writing. I would wish to analyze the presence and importance of role play.

What motivates me to carry out this study and research is that no authoritative study has been done in Kenyan on role play and the teaching of French as foreign language. This study will be a launching pad for further and future studies on role play and foreign language learning in Kenya.

The research will also inform the policy makers on how oral French can be well taught and assessed within the national context. Further research on role play and language learning in general will also draw reference from this study in future within the Kenyan context and also within the wider context on language teaching and learning especially where imbibing of oral skills are concerned.


Some of the issues I inquired and examined are:

- Why has the French teaching syllabus not explicitly mentioned the importance of role play yet in the recommended texts simulation and role play is conspicuously present?
- Role play was tested in the National French examination (The oral section) between 1995 and 2005 in Kenya. Thereafter it was abandoned with the revision of the syllabus. Why did this happen and what has been the impact since then?
- Schools Drama festival in Kenya has motivated the use of oral French since 1986 to date. How does role play impact on the preparation of the French plays which are interpreted in this festival?
- Role play on the whole is a classical technique of teaching oral skills. What experiences have the teachers encountered when they organize role play sessions for their students?
Other research questions which are closely tied to the above major issues
- How long does the Kenyan French language learner take before he or she can confidently utter even a word in French?
- How long does the French language learner take to gain some confidence and speak ‘broken French’ at the first instance?
- At what point do we assess the learners to have gained confidence to speak with ease?
- Does constructive role play well grafted or designed have any positive effects on improving the speaking performance of learners with different levels of proficiency?
- Does role play/simulation actually motivate the acquisition of the French oral skill?


My focus was basically the Kenyan students enrolled in secondary schools. The reduced focus was students who have opted to study French as a foreign language. In Kenya we have approximately 4,000 secondary schools. About 10% of these schools teach French as foreign language. My study sample was drawn from these 400 schools spread within the eight provinces.

The independent variable in this analysis is French as a foreign language and the dependent variable were students or the learners who had opted to study French as foreign language under the guidance of their teachers. My one dependent variable focused the learners and this was largely the population which was examined.

To limit my sample frame I relied on the authority of Krejcie Morgan (1970) as quoted by Cohen et al (2000) that when a sample frame is between 15,000 and 20,000 people, a population of between 375 to 377 based on the criteria analyzed by the researcher will suffice to facilitate the inquiry-cum-investigation,

I based my criteria on the following:

- The students who filled the questionnaires were aged between 13 and 20 years age cohort. They were enrolled in secondary schools and they were spread from form one to four. They had also opted to study French as a foreign language.
- I interviewed about 10 teachers aged between 24- 60 years and they hold the minimum qualification of Diploma in Education with a bias of teaching French as a foreign language

I would wish to tabulate the proportional probability sample frame below (as suggested by Morgan )

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Table 1- The study sample size (students) drawn from the eight provinces in Kenya

The ideal situation or scenario is always one French teacher per school. Extremely special instances there are two teachers of French in one school.

Purposive and quota sampling was my strategic approach in this research. My main objective was to study the importance of role play in French language learning in the Kenyan secondary schools. My concentration was on the learners who have opted to learn French as a foreign language.

I opted to use qualitative-cum-textual inquiry approach because of the following reasons:

- Understanding human systems are best understood when qualitative investigation is done. Language is a human system. Humanity uses language to communicate. My focus was on French as foreign language being taught in Kenyan secondary schools. My micro focus was on the acquisition of the French oral skills using role pay and simulation. My intention was to assess the success and the challenges of this technique in the teaching of oral skills in French.
- Qualitative examination is always conducted in a natural setting. The school setting or the natural learning space was my centre of focus and that is where I derived my investigative data on role play and foreign language learning.
- Qualitative inquiry involves highly detailed and rich description of human behavior. The statements which are made largely by the learners provide a rich repertoire on what exactly is role play in foreign language learning within the Kenyan context.
- Chances of encountering ‘multiple’ or varied realities are encountered because the population being studied interpret the questions posed on role play in their varied opinion and another ‘scholarship’ on role play and foreign language learning is likely to emerge to form part of the larger gamut of what role play is about when it comes to the learning of oral skills. The grounded theory principles were adduced to. This theory helps to motivate some pertinent theories on language learning and acquisition in general. This also helps to increase the number of language learning theories. Consequently, this stimulates more extensive scholarship in area of language learning and acquisition in general.
- As I gathered the data I became part and parcel of the inquiry and this is what made this investigation unique. If reference is to be made to it, it will be cited uniquely within the scholarship of acquisition of oral skills in language learning. The results of the investigation of this particular study are now part and parcel of the literature review for a similar or quasi similar examination on role play and foreign language acquisition in Kenya, East Africa, Africa and the rest of the world.
- The reason why I opted for the textual approach to collect data is that it helped me to obtain meaningful facts about role play as a technique in teaching oral skills. I also came across fresh information which I did not anticipate in my inquiry design this definitely enriched the knowledge base on role play. Above all, the approach was rich and exploratory in nature.

The other inquiry methods which I used was the focus group approach where I sampled questionnaires and made some of the questions open ended. I documented the information when I did my detailed analysis.

I did some direct observation. I observed the actual learning especially when oral skills were being taught to assess how role play is taught in an actual active learning environment.

I also conducted some interviews with the ten teachers I had sampled in my inquiry design to find out their observations and experience on the role play tasks which they have always carried out with the learners.

I also did some analysis of written documentation. I analyzed the recommended textbooks which have been approved for the teaching of French as a foreign language in Kenya. I focused on the areas which deal with role play and simulation. The aim was to find out how the tasks have been conceptualized so that they motivate oral discourse amongst the learners. I assessed the viability of these linguistic tasks.

My conceptual framework was based on Kraschen input hypothesis which deal with language acquisition within a bilingual situation. The theory also applies to language acquisition within a multi-lingual situation like Kenya. I also applied the grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, (1967) since role play is a social technique which is used to orientate learners to acquire oral skills.

The inquiry was set out to assess how the learners manipulate the comprehensible input to communicate. For comprehension to be present, acquisition is vital and is important. Kraschen is a linguist who has done numerous studies on bilingualism which befits the reality of the role play and simulation. The language acquisition device never shuts off unless the learner is declared clinically dead.

I re-emphasize this fact which I had already mentioned earlier in the introductory section of this text. Acquisition being a sub-conscious process is what motivates the learner to process the linguistic concepts acquired to develop the oral skill and gain fluency with time. My objective was to assess the oral expression via role play and simulation.

The grounded theory corroborates the foreign language acquisition and expression because I examined to some extent the behavior and words uttered by the respondents during the interview and also in the open ended questionnaires which attracted a variety of answers on role play and simulation and foreign language learning .Grounded theory relies entirely on data collected from ‘social’ research. I classified my inquiry as a ‘social’ research because language expression is essential to human socialization. Above all, role play is social research on a linguistic perspective.

Extensive readings on grounded theory attest to the fact data is analyzed synchronously as its collection goes on at the same time. (Glaser&Strauss,1967;Strauss&Corbin,1990,1994; Stern, 1994). With the grounded theory, knowledge and theory (here I refer to the theoretical framework of role play and foreign language learning) are inextricably interlinked to communicate additional information into the body of knowledge.

What is known about role play and French language learning is validated and new or fresh discoveries from the ongoing research are also documented. This actually is the very essence of my inquiry.

To corroborate my choice for the grounded theory, the investigation I conducted included interviews, observations, focus groups, life histories and introspective accounts of experiences. The fairly less stringent format of the interviews which I conducted with the ten teachers falls in line with the grounded theory.

The flip side of the qualitative inquiry together with the grounded theory inclusive is that the reduced numbers of the subjects (respondents) being studied involves a laborious and tedious collection and analysis of data. As an investigator I developed some biased tendency.

My area of bias was assessing the impact of role play and simulation in the learning of the French oral skill. I knew and I was aware that I would encounter challenges in analyzing the qualitative data vigorously. I did open coding, script memos and advanced them into ‘axial coding’ as per the classical requirements of grounded theory.

The other challenge I encountered the reproducibility and generalization of the findings. This I knew was not going be replicated easily however it will present the Kenyan reality in as far as role play the foreign language learning is involved.

The ultimate analysis of this inquiry and rational recommendation for academia and general readership is on role play and foreign language learning. In the Grounded theory the actual validity of the theory is ascertained at the saturation point. This is what will help to develop another ‘grain’ of knowledge or ‘theory’ in the area under investigation. My focus is on role play and foreign language learning in Kenya. The actual focus is on French and how the oral skills are acquired through role play.

In my classification or analysis of the data I have compiled the facts at the saturation point the facts tend to replicate and border into being repetitive . This is the hallmark of the Grounded Theory. This saturation point might end up developing into another ‘new’ theory or a factual point which attest to the already established veracity about role play. I have to bear in mind that Strauss and Corbin (1994) say about a theory. They observe that a theory is a set of relationship that offers a plausible explanation of a phenomenon under investigation.

In this text I used the process of abstraction to analyze the data in a comprehensive and micro manner since this is one of the tenets of the grounded theory.



I would wish to give a brief preview of French in Africa before zooming into French as a foreign language in Kenya. The recent statistics peg about ninety million Africans speak French and it has certain subtle ‘variations’ in some expressions which differ from the French spoken within the European zone which is the cradle and origin of the French language.

French is the 9th most widely spoken language in the world and the only one, together with English, to be spoken on all five continents. It is the language that is the most taught in the universe.

To corroborate the above fact, French is also the only language, together with English, that is taught in every country of the world, with 100 million students and 2 million teachers – 20 % of whom are outside of francophone countries. Learning French in Kenya is alluded to in the aforementioned fact.

About two-thirds of African countries have incorporated French as an official language. This is the major reason and motivation for learning French in Kenya. Kenya is part and parcel of the African continent and by extension a member of the international community.

The map below depicts the presence of the French language in Africa.

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Figure 1 : A map of Africa showing the major francophone blocs Source : The French Embassy in Kenya

French made its presence in Africa through colonization. Today it is a major language within the francophone sphere and it is largely considered an official language. It is now part and parcel of ‘African languages’ and it has largely been promoted in schools. Linguists have studied French as a language and have classified it to be part and parcel of the languages in Africa. Even the illiterate populace (within the francophone sphere) speaks some snippets of French in their daily discourse. The oral discourse is the focus of my study since role play is a pseudo-real discourse which makes one to do the genuine practice of oral skills to acquire good speaking skills.

My inquiry involved the teaching of French as a foreign language in Kenyan secondary schools. Ideally, all the aspects of French as a foreign language are always taught so that the learners are exposed to the ‘entirety’ of the language. The writing, speaking, listening and reading are classical exposition of how languages are taught and learnt. In essence, one is deemed to be competent and well appreciated if one is able to listen and articulate the language within a social milieu or environment.

Oral skill is important in any language learning because it is the most malleable form of communication which does not involve a complex medium to communicate. Unlike writing and reading where one needs a medium or an intermediary which facilitates the development of the latter two skills. For role play the ear and the oral cavity which humanity is naturally endowed with will facilitate the development of oral skills in any language that is being learnt. Role play focuses on the communication using oral cavity.

French as a foreign language in Kenya dates back in the 1950’s when it was taught to the children of the colonial masters. Extremely few schools which enrolled the white students within the areas which were inhabited by the whites before independence offered French to the learners. The objective was to help to learners acquire the French language competence to help them to be able to acquire another European language apart from English.

During the colonial times, the colonial masters were well aware that the geopolitics of the time. That meant, the young white learner would end up being an administrator or a professional of good standing who would be able to communicate effectively with other people from the countries which were colonized by the French within Africa and beyond. This was a policy which was convenient to ease communication amongst the colonialists within the African continent and probably beyond.

As Kenya moved closer to attain its independence, the importance of French as a language had already gained its importance and currency amongst the Kenyans who were literate. These were the budding professionals who had been to school and the exposure they encountered at school made them to be aware that having the knowledge of French was an added value and an asset within the Kenyan context which was now becoming to be well known among the community of the world nations.

At the advent of independence the schools which enrolled the white students maintained the status quo of teaching French as a foreign language. With time, schools within the major urban centres in Kenya started to introduce French within their teaching curriculum.


In East Africa just at the advent of independence, the three countries Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania used to have one educational system and one national assessment and evaluation format. This was when the East African countries had one bigger economic bloc known as the East African Community (EAC). The system of education was 7:4:2:3 (Seven years of Primary Education, Four years of ordinary level secondary education, two years of advanced level high school education and a minimum of three years at the university level). The Examination body used to known as East African Examinations Council. (EAEC).

The examinations they used to set at the primary level used to be C.P.E (Certificate of Primary Education), E.A.C.E (East African Certificate of Education) and E.A.A.C.E (East African Advanced Certificate of Education).

At the ordinary secondary level, French used to be examined. What was akin to role play was an oral presentation of a given topic and the general questions posed by the examiner during the examination. The candidate used to be given a topic to prepare well in advance. This was always given out at the fourth year of the secondary schooling as the student prepares for certification in French at the ordinary secondary level.

This assessment was only subjected to students who had opted to study French. The topics were derived from the East African socio-politico-economic set-up. Role play embraces and interprets the reality of what is actually prevalent in the ‘environment’ or the ‘space’ where the linguistic expression is used, practiced or learnt.

At the advanced level the students who opted to study French were subjected to impromptu speaking with the examiner on a variety of topics during the assessment for ‘A’ level certification. At the advanced level the students learnt some snippets of the French political, social and economic set-up as it was in France. The student also learnt in depth a French speaking Country in Africa (the social, political, economic set-up and the day to day life in that particular French speaking country).

The country which was always selected by the Examination Council many a times used to be Zaire (Currently the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zaire as a name of a Country is now defunct).The student was also introduced to francophone literature ,two French writers of authentic French origin and two African writers from a francophone country in Africa. The course content was also largely beefed up with the salient aspects of the French language (Grammar and Syntax).

The oral aspect was a ‘diagnostic ‘assessment of all the literature and aspects of French language taught. The dialogue which used to be conducted by the examiner and the candidate, I would wish to argue that this was some sort of role play. One of the major tenets of role play is improvisation. As the student strives to get the answers from the background of the learning which (s)he has been exposed to or has experienced, there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ expression assessed. What is assessed is the ability to communicate orally in French.

Role play as it is known facilitates oral communication within a given and specified context or space. This reality used to be witnessed when the oral aspect of the E.A.C.E and E.A.A.C.E French examination was conducted.

The political strife encountered between Kenya and Uganda in the late 1970’s messed up the greater integration of the E.A.C. This made the East African Examination Body to be defunct. Other trade and economic issues also became decrepit within the three nations.

Kenya as a nation developed its own examination body and maintained the education system up to 1986 when they changed to current the education system. Before the current education system Kenya maintained the 7:4:2:3 system and the examinations body was Kenya National Examinations Council. (K.N.E.C). C.P.E primary assessment was maintained for a while .Kenya Certificate of Education (K.C.E) replaced E.A.C.E. Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (K.A.C.E) replaced E.A.A.C.E. The assessment criteria of the French language was maintained and conducted in the version and fashion of E.A.E.C.

In 1986 when the 8:4:4 (Eight years of primary education, four years of secondary education and a minimum four years of university study) system of education was mooted and developed in Kenya , C.P.E was replaced by Kenya Certificate of Primary Education( K.C.P.E), K.C.E and K.A.C.E were replaced by Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education( K.C.S.E). It is during this period that French as a language was popularized by the new education curriculum and strategy.

Formerly, the teaching of French as a foreign language was the fad of the urban centers. Schools in rural settings were encouraged to introduce French as a foreign language. The education policy was also revised to encourage the local universities to train more teachers of French. My s population sample for this inquiry on role play encompasses both rural and urban schools within the entire country.

Around the time this inquiry was being done about four hundred schools out of about 4,000 secondary schools within the country offered French as a subject. The recent census of the students in Kenyan secondary schools learning French as a foreign language has conservatively been pegged at approximately 30,000. This is in the Kenyan Public secondary schools. About 2000 students study French as a foreign language in about 25 major international private schools in Kenya.

The nature of assessment of the French language be it a national examination set by the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education or an international examination like International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), General Certificate of Education "A Level" (GCE- A Level) or International Baccalaureate (IB). The oral component is always tested. This is where role play either implicitly or explicitly comes into focus. Languages are best learnt within a simulated context. Role play always encompasses simulation and vice-versa.



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ISBN (Softcover)
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5.6 MB
Publication date
2014 (February)
Role Play Foreign Language Learning Language Acquisition Kraschen’s Monitor Model The Grounded Theory
Product Safety
Anchor Academic Publishing


Odhiambo James Oduke , holds a Diploma in Education (French, English, Siriba Teachers’ College , Currently Maseno University(Kenya), BA in Language sciences majoring in French as a foreign language . MA in French as a foreign language. Masters 2 (Maîtrise 2) majoring in general linguistics, language research and Francophone studies. The three degrees are from l’université de Rouen- France .His doctoral dissertation focuses on Role play and foreign language learning. He has taught French and English at Lwak Girls (1988- 2005), Booker Academy (2006-2010) in Kenya. Since 2010 to date he is a lecturer at Maseno University in the Department of French and other Foreign languages. He also teaches performing arts in the Department of Music and Theatre Studies. He has also co-authored course books for teaching of French in Kenyan secondary schools. The notable ones being ‘Parlons Français’ series published by Kenya Institute of Education, ‘Entre Copains’ series , ‘K.C.S.E Peak Revision - French’ published by East African Educational Publishers. He is a national adjudicator and facilitator of performing arts and elocution in the schools Drama Festival and Music festival in Kenya. He is an alumnus of Salzburg International Seminar- Austria (session 366 Urban Youth).

Title: Learning French oral skills using role play as a learning strategy: The kenyan experience
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