The East Africa Community Integration. Globalization and regionalism steering change in the greater Eastern Africa Region
Language and Emotion
Internet Altering Indian Households
On unit groups of modular group algebras
Social impact of media discourse in the age of iDeology. A perspective from the global periphery
Gender, Movement and Safety
Separability within commutative and solvable associative algebras. Under consideration of non-unitary algebras. With 401 exercises
The Joy of Believing: The Vision and Relevance of Lumen fidei and Evangelii gaudium in Indian Context
Islam and Politics in Indonesia: Freedom of Religion or Belief and the influence of Islamic actors
Vortex of the Web. Potentials of the online environment
From Conflict to Peace. Rehabilitation Process in the Phase of Transforming Conflict - The Case of Northern Ireland
The procurement strategies for the Olympic Stadium and the Aquatic Centre for the London 2012 Olympic Games
The Undead Among Us - The Figure of the Vampire as the "Unknown Other" and Its Representation in "True Blood"
Simulating Cloud Deployment Options for Software Migration Support
Asymptotics of Cubic Number Fields with Bounded Second Successive Minimum of the Trace Form
Barriers to micro-insurance outreach for pastoralists and crop farmers in rural areas in Kenya
Photographical Analysis of Macro- and Micro-aesthetic Appearance. A Cross-Sectional Study of Iraqi Adults with Class I Normal Occlusion
The Tourism we do not talk about. A study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism, with a focus on Argentina and Brazil
Actual Problems of State and Local Government. Актуальные проблемы государственного и муниципального управления
Does Aid Contribute to Sustainable Development Goals? Empirical Evidence from a Donor Comparison