Fighting a Movie with Lightning : „The Birth of a Nation“ and the Black Community
96 Pages
Despite their efforts, black activists throughout the early 20th century were not able to achieve full equality and fair treatment in society. However, they gained a new way of thinking that resulted in the formation of the ‘New Negro’. This term, in essence, designates a new way of thinking in the black community. Its members were neither satisfied with, nor accepted their inferior position in society and were willing to fight for their rights. Phenomena that paradoxically had a positive impact on the black community as a whole, and especially on the New Negro, were the actions undertaken by African Americans all over the United States in response to D.W. Griffith’s racist 1915 silent movie The Birth of a Nation.
It is the aim of this paper to prove that these activities undertaken by African Americans and their supporters in the early 20th century against The Birth of a Nation influenced and shaped the black community as a whole, but especially the notion of the New Negro, both politically and culturally.
It is the aim of this paper to prove that these activities undertaken by African Americans and their supporters in the early 20th century against The Birth of a Nation influenced and shaped the black community as a whole, but especially the notion of the New Negro, both politically and culturally.
Table Of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 1 African Americans in Southern States, 1870-1890 ... 75
Figure 2 Lynching ... 75
Figure 3 Number of White and Colored Persons Lynched in United States, 1889-1918 ... 76
Figure 4 Lynchings of Last Ten Years 1909-1918 ... 76
Figure 5 Display Ad The Birth of a Nation ... 76
Figure 6 Advertisement The Birth of a Nation Oregon ... 78
Figure 7 1,000 People Turned Away At First Matinee of "The Birth of a Nation" ... 78
Figure 8 Ad The Birth of a Nation Portland ... 80
Figure 9 Race for the United States, Regions, Divisions, and States: 1890 (Total Population)
... 80
Figure 10 Race for the United States, Regions, Divisions, and States: 1900 ... 82
Figure 11 Race for the United States, Regions, Divisions, and States: 1910 ... 83
Figure 12 Race for the United States, Regions, Divisions, and States: 1920 ... 84
Figure 13 Organizing in the US against The Clansman and The Birth of a Nation ... 85
Figure 14 Protest at Boston Common 1915 ... 85
Figure 15 Mammy Caricature ... 86
Figure 16 Mammy in The Birth of a Nation ... 86
Figure 17 Depiction of a Pickaninny ... 87
1. Introduction
The history of the suppression of blacks on the North American continent dates back
to their arrival in large numbers in the early 1600s, when the first African slaves crossed the
middle passage from Africa to North America and the Caribbean, one of the many sea routes
that constituted the transatlantic slave trade. It wasn't until two and a half centuries later, in
1865, that this practice of oppression was finally outlawed with the passage of the thirteenth
amendment of the US constitution.
Three years later, in 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment
granted citizenship to "[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States"
, including
former and now-freed slaves. However, these laws could not bring physical or verbal discrim-
ination against African Americans to a halt.
One of the reasons for this continuation of hatred against blacks lay in the widespread
conviction that whites were superior to colored people. Proponents of this belief, like Madi-
son Grant who wrote the racist book The Passing of the Great Race in 1916, justified their
insistence on white superiority and racial separation by claiming that blacks would become a
danger to whites and themselves if they were treated on equal terms.
As a result of this
widely shared attitude, blacks were considered to have an inferior status and were treated
accordingly. A large number of people of African descent throughout the United States,
however, were not willing to accept this imposed position in society and longed for equal
rights. It was especially during the early 20
century that African Americans would manage
to get one small step closer to achieving these rights.
During this time the conscience of the black population changed. They were not will-
ing to accept their second-class status any longer, and wanted to gain equality. This new
attitude that they espoused during the early 1900s allowed many African Americans to fight
against the discrimination they had to face on a large scale. The catalyst for the resulting
actions by blacks will be analyzed in the second part of this paper. With their newfound
awareness, which was marked by a sense of self-worth and racial pride, many black activists,
like W. E. B. Du Bois, started to fight "the problem of the color-line"
, and also sought to
find a solution to "the relation of the darker to the lighter races of men"
, which implied the
black person's equal inclusion in society. Soon, Du Bois and other black leaders found
supporters for their theories which they wanted to apply to the real world.
"The Charters of Freedom: Constitution of the United States Amendments: 11-27," National Archives
<>. 7.9.2011.
Madison Grant, The Passing of the Great Race: or The Racial Basis of European History (New York: Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1916) 84.
W. E. B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk (New York: Dover, 1994) 9.
Du Bois, Souls, 9.
Despite their efforts, black activists throughout the early 20
century were not able to
achieve full equality and fair treatment in society. However, they gained a new way of
thinking that resulted in the formation of the `New Negro'. This term, in essence, designates a
new way of thinking in the black community. Its members were neither satisfied with, nor
accepted their inferior position in society and were willing to fight for their rights. Phenomena
that paradoxically had a positive impact on the black community as a whole, and especially
on the New Negro, were the actions undertaken by African Americans all over the United
States in response to D.W. Griffith's racist 1915 silent movie The Birth of a Nation.
Silent movies prior to The Birth of a Nation were not considered to be of cultural val-
ue. One of the movie's financiers, Roy Aitken, claimed that "the only enthusiasts for the new
form of entertainment were working men and their families who patronized the poorly
ventilated nickelodeons or the equally musty second-rate theatres."
In addition, Joseph
Henabery who played President Abraham Lincoln in the movie, "found it hard to believe that
the movies could really be considered entertainment."
Reading these comments, the recogni-
tion of movies as an art form, or their being considered an educational or entertaining device
for all social classes, seemed quite impossible during the early 20
century. The Birth of a
Nation, however, managed to break free of this negative reputation.
Newspaper commentaries amply demonstrate this change in attitude regarding silent
movies at this time. For example, the editor of The Atlanta Constitution, Lindsey Hopkins,
stated that she had seen the film eight times and would not have minded seeing it again, since
"[i]t is history, filled with exact truth, and is artistic to a degree that no one would have
thought possible."
These responses to the movie can be seen in newspapers throughout the
United States at the time and thus confirm that The Birth of a Nation represented a milestone
in film history.
In spite of the many new features it offered to the film world, the movie portrayed the
African Americans in such a bad light that the black community felt the film "was not only an
insult to the colored race but was an incentive to race hatred and to lawlessness."
African Americans did not accept these clichéd depictions of their community and soon began
to plan several activities, aimed at suppressing the movie nationwide, which significantly
impacted the black community. It is the aim of this paper to prove that these activities
undertaken by African Americans and their supporters in the early 20
century against The
Roy E. Aitken and Al P. Nelson, The Birth of a Nation Story (Middleburg, Va.: Denlinger, 1965) 32.
Cf. Kevin Brownlow, The Parade's Gone By ... (New York: Knopf, 1968) 43.
Lindsey Hopkins, "Indorses "Birth of a Nation."," The Atlanta Constitution (18 October 1915) 4.
""Birth of a Nation" causes Near-Riot: Alleged Plot to Destroy Film Results in Scenes and 11 Arrests," Boston
Daily Globe (18 April 1915) 1.
Birth of a Nation influenced and shaped the black community as a whole, but especially the
notion of the New Negro, both politically and culturally.
This topic is of importance to the discipline of American studies for a number of rea-
sons. In 1988, John O'Connor claimed that scholars should "appreciate both history in images
and images in history"
; he asked historians not to dismiss movies as a mere form of enter-
tainment but to consider them as a device worthy of scholarly analysis, since they are capable
of revealing new, historical information. This paper agrees with O'Connor's argument. By
examining The Birth of a Nation, and the cultural milieu it was engendered in, we gain an
insight into racism during this period, and the cultural and political transformation of African
Americans is revealed.
In addition to this insight, this paper allows a shift in focus from the popular art and
propaganda debates regarding The Birth of a Nation to look solely at the influence the movie
had on the black community. Up until now, many scholars, like John Hope Franklin, correctly
claimed that the movie and its artistic possibilities were used with propagandistic intention to
encourage sympathy for the southern people, and for the notions of white supremacy and
black inferiority.
Frequently, however, the role of the African American protestors was
either left out completely, or was insufficiently addressed.
Evidently, some scholars have summarized the protests. Melvyn Stokes, for example,
portrays the activities undertaken by the movie's opponents in the United States in his
D.W.Griffith's The Birth of a Nation. Others, like Paul Polgar in his article Fighting Lightning
with Fire: Black Boston's Battle against "The Birth of a Nation", have focused on protests in
one particular place. These scholars, however, have not linked these actions undertaken by the
black community to the concept of the New Negro, nor to the extent to which these actions
reflect, and influenced, this new attitude among African Americans. By considering these
protests from a different angle, valuable insights into the historical and cultural spheres of the
United States can be gained.
In order to support this paper's thesis, the theories of African American thinkers who
reflect the New Negro attitude, such as Alain Locke and W. E. B. Du Bois, will be discussed.
Following this, the extent to which their aims and characteristics were more widely accepted
and adopted by the black community, with the help of the activities undertaken against The
Birth of a Nation, will be analyzed. In particular, newspaper articles of from time are useful in
understanding the influence the movie had on the New Negro.
Cf. John E. O'Connor, "History in Images/Images in History: Reflections on the Importance of Film and
Television Study for an Understanding of the Past," The American Historical Review 93:5 (1988) 1209.
Cf. John Hope Franklin,""Birth of a Nation": Propaganda as History," The Massachusetts Review 20:3 (1979)
The paper will be split into three parts. Before addressing the black community's ac-
tions against the movie, the overall situation of African Americans during the early 1900s will
be briefly discussed in the first chapter of this paper. Throughout this discussion the legal,
violent and cultural forms of racism they were exposed to will become apparent. This infor-
mation will provide the reader with an idea of the social environment African Americans were
faced with, and which influenced the creation of the New Negro. Additionally, in this part of
the paper, the movie The Birth of a Nation will be shortly summarized, whilst information
about its director D.W.Griffith, Thomas Dixon Jr., the author of the book The Clansman the
movie is based on and the movie's negative portrayal of African Americans, will be provided.
The second chapter will firstly define the term `New Negro', before briefly comparing
it to the concept of the `Old Negro'. Moreover, the catalyst for the creation of the new
consciousness will be discussed. However, the second chapter will mostly concentrate on the
film's political influence on the black community in the USA, as well as on the extent to
which this reflects and affected the New Negro's political behavior. Following this, the
increase in the unification and organization of African Americans will be analyzed. Black
organizations, such as the National Organizations for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP), female organizations, and mass meetings will be discussed. In addition, militant
actions undertaken by the black community will be examined. The major focus will be on
addressing censors and local authorities.
The final part of this thesis will concentrate on the cultural influence The Birth of a
Nation had on the black community, especially on the black film industry. The activity of
fighting the film using its own medium, by creating a movie that contradicts Griffith's
stereotypes of the African American, helped to portray the black community in a new light.
The first attempts of fighting film with film, with the movies Lincoln's Dream and The Birth
of a Race, will be discussed. In addition, Oscar Micheaux's Within Our Gates will be more
closely examined, proving that, through the inspiration provided by The Birth of a Nation,
Micheaux challenged old stereotypes of African Americans and replaced these with the idea
of the New Negro.
Primary sources used to complete this work include newspaper articles from around
the United States, as well as the African American newspaper The Crisis, works of repre-
sentatives of the New Negro, like W. E. B. Du Bois and Alain Locke, the movie The Birth of
a Nation, Dixon's novels The Clansman and The Leopard's Spots, sources presenting the
history of the African American in the United States, information on the movie provided by
the Aitken brothers, and interviews and statistics.
Secondary sources used consist of books and journal entries dealing with The Birth of
a Nation as a film, and the individuals involved in its production, such as D.W. Griffith and
Thomas Dixon, various African American organizations, the New Negro and the Ku Klux
2. The Nadir
"[T]he Veil [between white and colored people].
It drops as drops the night on southern seas
vast, sudden, unanswering.
There is Hate behind it,
and Cruelty and Tears."
W. E. B. Du Bois
In order to understand the main reasons for the outrage inspired by, and resulting pro-
tests against, The Birth of a Nation, it is indispensable not only to focus on the actions
directed against the movie itself, but also to examine the social environment African Ameri-
cans were surrounded by in the United States during the time the movie was presented to a
broad audience. In light of the discriminatory situations the black community was exposed to,
it is not surprising that they longed for a change they achieved by creating and realizing the
idea of the New Negro, an idea that was influenced and shaped by the reactions against
Griffith's movie.
For the most part, the black historian and professor Rayford W. Logan was right in
claiming that the period following Reconstruction, up until the early 20
century, reflects a
nadir, a figurative low point in the existence of African Americans.
In the words of the
human rights advocate Stetson Kennedy, the black community was degraded to a "second-
class citizenship" since the United States represented "a white man's country".
arguments can be affirmed by taking a closer look at the legal, violent and cultural forms of
racial discrimination the black community of the United States had to face during this time.
2.1. Legal Discrimination
In 1863 the president of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, signed the
Emancipation Proclamation, which ensured that "all persons held as slaves within any State
shall be thenceforward, and forever free [and won't be] repress[ed]."
As a result of this
historic document, in conjunction with the passage of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amend-
ments of the American Constitution that were mentioned in the introduction, all citizens of the
United States, including African Americans, were promised equal treatment in all spheres of
life. This fact, however, met with strong disapproval from many white citizens. They created
W. E. B. Du Bois, Dark Water: Voices from Within the Veil (Mineola, N.Y: Dover Publications, 1999) 143.
Rayford W. Logan, The Negro in the United States: A Brief History (Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand, 1957) 101-
Stetson Kennedy, Jim Crow Guide to the U.S.A.: The Laws, Customs and Etiquette Governing the Conduct of
Nonwhites and other Minorities as Second-Class Citizens ( Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1973) 7.
Logan, 106.
various discriminatory laws to continue the oppression of blacks, thus preventing them from
escaping their second-class status.
Laws enacted and various customs made to suppress the black community in the Unit-
ed States, known as Jim Crow laws, originated right after the Reconstruction era in 1877 and
lasted until the 1960s.
Their main goals can be divided into two subcategories that were
aimed at maintaining the supremacy of white people in the US. The two categories, disenfran-
chising African Americans and segregating them in almost all spheres of life, including public
places, means of transportation, social institutions and others, legitimized their second-class
status in society and will be analyzed in the following.
The first section of the Fifteenth Amendment promises that "[t]he right [...] to vote
shall not be denied or abridged [...] on account of race, color, or previous condition of
This part of the Constitution guarantees that people of all classes and colors,
including African Americans, ultimately have the political right to vote. This right, however,
was not supported by many white citizens of the US, who instigated several counteractions
that resulted in the disfranchisement of many black people, especially those living in the
Southern states by, 1910.
The main reason for disenfranchising blacks was the threat of their power conservative
whites believed they would be exposed to. As can be seen in Figure 1 (see appendix), African
Americans constituted a majority in several southern states, such as South Carolina, Missis-
sippi and Louisiana, throughout the 1870s and up until 1890. In many other southern states,
blacks accounted for at least 40 per cent of the total population. In light of their soaring
numbers in many southern states, by gaining the right to vote, African Americans had for the
first time in their lives the power to transform the political landscape of the country they
inhabited. Southern democrats felt threatened by this, since they aimed to retain their political
power, which supported the idea of maintaining the African American as a second-class
citizen. The democrats, however, lost the vote of 1884 when the African American communi-
ty supported, and voted, for the Republican Party in large numbers.
The democrats, of course, wanted to regain their power and achieved this aim by pre-
venting African Americans from voting, mainly with the help of constitutional means. These
lawful actions included the creation of a poll tax, which many blacks couldn't afford, and the
institution of a literacy test, since many blacks could not read or write as a large number had
Cf. David Pilgrim, "Who Was Jim Crow?," Ferris State University (2000)
<>. 14.10.2011.
Logan, 114.
Logan, 59.
Cf. Kenneth C. Barnes, Who Killed John Clayton? Political Violence and the Emergence of the New South,
1861-1893 ( Durham: Duke University Press, 1998) 3.
not received any education during slavery. Moreover, voter registrations and the grandfather
clause, which granted veterans and their descendents the right to vote in the case that those
veterans had been allowed to do so prior to 1866, were introduced.
Since most of the
former slaves had not been allowed to vote prior to 1866, nor were their descendents. As a
consequence, democrats achieved their aim of depredating the blacks of their voting rights.
Also accepted by law were the discriminations blacks faced in their social environ-
ment, for example, in public institutions. This second-class treatment received by African
Americans, best-known as `separate but equal', was first mentioned in the US Supreme Court
decision Plessy v. Ferguson of 1896. In this case, it was questioned whether it is unlawful to
"require[e] railway companies carrying passengers in their coaches [...], to provide equal, but
separate, accommodations for the white and colored races."
The court decided that this
undertaking was lawful and thus paved the road for future areas of legal segregation.
The places where segregation took place were countless. The list of Jim Crow laws
that were a part of the colored person's daily life is too long and would demand more space
than this paper offers. It can, however, be shortly summarized that African Americans were
segregated in almost every public place. They were, for example, not allowed to enter public
swimming places, had to attend segregated schools, churches, neighborhoods, restaurants,
parks, places of amusement, such as theaters, and were designated separate areas in public
means of transportation, among other things.
In case African Americans violated one of
these Jim Crow laws, they had to face insults and were mostly refused any service.
Besides being segregated physically, African Americans and whites were also separat-
ed emotionally. In various states of the US, two people from different races were not allowed
to be engaged in a relationship. This fact was even forbidden by law. As a human rights
activist stated, "in 29 states of the U.S.A. it is against the law for persons of different race to
make love, marry, or have children."
If any of these regulations were violated, severe
consequences for both partners involved, such as imprisonment for up to ten years, a fine, the
loss of a child and the denial of marriage could be the result.
Cf. Brownlow, 90.
"Grandfather Clause," West's Encyclopedia of American Law (2005)
<>. 20.9.2011.
"Plessy v. Ferguson," US Supreme Court Center (1896)
<>. 18.10.2011.
Plessy v. Ferguson.
Kennedy, 193-196.
Walter White, "The Paradox of Color," The New Negro: Voices of the Harlem Renaissance Ed. Alain LeRoy
Locke (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1997) 362.
Kennedy, 58.
Ibid. 58.
In general, many states of the United States executed Jim Crow laws that legalized the
segregation of African Americans and thus rendered them second-class citizens, in legal
2.2. Violent Discrimination
Following Reconstruction, African Americans were not only exposed to threats and
fraud, but had to face violent assaults which were usually conducted by mobs that either acted
on their own racially-prejudiced convictions, or on behalf of racist groups, such as the Ku
Klux Klan.
These groups were usually against the equality of colored people and aimed at
keeping them poor and reliant, since many conservative white people saw them as a threat to
their traditional values and their society, which they were convinced, would be destroyed if
blacks received equal rights.
The most drastic form of violence used against African Americans was murder, often
in the form of lynching. This usually involved a mob killing a black person, mostly by
burning or hanging the victim, and justifying this action by claiming that the African Ameri-
can was guilty of a harsh crime, such as murder or other, lesser offenses.
however, African Americans were not lynched for any crimes they had committed but, as the
black leader W. E. B. Du Bois claimed, it actually "was blackness that was condemned and
not crime."
As can be seen in Figure 2, pictures were taken of the victims surrounded by a
large white crowd, who seem to celebrate the occasion. These public executions were con-
ducted on purpose in order to intimidate the colored community.
The NAACP has engaged with the topic of lynching and compiled valuable statistics
about this violent discrimination in the early 20
century. First of all, it must be stated that not
only black people, but also white individuals were victims of lynching. However, their
numbers are much smaller than the number of African Americans lynched. This becomes
obvious in Figure 3 (created by the NAACP) which depicts the numbers of white and black
people lynched in the US between 1889 and 1918. The number of white people lynched is
always significantly smaller than those victims of African decent.
Even though the numbers slowly decreased in the early 1900s, an average of 50 black
people were lynched every year throughout the 1910s. This means that by the time The Birth
of a Nation was released in 1915, lynching was still a part of the daily lives of Americans,
W.D. Weatherford, "Killing and Lying," The Crisis (June 1916) 72.
Cf. William Loren Katz, The Invisible Empire: The Ku Klux Klan Impact on History (Washington, DC: Open
Hand Pub, 1986) 19, 29-30.
Weatherford, 72.
Du Bois, Dark Water, 20.
especially for those living in the South, since most of this type of crime took place in that part
of the United States (see Figure 4). The majority of the US states, however, have been
involved in lynchings, specifically intended to remind African Americans of their lower status
in society, a status which they were not supposed to break free of.
2.3. Cultural Discrimination
"Whoever controls the film industry controls the most
powerful medium of influence over the public."
Thomas Edison
The cultural environment surrounding African Americans was most likely partly re-
sponsible for the legal and violent forms of racism that were analyzed earlier. Its negative and
stereotypical portrayal of colored people resulted in the justification for suppressing these
second-class citizens legally and violently. With the emergence of silent movies in the early
century, these stereotypes could be visually portrayed in a much more effective way than
any caricature or book description was able to achieve. The Birth of a Nation portrays just
such a negative picture of the African American. Before discussing the movie's degrading
portrayal of black people, it is necessary to be informed about the creators of the movie and
the reasons for its wide success. Both men had many similarities, which most likely resulted
in their positive collaboration regarding the movie. Moreover, the main reasons for the film's
wide popularity will be discussed. The following plot summary of the film will shed light on
the negative portrayal of the colored citizens.
David Wark Griffith, born in 1875, and Thomas Dixon Jr., born in 1864, had many
experiences and attitudes in common which greatly contributed to their collaboration on The
Birth of a Nation. Both shared a similar past, since both had grown up in the southern part of
the United States, Griffith in the border state of Kentucky, and Dixon in North Carolina
during a time when the aftermath of the Civil War and the influence of Reconstruction could
be felt.
Like other southerners, the families of both men were exposed to poverty, owned
slaves which they lost during Reconstruction and were supporters, and even fought on the
side, of the confederacy during the Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865.
These similar backgrounds led to a shared belief in the Southern Lost Cause. This
belief saw southerners distorting history in order to claim that their role in the Civil War, and
Cf. Peter Noble, The Negro in Films (New York: Arno Press, 1970) 9.
Cf. Melvyn Stokes, D. W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation: A History of "the Most Controversial Motion
Picture of All Time" (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2007) 27, 55.
Ibid. 29, 57.
during Reconstruction, was presented wrongly and that they fought for a worthy and righteous
cause, thus finding a justification for some of their controversial actions, such as the approval
and support of slavery and the institution of the Ku Klux Klan.
This belief became apparent
in several statements made by both men when talking about The Birth of a Nation. Dixon, for
example, stated that he wrote the book the film is mainly based on, The Clansman, and
supported shooting the movie since "it expresses the passionate faith of the entire white
population of the South" that was until then, in his opinion, portrayed wrongly.
Griffith was
also convinced that the South had been portrayed in the wrong light. He claimed that "[t]he
real story of the Reconstruction Era has never been filmed".
Griffith, thus influenced by his
past, wanted to tell "the truth about the South, touched by its eternal romance which I had
learned to know so well."
Like Dixon, he was not only convinced that the South's beauty was not portrayed cor-
rectly but that the history of the whole Civil War, Reconstruction Era and especially the role
of the Ku Klux Klan during these times was misinterpreted. For example, Griffith was
convinced that the Klan had been the South's savior during the war and Reconstruction.
Dixon's conviction concerning this matter becomes especially apparent in his Reconstruction
Trilogy, consisting of The Leopard's Spots, The Clansman and The Traitor. In the very last
line of The Clansman, he claims that owing to the Ku Klux Klan, "Civilization has been
saved, and the South redeemed from shame."
Examples like this of the Southern Lost Cause
permeate the entire movie.
Furthermore, both men liked to articulate their similar opinions by sharing affection
for writing. Besides his career as an author, Dixon was, amongst other things, a student of
politics together with Woodrow Wilson, a lawyer, a minister and an actor; however, he was
extremely angered by the portrayal of Southerners in general and thus was highly ambitious
about portraying southern history the `right' way in his Reconstruction trilogy.
Griffith, as
well, liked to act and write with the aim of convincing the audience with regard to the correct
history of the Civil War and Reconstruction. For example, he acted in Dixon's The Clansman
and wrote and directed movies that were concerned with the South. Following this, he was
Cf. Gary W. Gallagher, "Introduction," The Myth of the Lost Cuse and Civil War History Eds. Gary W.
Gallagher, Alan T. Nolan. Bloomington (Ind: Indiana Univ. Press, 2001) 1.
Cf. Fred Silva, Focus on The Birth of a Nation ( Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall, 971) 91.
Aitken, 25.
Cf. Silva, 57.
Aitken , 25.
Thomas Dixon Jr., The Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan (Lexington: The University
Press of Kentucky, 1970) 374.
Cf. Stokes, 27, 32, 35.
involved in the production of eleven movies concerned with the Civil War era, prior to the
making of The Birth of a Nation.
The collaboration of these two similar men regarding their attitude to the Civil War
and Reconstruction resulted in the creation of the most popular silent movie of its time, which
owes its popularity to three influential factors. Until The Birth of Nation was produced,
movies were usually short, mostly consisting of only one reel, inexpensive, played in cheap
movie theaters known as nickelodeons, and were mostly viewed by the working class.
With the release of The Birth of a Nation, the negative perception of movies began to
change, due in large parts to its various innovations. It was not only the first movie to be
twelve reels long, which accounts for about three hours, but its production costs of $100,000
were, moreover, the highest ever dealt with in the movie industry. Furthermore, the admission
charge, which was usually below $1 and only accounted for some cents, only amounted up to
$2 for this production.
The Birth of a Nation, thus, was the longest and most expensive
silent movie made at that time. Four main factors were responsible for waking the desire in
US citizens of all social classes to watch such a long and expensive movie.
First of all, technical innovations not many people had experimented with before were
used by Griffith and thus enhanced the popularity of the movie. For example, he often
changed camera angles and used close ups. Moreover, Griffith was one of the first movie
directors to play with light and dark, and one of the first producers to perform night shots with
the help of "a secret new process."
In addition, newspapers advertised that new devices were
used to project the movie and that optical experts were hired to guarantee a perfect view of the
The orchestra that was present during almost every show in the US's big cities was
also a positive innovation. It consisted of almost forty people who accompanied the movie
scene by scene and thus created a more realistic feeling. This effect was described by a
Boston newspaper, which stated that the music "express[es] the spirit of the martial or
romantic tunes."
Advertisement in general contributed to the movie's popularity. The siblings Roy and
Harry Aitken who produced the Birth of a Nation were "among the first [to see the movie
industry] as a profit-making enterprise."
And, in order to make a profit, the product to be
Ibid. 65-68.
Cf. Stokes, 4.
Ibid. 3.
"Stars and Stories of the Film World: Farewell Appearance here of Griffith's Spectacle "The Birth of a
Nation"," The Atlanta Constitution (19 March 1919) 2.
"Motion Picture Art.: Latest Scientific Devices Used in Projecting "The Birth of a Nation" on the Screen,"
Boston Daily Globe (5 April 1915) 13.
"Attractions at the Theaters: "The Birth of a Nation" Pictures at the Tremont," Boston Globe (2 May 1915) 58.
Aitken, 12.
sold needs to be advertised. It comes as no surprise that the Aitken brothers were owners of
the first film company that bought large advertising space in newspapers, filling whole
Figure 5 presents a typical advertisement for The Birth of a Nation, taken from the
Boston Daily Globe in 1915, the like of which could be traced in many national newspapers
following the movie's release. This large ad is intended to convince its readers to watch the
movie by providing several pieces of information, such as the high number of people and
horses involved in shooting it, the production cost, the presence of an orchestra and, probably
most effective, statements of known personalities that had watched the film. The Boston
governor Walsh, for example, stated that the movie would "correct bitter notions of Civil War
and Reconstruction times."
Another viewer, Mayor-General John F. O'Ryan of New York,
claimed that the film is "[h]istorically and educationally [...] a most wonderful achieve-
Other advertisements even functioned as teasers by depicting some scenes, such as
the battlefield, Abraham Lincoln or the Ku Klux Klan riders from the movie (see Figure 6).
In addition, President Woodrow Wilson's reaction to the movie was also partially re-
sponsible for its popularity. Dixon and Wilson were fellow students at Johns Hopkins
University and thus it comes as no surprise that, as a favor to his friend Dixon, the president,
fifteen senators, his cabinet and representatives were asserted to have watched and approved
the movie on February 18
It is also often argued that Wilson, after seeing the
movie, said "It is like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all so
terribly true."
It is not clear if he ever made this statement. However, by using the real or
fictitious approval of the president in newspapers as means of publicity, Dixon and Griffith
most probably assured a curiosity regarding the movie in the general public.
The final factor that resulted in the movie's great popularity was its educational value.
With the help of the film, Griffith wanted to please "[t]he foremost educators [...][who] have
urged upon moving-picture producers to put away [...] the imitation of the fiction of the
cheap magazines and go into the field of history of our subjects."
Being mainly based on
Thomas Dixon Jr.'s The Clansman and The Leopard's Spots, The Birth of a Nation focuses on
the historical and educational themes of the Civil War and the Reconstruction era. Its authen-
ticity is increased with the help of blended-in newspaper articles dealing with topics such as
Aitken, 42.
"Display Ad The Birth of a Nation," Boston Daily Globe (11 April 1915) 59.
Cf. Stokes, 32.
"Censors to Pass on it," Boston Daily Globe (8 April 1915) 9.
Cf. Franklin, 425.
Cf. Silva, 59.
secession, and texts that refer to sources like the excerpts from President Woodrow Wilson's
History of the American People, or further historical facsimiles, exact copies of an original
In consideration of these themes and their believable depiction in the movie, The
Birth of a Nation is considered to be "the first time in art production that history in the large
has been presented in living pictures" and should consequently be satisfactory to the demands
of the educators.
Indeed, the film greatly influenced its white viewers, who considered it to be of high
educational value. This becomes apparent when considering the high numbers of school
teachers who wanted their students to watch the movie. In New York, for example, the heads
of eleven schools wanted to take their students to see The Birth of a Nation at the Liberty
In Atlanta, about 600 school children were lined up at the ticket counter hoping to
get hold of the much desired seats (see Figure 7). Furthermore, in Texas, history students
were asked to participate in an essay contest with the theme "Why Every Student of American
History should see `The Birth of a Nation'."
In light of these examples, it becomes obvious
that the movie not only entertained Americans in an innovative way but was also considered
to represent and to be capable of educating people about true historical events, even though
several incidents were portrayed in an incorrect way, especially the role of the African
In consideration of the advancements this movie offered to the film industry, the ques-
tion arises why especially black US citizens did not celebrate this cinematic innovation but
instead thought it to be discriminatory and historically inaccurate. Thus, in order to under-
stand the agitation of the colored citizens, the content of The Birth of a Nation needs to be
analyzed. In doing so, it will become apparent that the film is negrophobic, which means that
it displays a fear and dislike of black people enjoying equal rights.
The first part of the movie is concerned with the Civil War, which lasted from 1961 until
1965, and it then changes focus to the following Reconstruction era, which ended in 1877.
These time periods are depicted with the help of two families, the Camerons and the Stone-
mans. The Camerons, consisting of Mrs. and Dr. Cameron and the children Colonel Ben,
Margaret, Wade, Duke and Flora, live in the South, whereas the Stonemans, consisting of
Austin Stoneman, a parliamentary leader and father of Tod, Elsie and Phil, hail from the
David Wark Griffith, The Birth of a Nation: Adapted from Thomas Dixons Novel (London: Eureka Video,
2002) 00:15:50; 1:28:34; 1:20:50.
"At the Local Theaters this Week: "The Birth of a Nation"," The Atlanta Constitution (12 December 1915) B4.
"Why "The Birth of a Nation" is Shown: Tremendous Volume of Praise completely Drowns out Antiphony of
a few Opponents," Boston Daily Globe (9 April 1915) 15.
"Why History Students Should See "The Birth of a Nation"," Fort Worth Star-Telegram (20 March 1919) 6.
northern part of the US. The movie begins by portraying the antebellum time in the South, the
period prior to the Civil War. The life in Piedmont, South Carolina seems very idyllic and free
of any problems. The Cameron siblings tease and play, and even cats and dogs get along
During a visit from Tod, Duke and Phil Stoneman, together with the Cameron siblings,
they stroll over cotton fields which are maintained by black slaves.
The black people
depicted seem friendly, nice and satisfied with their work. After a while, they meet a crowd of
black people on their two hour break from work who are joyous, dance and appear to be
These first scenes of African Americans clearly demonstrate their inferior position,
with which, however, they seem to be satisfied. What is degrading is the way they are
depicted during the above-mentioned dancing scene. Most of them do not stand straight but
move monkey-like and dance in a silly way, which makes them appear mentally disabled. By
depicting the black slaves in this manner, Griffith implicitly justifies their inferior status in
society, and, by the same token, the white people's superiority.
The film then changes focus to the outbreak of the Civil War, the main cause of which
is not presented as the institution of slavery, created by white men, but as African Americans.
This becomes obvious in the sentence that is depicted on the movie screen during its first
minute. It reads that "[t]he bringing of the African to America planted the first seed of
The disunion then climaxes with Lincoln's signing of the Emancipation Procla-
mation, which, as mentioned in section 2.1, outlawed slavery. As a result, secession takes
place and 75.000 volunteers are called for. The Stoneman brothers fight for the Union army,
whereas the Cameron siblings support the opposing Confederacy. Over the course of the war,
two Cameron brothers and one Stoneman brother are killed.
The movie then depicts the worsening situation of the Piedmont inhabitants. Poverty
deepens and a thieving and violent black guerrilla invades the city. In this racist depiction,
with the help of their wild gestures and their unscrupulous behaviour, blacks are reminiscent
of beasts. This portrayal represents one point of the southern lost cause which supports
slavery. Without this institution, blacks only cause trouble, behave rudely and lack any
respect or remorse. In the end, only the heroic white confederacy is able to stop them.
Shortly after this incident in South Carolina, the Union wins the war and Ben Camer-
on, (also referred to as "the little Colonel"), who was wounded during a battle, is transported
into a hospital where Elsie Stoneman is volunteering as a nurse. As Mrs. Cameron arrives, she
Griffith, 00:5:10.
Ibid. 00:12:24.
Ibid. 00:14:17.
Ibid. 00:1:43.
learns that her son is supposed to be hanged as a guerrilla. In order to prevent this from
happening, Elsie encourages her to appeal to the president, who repeals the death sentence.
Ben Cameron, who has fallen in love with Elsie, then returns to his southern home, along with
his mother.
Meanwhile, radical northerners, including Austin Stoneman, speak out against Lin-
coln's mildness towards the south. Stoneman demands that the south's "leaders must be
hanged and their states treated as conquered provinces."
The figure Stoneman is supposed to
represent Thaddeus Stevens, a radical republican during the Civil War and Reconstruction era
who supported "abolition, the arming of black troops, equal rights, and black suffrage."
was known for always speaking out, in a rather snappy tone, about what was on his mind and
was thus often seen as "truculent, vindictive, and cynical."
In consequence, people used to
have prejudices against Stevens, such as Lillian Gish, the actress who plays Elsie Stoneman
who thought that Stevens' southern policy destroyed Abraham Lincoln's post-war aims.
movie thus not only distorts the picture of African Americans but also radicalizes the picture
of their supporters. Most white people in the movie are depicted as average persons, whereas
Stoneman's character, a supporter of African Americans, looks grim, gestures wildly and is
unfriendly. According to Dixon and Griffith, Stoneman's character, however, only becomes
this cold due to the influence his mulatto housemaid, Lydia Brown has over him. In The
Clansman, people even gossip about the fact that she dominates "the old Commoner and his
Thus, the movie informs its audience once again that handing black people too much
power will result in harm.
The movie continues by depicting Lincoln's assassination in the theater in 1865 by
John Wilkes Booth, which is witnessed by Phil and Elsie.
With this incident, the second and
main part of the movie, the Reconstruction era, begins. Following this, "[t]he Executive
Mansion of the nation has shifted from the White House to this strange house on the Capitol
Hill", Stoneman's home, whose new closest colleague is "Silas Lynch, mulatto leader of the
Lynch, along with Lydia Brown, looks like the African Americans depicted during
the black guerrilla scene. They have a grim facial expression, are power-seeking, unscrupu-
lous, and, as will be seen later, try to achieve their aims by every means possible. Moreover,
Griffith, 1:18:32.
Cf. Tyler Anbinder, "Old Thad Stevens: A Story of Frustrated Ambition," Reviews in American History 26:3
(1998) <>.
. 546.
Cf. Silva, 43.
Dixon, The Clansman, 58.
Griffith, 1:25:26.
Ibid. 1:29:09; 1:29:48.
their strangeness is intensified with the use of blackface. In the movie, hardly any African
American actors were used. Instead, white actors were painted to imitate blacks, as it was the
trend in the popular minstrel shows of that time.
This makes the actors portraying blacks in
film appear unreal.
Soon after the beginning of the Reconstruction era, the southern black community
gains more power, which is the result of the actions undertaken by Stoneman and Lynch.
Stoneman orders Lynch to go to Piedmont to help the carpetbaggers, people who left the
North to find more political success in the South, gain the power of the black vote.
addition, the Freedman's Bureau for freed ex-slaves that provided all kinds of supplies to the
African American population is established. Stoneman soon follows and stays at the Camer-
ons' house, acting upon the advice of his physician, who claims that the mild climate will help
cure his illness.
Dixon and Griffith attempt to convince the viewer that this generosity, and
the new freedom of African Americans, will only lead to trouble. According to Stoneman, the
only aim of the blacks is to "crush the white South under the heel of the black South."
aim is soon achieved by the control that is gained of the State House of Representatives, the
passage of a bill that allows the intermarriage of white and black people and the right to vote
for colored people, whilst at the same time, most white people are disenfranchised. During a
legislative session, blacks are depicted as being entirely without manners; they drink, eat
chicken, talk and put their bare feet on the table.
At this, African Americans are demonstrat-
ed in a primitive and uncivilized way. Again, The Birth of a Nation discriminates against
black people through these depictions, justifying white people's supremacy by implying that
freed blacks do not make reasonable decisions.
To curtail this perceived threat posed by African Americans, Ben Cameron, inspired
by children playing with a bed-sheet, decides to form the Ku Klux Klan, "the organization
that saved the South from the anarchy of black rule."
The importance of the group is also
emphasized in newspaper advertisements for the movie. Some ads depict the disguised
clansmen riding on their horses and wearing crosses around their necks, which stand for
Christian values. The movie claims that these robes were made by loyal southern women who
supported the protective group.
Cf. Noble, 14.
Griffith, 1:33:20.
Ibid. 1:36:58.
Ibid. 2:01:06.
Ibid. 1:54:39.
Ibid. 1:59:09.
Griffith, 2:03:58.
- Pages
- Type of Edition
- Erstausgabe
- Publication Year
- 2013
- 9783954896516
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9783954891511
- File size
- 3.7 MB
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2014 (February)
- Keywords
- The Birth of a Nation New Negro Harlem Renaissance David Wark Griffith Thomas Dixon
- Product Safety
- Anchor Academic Publishing