
Hydrocarbon Exploration Using Unconventional Interpretation Techniques: Reflection Seismology

©2015 Textbook 116 Pages


Technology has been predicted as the last card in combating the ever increasing demand of our commodity; oil and gas. Since the core technique used in exploring for Oil and Gas is the Reflection Seismology; then, modern approach to Seismic data acquisitions and interpretation is of prime essence. A powerful, unconventional Interpretation tool; Spectral decomposition, has been used to visualize (in 3 – D) a thin sandstone reservoir in “X – Field” Niger Delta, Nigeria. The study aimed at mapping thin sandstone beds which have been considered sub seismic or un-mapable using conventional interpretation methods. The suite of Well log data and seismic data were acquired and qualitatively and quantitatively interpreted using RocDok and OpendTect software. The identified thin beds were delineated perfectly using the spectral decomposition tool which was portrayed through amplitude variations. However, new hydrocarbon prospects were identified through similarities of amplitude signature.


Table Of Contents


Type of Edition
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
File size
16.3 MB
Publication date
2015 (February)
B. Tech
application visualization nigeria Spectral Decomposition Seismic Attributes Niger Delta Sandstone Reservoir


Adeolu O. Aderoju is a young and vibrant Geophysicist with his core professional interest in Exploration Geophysics, and more specifically Reflection Seismology. He earned his Bachelor in Applied Geophysics from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria, where he had an outstanding service record of Student Leadership which earned him an Award of Excellence (an International Award) from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG). He has had the privilege of carrying out exploration works on nearly all the geologic terrains in Nigeria and a few other international fields. He presently works as a Geophysicist at Geoterrain Nigeria Limited – a geosciences firm with its base in Nigeria. He is also a writer and a blogger.

Title: Hydrocarbon Exploration Using Unconventional Interpretation Techniques: Reflection Seismology
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116 pages