
New ways of personnel marketing and recruitment

New ways of personnel marketing and recruitment

©2015 Abstract 22 Pages


This Assignment “New ways of personnel marketing and recruitment” was created in the first semester “human resource management” module to obtain the „Master of Business Admin-istration“ and gives an overview about the different methods of personal marketing and the recruitment of external personal with a special focus on employer branding and social media. This document first introduces the theoretical basis, it refers to real examples, and it gives a summarising statement, recommendations for improvement and an outlook of the future development in personal marketing and recruitment. The understanding of “new ways” is characterised by the techniques carried out via internet and smartphones and there development in the recent years, which is recognised as web 2.0 and social media.


Table Of Contents

Jörn, Axel: New ways of personnel marketing and recruitment: New ways of personnel
marketing and recruitment, Hamburg,
Anchor Academic Publishing 2015
PDF-eBook-ISBN: 978-3-95489-900-5
Druck/Herstellung: Anchor Academic Publishing, Hamburg, 2015
Additionally: FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management gemeinnützige Gesellschaft
mbH, Essen, Deutschland,2015
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Contents ... I
List of figures ...II
List of abbreviations...II
Introduction ... 1
Task of assignment ... 1
Basic information ... 1
Theoretical basics of personal marketing and recruitment ... 1
Theory of personal marketing and employer branding... 1
Theory of employer branding ... 2
Function and importance of employer branding ... 3
Theory of Recruitment ... 4
Social media ... 5
Real examples of creative and new ways of employer branding... 6
Real examples of creative and new ways of recruitment ... 10
Discussion ... 13
Trend in employer branding and recruiting in social media ... 13
Recommendation for a sustainable social media strategy ... 15
List of references ...
List of internet references ...

List of figures
Figure 1: Difference between personal marketing and employer branding/brand ... 2
Figure 2: Function and sphere of action of employer brand... 3
Figure 3: VBZ dramatic advertisement politicians ... 9
Figure 4: VBZ dramatic advertisement royals ... 9
Figure 5: Volkswagen hidden job ad ... 11
List of abbreviations
Public Relations
Social Intelligence Corporation

Task of assignment
This Assignment "New ways of personnel marketing and recruitment" was created in the first
semester "human resource management" module to obtain the ,,Master of Business Admin-
istration" and gives an overview about the different methods of personal marketing and the
recruitment of external personal with a special focus on employer branding and social media.
This document first introduces the theoretical basis, it refers to real examples, and it gives a
summarising statement, recommendations for improvement and an outlook of the future de-
velopment in personal marketing and recruitment. The understanding of "new ways" is char-
acterised by the techniques carried out via internet and smartphones and there development in
the recent years, which is recognised as web 2.0 and social media.
Basic information
Today we face several circumstances like demographical change, retiring "baby boomer"
generation, increasing complexity in technology, growing demand of specialisation, digitali-
sation, the requirements regarding education and skill of personal etc.
One consequence of
this megatrends is that it became a difficult challenge for companies to find the right personal
for certain positions, so that the pretension of recruiters and personal marketing stuff has
Theoretical basics of personal marketing and recruitment
This section gives a definition and border between personal marketing and Recruitment. First
the assignment pictures the theoretical basis in a more general way. When it comes to the op-
erational methods, the focus is on the "new ways" and the use of social media and online ac-
Theory of personal marketing and employer branding
Personal marketing can be understood as all the activities that different company organisa-
tions (mainly HR, PR) carry out in order to create the conditions to secure qualified and moti-
Rf.: Stotz (2009), page49
Rf.: REC (2014)

vated personal on a long term basis. Personal marketing impacts potential employees and ac-
tive employees. Internal personal marketing is characterised by the positive impacts of the
company's vision, job-rotation, job-enrichment, job-enlargement, personal development, car-
rier programs, social benefits of the company, performance incentives and employer branding.
External personal marketing is achieved through intern positions, placement for bachelor and
master theses, exhibitions, trainee programs, recruiting at universities, in-house recruitment
days and employer branding. The above mentioned recent developments of smart phones and
internet technologies are strongly impacting employer branding.
Theory of employer branding
The concept of "employer branding" is based on the same idea as for the brand leadership in
marketing of products or services.
Employer branding is derived from employer brand. Em-
ployer brand is the fix and distinctive understanding of potential, active or former workforce
of a company as an employee.
Employer branding is the strategic, internal and external posi-
tioning of a company or another institution as an employer brand. Crucial for the employer
branding is a specific or adaptive brand strategy. The objective of employer branding is the
optimisation of the brand, the winning of employees, the commitment of active workforce, the
activation of the company culture and performance culture, the improvement of the company
image and the enhancement of brand value and accordingly the enterprise value.
The follow-
ing graphic was created to illustrate the intersection between personal marketing and employ-
er branding.
Figure 1: Difference between personal marketing and employer branding/brand
Rf.: Stotz (2009), page 6
Rf.: Stotz (2009), page 8
Rf.: Stotz (2009), page 6
Rf.: Stotz (2009), page 8

Function and importance of employer branding
Employees are the key to success due to the increasing complexity, growing challenges from
different forces, Globalisation, shorter innovation and product lifecycles and stronger re-
quirements from the customers and investors. Human resources and brand can bring a com-
petitive advantage since these are the most valuable elements of intellectual capital and ac-
cording to that they make up an enormous part of the company's value.
Employer branding
has not just a positive effect on the HR value stream but also on other areas of the enterprise
and leads through interdependencies to better operational performance. Employer branding
helps to differentiate one employer from its competitors and it enables the creation of prefer-
ence to a dedicated employer. The emotional ties on the active workforce are leading to better
performance, results and higher quality. On the employee side, employer branding enables the
fast integration into of a new position through orientation. The employer brand transports as
well trust and identification which enhances loyalty, quality, prestige, culture and satisfac-
The next figure shows the two main perspectives (employer and employee), their dedi-
cated mean or function (e.g. orientation and differentiation) and the resulting effects.
Figure 2: Function and sphere of action of employer brand
Especially the functions can be influenced and the effects can be communicated by the use of
social media to install or maintain an employer brand in order to be attractive for potential
employees. To finally contract those people, the different variants of recruitment are applica-
ble. Experts are convinced that, in the coming years, companies with a strong employer brand
Rf.: Sponhauer (2010), page 1
Rf.: Stotz (2009), page 33
Rf.: Stotz (2009), page 29

and good concepts of communication are going to have major advantages to secure qualified
and motivated personal compared to those enterprises that don't take care of their employer
brand. Hence an active development of its own employer brand is necessary for companies.
Theory of Recruitment
Recruitment includes those practices and activities carried out with the primary purpose of
identifying and attracting potential employees.
There is internal and external recruitment.
Internal recruitment can be realised with personal movement (job rotation) or without move-
ment (working overtime, job enrichment and job enlargement), intern position, apprentice-
ships and trainee programs, to name only a few.
Once an employer has determined that it
needs to recruit externally, he has distinct approaches (website, agencies, newspaper adver-
tisement, job centre, social networking...) to choose from. The different recruitment tech-
niques are more or less appropriate depending on the circumstances. Most employees com-
bine the different recruitment sources. In the following lines the different sources will be
listed and, if necessary, shortly introduced. Direct applicants are people who apply for a va-
cancy without prompting form the organisation. Referrals are people who are prompted to
apply for a position by someone within the organisation. Public and private employment
agencies are institutions that try to ensure that unemployed individuals come back into em-
ployment by collecting information from the unemployment about their skills and experience.
Colleges and universities have placement services that help their graduates find a position.
Another form of source is the campus interviewing and advertisements in newspapers. Finally
there is electronic recruiting.
There are many ways to employ the Internet for recruiting. The easiest way for an organisa-
tion is to use the organisations web page and solicit applications. For smaller and less known
companies that may not attract any attention to their own websites, there is the possibility to
use the well-known online job markets such as "Agentur für Arbeit", "MeineStadt", "Jobpi-
lot", "LinkedIn", "Monster", "YahooHotJobs", "Jobscout24", "Stepstone" or "CareerBuild-
er". There are as well branch specific (e.g. IT, Engineering, Consulting) job portals. Meta-
search-pages such as "Kimeta", "Jobrobot", "Joboter" scan all the online job marketed pages
plus the organisations carrier sites for job offers and provide an overview of the overall job
Rf.: Stotz (2009), page 49
Rf.: Torrington (2011), page 158
Rf.: Schumacher (2009), page 75 and on


Type of Edition
Publication Year
File size
1.9 MB
Institution / College
The FOM University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg – FOM
Publication date
2015 (March)
marketing employer branding social media
Product Safety
Anchor Academic Publishing

Title: New ways of personnel marketing and recruitment
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22 pages