Teaching as a profession
Viewpoint of the Bangladeshi secondary school teachers
74 Pages
Teachers play an important role in fostering the intellectual and social development of children during their formative years. The education that students acquire is key to determining the future of those students. Secondary school teachers help students investigate more deeply into subjects introduced in primary school and expose them to more information about the world. Secondary school teachers specialize in a specific subject, they also may teach subjects that are career oriented. Additional responsibilities of secondary school Social Science teachers may include career guidance and job placement, as well as following up with students after graduation. Social Science teachers are working in a society loaded with social, environmental and economic problems. So it is very important to know whether Social Science teachers are happy or not in their profession; is they are facing any problem to do their real job; are they making effective citizen for the community and the world. The purpose of this study was to find out the key aspects of Social Science teachers’ profession in Bangladesh and the specialty of teaching Social Science at secondary schools. Understanding the importance of Social Science teachers’ perception for their profession the study tried to investigate their perception about the profession.
Table Of Contents
List of Abbreviations
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Education
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Social Science
Certificate in Education
Master of Arts
Master of Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce
School Based Assessment
Bangladeshi Taka
Master of Education
Master of Science
Master of Social Science
MCEETYA Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth
Micro Soft
Social Cognitive Career Theory
Statistical Package for Social Science
Teaching Quality Improvement
List of Tables
Table 3.1: Study Area
Table 3.2: Sampling Design
Table 4.1: Influence to involve in teaching and Specialty of teaching
Table 4.2: Effective and Taken Measures for Students good result
Table 4.3: Relation with birth place and carrying out responsibilities out of
Table 4.4: Factors of school environment
Table 4.5: Scope of professional development
List of Figures
Figure 2.1: Framework for Professional Standards for Teachings career
dimensions and professional elements
Figure 4.1: Teaching profession is the best profession
Figure 4.2: Factors of teaching profession
Figure 4.3: Teachers' view on specialty of Social Science teaching and
major subject of teaching
Figure 4.4: Enjoyment of Social Science teaching and way of expressing
Figure 4.5: Average classes should be conducted for effective teaching
Figure 4.6: Helpful and received training for teaching Social Science
Figure 4.7: Taking necessary measures for good results in social science
Figure 4.8: Opinion about teaching aids and instructional materials
Figure 4.9: Students' evaluation methods in social science
Figure 4.10: Opinion about effective teaching and assessment
Figure 4.11: Roles `out of school' and `types of cooperation' to play role
Figure 4.12: Support from school administration
Figure 4.13: Importance and satisfaction for salary
Figure 4.14: Satisfaction in teaching profession as a Social Science
Figure 4.15: Mean of teachers' opinion about teaching profession
Figure 4.16: Satisfaction of Social Science teachers
Teachers play an important role in fostering the intellectual and social development
of children during their formative years. The education that students acquire is the
key to determining the future of those students. Secondary school teachers help
students investigate more deeply into subjects introduced in primary school and
expose them to more information about the world. Secondary school teachers
specialize in a specific subject, they also may teach subjects that are career
oriented. Additional responsibilities of secondary school Social Science teachers
may include career guidance and job placement, as well as following up with
students after graduation. Social Science teachers are working in a society loaded
with social, environmental and economic problems. So it is very important to know
whether Social Science teachers are happy or not in their profession; is they are
facing any problem to do their real job; are they making effective citizen for the
community and the world.
The purpose of this study was to find out the key aspects of Social Science teachers'
profession in Bangladesh and the specialty of teaching Social Science at secondary
schools. Understanding the importance of Social Science teachers' perception for
their profession the study tried to investigate their perception about the profession.
The study concerned a mixed approach. Both qualitative and quantitative data
collection and analysis mode were used to investigate teachers' perception
regarding their profession. The data findings were presented in statistical and
descriptive manner considering various aspects of teaching profession. The study
was carried out purposively in 10 schools of Dhaka and Gazipur district. As the study
investigated Social Science teachers' professional perception; key issues like
training, initiatives for students' results, teaching aids and materials, students'
achievement evaluation, responsibility, school environment, school administration,
scope and their professional opportunities etc. were discussed with the teachers. In
order to maintain the validity of data two types of data collection instruments were
used to examine the perception of secondary school Social Science teachers about
their profession. In each tool factors related with teachers' role, opportunity,
satisfaction and dissatisfaction were set to find out their real view.
Among the interviewed teachers one-third involved in teaching profession from the
necessity of job. As teaching profession is not only an occupation but has a great
responsibility to the society, concern authority should take proper initiative to
encourage qualified young generation to take this profession form its expectation not
only for necessity of job. Main reasons for dissatisfaction in teaching profession
Social Science teachers mentioned work load, insufficient in-service training, low
income, less respect in the society, restriction to use appropriate teaching methods
and aids, insufficient library, inadequate preservation system of teaching aids, small
classroom, unequal attitude of school administration, political interfere, colleague
relation and electricity problem. So schools should increase scopes of professional
development for Social Science teachers and proper initiative should be taken to
ensure teachers professional satisfaction through salary and other facilities. To
encourage teachers to improve their teaching quality, professional qualification and
other qualities should be evaluated and provision should be taken to provide better
facilities for those, who hold better Degree.
Chapter One
1.1 Background of the study
Profession is an occupation that requires considerable training and specialized
study. Classically, there were only three professions: Divinity, Medicine, and Law
(Perks, 1993). With the rise of technology and occupational specialization in the 19th
century, other bodies began to claim professional status: Pharmacy, Logistics,
Veterinary Medicine, Nursing, Teaching, Librarianship, Optometry and Social Work,
all of which could claim to be professions by 1900 (Buckley & Buckley, 1974). A
profession arises when any trade or occupation transforms itself through the
development of formal qualifications based upon education and examinations, the
emergence of regulatory bodies with powers to admit and discipline members, and
some degree of monopoly rights (Bullock & Trombley, 1999). A profession is a
vocation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to
supply disinterested counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite
compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain (Statesman,
Within the family or the society, teaching may be carried out informally. On the other
hand, formal teaching may be carried out by salaried professionals. These
professionals enjoy a status in some developed societies on a same level with
physicians, lawyers, engineers, and accountants. In pedagogy, teachers facilitate
student learning or achievement, often in a school or maybe in out of school. But a
teacher who teaches on an individual basis may be defined as a tutor.
The teaching profession is a relatively new one. Traditionally, parents, elders,
religious leaders, and sages were responsible for teaching children how to behave
and think and what to believe. Germany introduced the first formal criteria for the
education of teachers in the 18th century. In the 19th century, as society became
more industrialized, the concept of schooling became more universal. In
industrialized nations today, most teachers are university graduates (Britannica). In
Education `teaching' is a relationship which is established among three focal points-
the teacher, the student and the subject matter. The teacher brings the students and
the subject matter together through teaching process. Modern teaching is not `telling
and testing' but the complex art of guiding students through a variety of selected
experiences towards the attainment of appropriate teaching-learning goals. Teaching
is a tri-polar process involving the source of teaching (human and material), students
and set of activities designed and manipulated primarily to bring suitable change in
the behavior of the students. Functions of teaching are creating learning situations,
motivating the child to learn, arranging for conditions which assist in the growth of
the child's mind and body, utilizing the initiative and play urges of the children to
facilitate learning, turning the children into creative beings, inspiring children with the
nobility of thoughts, feelings and actions, giving information and explaining it,
diagnosing learning problems, making curricular material and finally evaluating,
recording and reporting (Aggarwal, 2005).
Teachers play an important role in fostering the intellectual and social development
of children during their formative years. The education that students acquire is key to
determining the future of those students. Whether in primary or secondary schools or
in private or government schools, teachers provide the tools and the environment for
their students to develop into responsible adults. Teachers act as facilitators, using
classroom presentations or individual instruction to help students learn and apply
concepts in subjects such as science, mathematics, Social Science and English.
They plan, evaluate, and assign lessons; prepare, administer, and grade tests; listen
to oral presentations; and maintain classroom discipline. Teachers observe and
evaluate a student's performance and potential. They are increasingly asked to use
new assessment methods. For example, teachers may examine a portfolio of a
student's artwork or writing in order to judge the student's overall progress. They
then can provide additional assistance in areas in which the student needs help.
Teachers also prepare grade papers, prepare report cards, and meet with parents
and school staff to discuss a student's academic progress or personal problems.
Many teachers use a hands-on approach that utilizes props to help children
understand abstract concepts, solve problems, and develop critical thinking skills.
They also encourage collaboration in solving problems by having students work in
groups to discuss and solve the problems together. To be prepared for success later
in life, students must be able to interact with others, adapt to new technology, and
think through problems logically. Primary school teachers play a vital role in the
development of children. What children learn and experience during their early years
can shape their views of themselves and the world and can affect their later success
or failure in school, work, and their personal lives. Primary school teachers introduce
children to mathematics, language, science, and social studies. They use games,
music, artwork, films, books, computers, and other tools to teach basic skills.
Secondary school teachers help students investigate more deeply into subjects
introduced in primary school and expose them to more information about the world.
Secondary school teachers specialize in a specific subject, such as English,
mathematics, Social Science, or biology. They also may teach subjects that are
career oriented. Additional responsibilities of secondary school Social Science
teachers may include career guidance and job placement, as well as following up
with students after graduation. In addition to conducting classroom activities,
teachers oversee study halls and homerooms, supervise extracurricular activities,
and accompany students on field trips. They may identify students who have
physical or mental problems and refer the students to the proper authorities.
Secondary school teachers occasionally assist students in choosing courses,
colleges, and careers. Teachers also participate in education conferences and
workshops (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11).
Many subjects are grouped under the umbrella of Social Science, including history,
sociology, civic, economics, population sciences and disaster management. Social
Science deals with man, his relation with other men and his environment. It includes
that material which is conductive to the development of a well informed, intelligent
person who is capable of comprehending properly the current problems, is keen to
accept responsibilities as a citizen for the welfare of all and has developed insights,
skills and moral qualities which are so essential and desirable in a democratic
society (Aggarwal, 1993). The success of education for world wide citizenship
depends on the activities of the teacher in general and of the Social Science in
particular. The Social Science teacher occupies an essential place in the whole
process of Social Science teaching-learning. In spite of the development of modern
teaching aids, methods and increasing emphasis on student-centered education, it is
still a fact that the teacher can make the subject joyful and effective. Social Science
teacher can also inspire and guide the students and create the environment and
atmosphere in which training for democratic citizenship becomes possible (Kochhar,
Around the world teaching profession include the performance of a service to the
students, the possession of a unique body of specialized knowledge and technical
skill, the requirement of a highly specialized and usually formal preparation, the
regulation of standards for the admission to practice by members of the profession
and the organization of practitioners into comprehensive professional groups that
maintain high standards of conduct and ethics (Gibson, 1965).
Teacher quality has been said to be the number one school-related influence on
student achievement. Although research on what constitutes a quality teacher is
often the subject of debate, there are some findings on teacher quality that are rarely
contested. These suggest that it is what teachers do in classrooms that matters.
Research has shown that teachers can improve student achievement when they
communicate high expectations, avoid criticism, reward truly praiseworthy behavior,
and provide abundant opportunities for success (academic learning time) on material
over which students are tested (Waid and Mcnergney, 2003).
Much of the recent research on teacher effectiveness focuses on relating teacher
behaviors to student achievement. Quite a bit of the research, however, has delved
into stakeholders' perceptions of good teaching--what students, administrators, and
teachers themselves think makes an effective teacher. Science suggests that
instructional and management processes are keys to effectiveness, but many
interview and survey responses about effective teaching emphasize the teacher's
affective characteristics, or social and emotional behaviors, more than pedagogical
practice. Moreover, the teacher's psychological influence on students has been
linked to student achievement in various effectiveness studies (Stronge, 2002).
Local teachers have a different relationship to the community than the other
educators in the school where they practice because of their residential history in the
neighborhood. Their ties to the community give them a particularized knowledge of
the school's social and cultural context and help them to play role out of school.
Local teachers know parents, residents, shopkeepers, day care providers, after-
school staff, and are acquainted with local institutions, for example, churches,
mosques, health care facilities, social service groups, not-for-profit organizations,
shopping areas, and so forth. They have an established network of friends and
family members and, in many cases, are involved in civic and religious institutions.
These all type of responsibility goes to Social Science teachers even they may not
be local teacher (Reed, 2009).
Much has been find out about the importance of increasing teacher salaries to attract
and retain the brightest and most talented teachers. Many factors have been
identified as influencing teacher professional satisfaction and retention, and salary is
often at the top of the lists (Michael, 2006). Teachers' perceptions about their school
environments, especially in the areas of professional interest and staff freedom, were
positively associated with their satisfaction. Several school environmental aspects
influenced the total years they planned to teach and their intention to teach at the
schools (Huang and Waxman, 2008).
Researches are almost absent in the field of Social Science teachers' perception
about their profession in Bangladesh. More study findings are necessary to take
initiative for teachers' training, subject based knowledge improvement, salary
scheme and school environment. Having recognized the significance of teachers'
perception for the development of their profession, the study may show concern
personnel and authorities the real situation of the teachers at secondary level for
taking time oriented decisions and initiatives.
1.2 Objectives of the study
The specific objectives of the study were as follow:
· To identify the key aspects of teaching profession;
· To know the specialty of teaching Social Science at secondary schools;
· To understand the importance of Social Science teachers' perception for their
· To find out the perception of secondary school Social Science teachers' about
their profession.
1.3 Significance of the study
The teacher of Social Science has a responsible role to fill. His tasks are many and
varied. He transmits knowledge, directs social research, censors information
collected by pupils and may also advise them in choosing their careers and generally
act as their guide, philosopher and friend. The teacher of Social Science must
become the leader of the local community, its interpreter and reformer. He must be
able to transform the school into a center of social reconstruction for a new social
order. Educational reforms some times have their beginnings in the class room and
some times out of it, but always must they be approved by the teacher and used in
the class room before they can take effect. Therefore, the civilization of the future
must inevitable look to the teacher of Social Science for much help in the effort to
end war before war ends humanity. As a matter of fact, the teacher of citizens of the
future is one of the most important agents for promoting good will and preventing
chaos (Kochhar, 1983).
Social Science teachers are working in a society loaded with social, environmental
and economic problems. The true mission of their profession is making active citizen,
they must help their students to learn the value of engaging in long-term efforts to
revitalize our democratic society and the skills to respond compassionately to those
whose daily needs cannot wait for societal transformation. Social Science teachers
are in a unique position to giving their students opportunities for active involvement
in the community and the world. So it is very important to know whether Social
Science teachers are happy or not in their profession; is they are facing any problem
to do their real job; are they making effective citizen for the community and the world
(Wade, 1995).
The success of education for world citizenship depends on the daily work of the
teacher in general and of the Social Science in particular (Kochhar, 1983). As a great
performer for the student as well as for the society Social Science teacher should
enjoy their profession. If they are satisfied with their profession they will be able to
meet the demand of the students and the society. The study is an effort to
understand the perception of Social Science teachers' about their profession. The
research focused in various aspects of Social Science teachers' profession. From
the study, authority of teachers training college will know the effectiveness of
teachers training and its impact on teaching profession. Teachers' thought about
class room activities, pedagogical practice and school environment will also find out
from professional perception. This information will help the school authority to take
initiative for teachers' best performance and satisfaction. Teachers' salary and other
facilities are most important issues related with teaching profession. Policy makers
and school authority will know the thought of teachers' about their existing facilities
from this study to think more about this important profession. Researchers will get
opportunities to go ahead from the findings of this research related with teachers
training, class room activities, assessment, school environment and teachers' social
responsibilities, if teachers are thinking that they need improvement of these fields.
1.4 Operational definition of used terms
Social Science teacher
A teacher works with students and helps them learn concepts in subjects such as
science, mathematics, language, Social Science and religion. They then help them
apply these concepts (McKay). Social Science teacher deals with attitudes, ideas
and appreciations to a large extent than is the case in other branches of study.
Social Science demands well prepared conscientious teacher of sound knowledge
and training, whose personalities rank high among students. Social Science teacher
deals with the teaching of pupils to live together in a democracy and raising the tone
of democracy by developing thoughtful, appreciative and an intelligent electorate.
Social Science teacher assist pupils to understand this complex world in which we
live, in order that this may better adapt themselves to it and prepare themselves for
an intelligent and constructive citizenship (Aggarwal, 1993).
The perception is a process, whereby a meaning is given to a sensation produced by
sensory stimulation. It is a means by which a person gains awareness about his/her
surroundings and environment. This process helps us to become aware about the
world around us. It also indicates about the ability of a person to distinguish an object
from its general background. It usually refers to the way, the world looks, tests or
smells. The word perception also implies observation, recognition and discrimination.
The perception is in a way sensation plus its meaning; it is the basis of knowledge. In
fact it is the beginning of knowledge and our sensation gives the raw materials of
knowledge and by perception that material is elaborated into definite knowledge of
external world. The perception may be subjective or objective. Subjective perception
may be faulty at times. Since perception is a component of knowledge; correct
knowledge depends on correct perception (Husain, 2004).
Teaching profession
Gibson (1965) examining teaching in the light of major criteria of professional
practice find out that, teaching performs a service to the public and requires
resources of scientific disciplines, especially psychological and social foundation for
its practice. Today's teacher-education programs emphasize general education,
education in subjects to be taught and professional education for specialized and
formal preparation. Teaching regulates admission to practice by a system of
certification and organizes practitioners into comprehensive professional groups that
attempt to maintain high standards of conduct and ethics. Considering these criteria
(Musgrave, 1979) in twentieth century teaching is an excellent example has come to
be known as profession.
- Pages
- Type of Edition
- Erstausgabe
- Publication Year
- 2015
- 9783954899432
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9783954894437
- File size
- 808 KB
- Language
- English
- Institution / College
- University of Dhaka – Institute of Education and Research
- Publication date
- 2016 (September)
- Grade
- 4.0
- Keywords
- Teacher education secondary school Teaching profession Social Science Bangladesh
- Product Safety
- Anchor Academic Publishing