
Graduate employability in Vietnam: A loose relationship between higher education and employment market

©2014 Textbook 184 Pages


This book addresses the issue of graduate employability (GE) within the changing context of contemporary Vietnam. GE has become a highly topical and contested issue in Vietnam. Employers report that university students are not suitably prepared for work, and universities are often criticised for their poor commitment to developing student employability assets. However, it is suggested that enhancing GE in Vietnam involves many factors that are often underplayed in the general literature. In the Vietnamese context, both the education system and the economy remain relatively underdeveloped; students are schooled to be passive learners; and corrupt employment practices remain rife. Moreover, Confucian cultural features of face saving, hierarchical order in decision making, and the role of rumour and hearsay in a collectivist culture each play an important part in the different ways university graduates negotiate their transition to employment. Thus, in order to enhance the development of GE in Vietnam, all related stakeholders need opportunities to collaborate so that a mutual understanding of the problem is arrived at and feasible solutions are developed and implemented.


Table Of Contents

The Association of Southeast Asian
Foreign direct investment
Gross Domestic Product
Higher Education Reform Agenda
Higher education system
The Ministry of Education and Training
small and medium enterprises
state owned enterprises
The World Trade Organization

Abbreviations used for participating universities
University name (pseudonym)
Communications and Transportation
Engineering and Technology
Diplomatic Relation
Languages and International Studies
International Business
Science and Technology
Business and Technology
Foreign Language Interpretation
Teaching Pedagogy
Education 2
Post and Telecommunications
Water Resources

Graduate employability has become a highly topical and contested issue in
Vietnam. Many employers report that university students are not suitably prepared for
work, and universities are often criticised for their poor commitment to developing
student employability assets. Much of the criticism identifies the causes to be an
outdated higher education curriculum coupled with too much reliance on traditional
teaching approaches, and a general poor capacity of universities to support students
to develop the skills that the market requires. This study challenges this `common
sense' (Gramsci, 1999) criticism that places the responsibility of student transition to
the employment market squarely on the shoulders of universities. By analysing
qualitative data, that includes the voices of students, recent graduates and
employers, on issues related to employability, this study locates the criticisms of the
Vietnamese higher education system within the wider social and cultural contexts
related to the difficulties of student transition. It adopts Hillage and Pollard's (1998)
employability conceptual framework where the interplay between student
employability assets, the ways students translate or deploy their university
achievements in employment (Knight & York, 2004) and the internal and external
contexts under which students seek work (Beckett & Mulcahy, 2006), interact to
contribute a complex picture of employability.
The findings of this study reveal that enhancing graduate employability in
Vietnam involves many factors that are often underplayed in the general literature. In
the Vietnamese context, both the education system and the economy remain
relatively underdeveloped; students are schooled to be passive learners and
workers; and corrupt employment practices remain rife. Moreover, Confucian cultural
features of face saving, hierarchical order in decision making, and the role of rumour
and hearsay in a collectivist culture each play an important part in the different ways

university graduates negotiate their transition to employment. The study suggests
that universities, students, employers and other related stakeholders (including
students' families, government and educational policy makers) all need to
acknowledge the rapid changes taking place in Vietnamese society. In order to
enhance the development of graduate employability in Vietnam, these sectors of
society need opportunities to collaborate so that a mutual understanding of the
problem is arrived at and feasible solutions are developed and implemented.

The author would like to thank Dr. Julie White (Victoria Institution), Tai Peseta
(The University of Sydney) and Professor Ramon Lewis (La Trobe University) for
their essential support and constructive comments.
This book is also dedicated to the radical love and actions of Hoa Do and Ha
Linh Do Tran

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Personal
In 2005, when I went to sign a contract to hire camping tents for my university
students, the owner asked me to help find a job for a particular girl and pointed to a
shy-looking young girl who was sitting at a small table in front of the owner's shop.
This girl had approached the shopkeeper a few months before about the job posted
on the shop window. The owner said "I can't employ you because I don't need a
university graduate. I only need someone who can read and write and I can only pay
500,000 dongs a month" (about 30 USD at that time). The young woman sadly
walked away. A month later, she came back and pleaded "Please give me the job or I
will die of hunger." The owner was overcome with pity and employed her, promising
at the same time to find a better job for this `poor obedient girl'.
Apart from passing her documents to the job matching centre of the Student
Association in my university, I could not do much to help this unfortunate young
woman, but the image of a shy girl sitting in front of a small table near the road side
continues to haunt me.
Two years later, I went into a toyshop where the shop assistant recognised me
and struck up a conversation, saying that she knew me from my role of Youth Union
Secretary of her university. I was surprised to realise it was the same young woman,
and at her polite and easy going manner. I asked her, "Why don't you find something
better to do?" She turned my question back on me asking, "What can I do, Sister? I
learned French at the University, but I don't want to be a tourist guide. My health is
not good and I don't think I can do anything else." When I left the shop, the image of
the lonely and forgotten girl sitting in front of a small table near the roadside came
back to me and I was overwhelmed by sadness.

Since then, when it comes to graduation time each year in June, these images
return to haunt me. Eventually I felt a pressing need to find out more about the route
taken by recent graduates entering the employment market in Vietnam. After making
inquiries with many people, and observing for myself the fraught and precarious
process for recent graduates in searching the market for a suitable job, I gradually
assigned myself the responsibility to help these young people. There must be more
to know and to do about employability, and to help these young people to help
This was the impetus that propelled me into this study, which examines the
transition from university to employment of Vietnamese university students upon
graduation. The central focus is on the perspectives of final year university students
and recent graduates. I wanted to know how these participants articulate the central
issues they face in this transition, how they view their knowledge, skills and attitudes
needed for work, what assets they possess for employment, and how might these
assets, in turn, influence their employment chances. The perception of employers
about recent graduates is also important. By listening carefully to both groups during
this study, a sharper picture of the students' transition to employment has emerged.
The issues related to the transition of university graduates to the workplace are
complex, and there is no easy solution. There are many stakeholders involved,
including higher education managers, teachers and policy makers, employers,
university students and their families. The purpose of this book is to contribute fresh
insights on this issue and to include different voices and perspectives so that the
obstacles blocking or hindering recent graduates can be better navigated.
1.2 Context
Vietnam is a socialist country, and after gaining independence in 1945, it
adopted a `centrally planned economy' (nn kinh t tp trung) where the direction

and development of the economy were planned and controlled by the government.
The government was considered to be dictatorial: `a monopolist of capital and
monopsonist of labour' (Harrison, 2002, p. 402). The way jobs were allocated
reflected this form of social organisation. Upon graduation, university graduates
received their `job assignment' (giy phân công công tác) informing them where they
were allocated to work. Graduates did not have to find work for themselves.
Conversely, however, they did not have the right to change the work they were
assigned to do.
The Sixth National Congress in 1986 became a turning point for Vietnam when
the centrally planned economy was replaced by a market-based one. The
Congress's Doi Moi
policy is considered to be a major economic renovation or
liberalization that has brought massive changes into the Vietnamese economy (Pham
Thanh Nghi, 2010; Phung Xuan Nha, 2009; Tran Quang Trung & Swierczek, 2009;
Trinh Thi Hoa Mai, 2008)
. Its implementation called to a halt a long period of
stagnation in the Vietnamese economy after the independence of the country was
established (Harman, Hayden, & Pham Thanh Nghi, 2010; Montague, 2013). Since
Doi Moi, Vietnam has undergone profound changes in all areas of life. The internal
economy developed very quickly and the private and foreign investment sectors
boomed. In terms of human resource management, there is no more `job assignment'
for graduates. Instead, there are increasing numbers of opportunities opening up for
graduates, not only with traditional organizations in the government sector, but also
from emerging private and foreign direct investment (FDI) enterprises. Graduates
have been given the right, as well as the challenge, to stand on their own feet, and to
thereby find and maintain their own work within the Vietnamese market-driven
Doi Moi means reform or renovation.
Due to the ubiquity of the major family names such as Nguyen, Tran and Le, and the habit of
addressing with the given name even in formal situations in Vietnam, this book uses the full
name of the Vietnamese authors instead of using only their first names.

economy. The higher education sector has also developed very quickly in order to
meet the human resource needs of the open employment market.
Since the economic liberalisation of 1986, both the Vietnamese economy and
its higher education system (HES) have developed very quickly. Paradoxically,
despite the fact that each year thousands of students graduate and many have
difficulty finding work, employers continue to complain that they have difficulty finding
graduates with the required knowledge and skills. The consistent discourse is that
university graduates are underprepared, have impractical and underdeveloped
professional knowledge and lack the necessary skills required by the contemporary
workplace (Ketels, Nguyen Dinh Cung, Nguyen Thi Tue Anh, & Do Hong Hanh,
2010; Montague, 2013; Pham Thi Huyen, 2008; The World Bank, 2008).
1.3 Vietnamese higher education limited to training purposes
As I have pursued my interest in the journey of university graduates entering the
labour market, I have been surprised and saddened by the high number of
unemployed and underemployed graduates, and the frustration expressed by
employers who despair about the quality of work demonstrated by these young
people. The ready blame levelled at the HES is a consistent theme in both
contemporary research about the HES in Vietnam and in the media (Tran Thi Tuyet,
2011). Surprisingly, it is not only employers who blame the situation on the HES. It
seems the entire Vietnamese society places the responsibility of students' transition
to the workplace on the ill equipped and underfunded higher education sector.
Shifting the responsibility for graduate unemployment onto the HES in Vietnam
is convenient but simplistic. However, this view has historical roots. The Vietnamese
people are used to viewing the university as having this responsibility. The focus on
work preparation and supplying a skilled workforce for the development of the
country is often considered the main mission of higher education in Vietnam (Tran

Ngoc Ca, 2006). George also notes that the structure of higher education has also
been `fundamentally designed to meet the needs of the labour market' (2010, p. 34).
Since Vietnam gained independence in 1945, the system was built following the old
Soviet system where higher education institutions are small, mono-disciplinary, very
specialised organisations focused on training the labour force to meet the projected
labour requirements of each sector (George, 2010). Originally, many universities
were formed in association with their Line Ministries. For example, the University of
Health was placed under the Ministry of Health, while the University of Agriculture
was under the Ministry of Agriculture and Development. Until recently, 13 major
universities have remained under their Line Ministries as well as the Ministry of
Education and Training (MOET). Clearly, the Vietnamese government has retained
universities as the primary means to train a skilled workforce for the economy.
The vocational focus in higher education has created the belief that a university
has more to do with `training', rather than `education'. Several researchers have
emphasised this central mission of the HES. Ta Thai Anh and Winter (2010), for
example, suggest that education refers to primary and secondary education, while
training refers to higher education. The name of the Central Ministry, The Ministry of
Education and Training also reflects this order as education precedes training. Tran
Ngoc Ca (2006) goes so far as to claim that the main mission of the Vietnamese
university is to produce an educated labour force for industry. The argument that
university students should be provided with in-depth professional knowledge has also
gained support from the Education Law 2005
. This Law emphasises that higher
education has a responsibility to provide professional knowledge and skills, to satisfy
the demands of the labour market, and to support the need to modernise and
industrialise the country (Pham Thi Huyen, 2008). The majority of academic staff also
Education Law number 38/2005/QH11.

consider their role is to support the traditional mandate of the university to produce
human resources for the nation state rather than to engage in research (Tran Ngoc
Ca, 2006).
1.4 Problematising the mission of Vietnamese higher education
As indicated above, much contemporary research in Vietnam has stated that
the major purpose of higher education is to prepare students for work. This same
research suggests that there is a concern about the HES's poor infrastructure, out-
dated teaching facilities, curriculum and teaching methods. Unless these deficiencies
are addressed, the likely success of universities in Vietnam carrying out their tasks is
diminished (Montague, 2013; The World Bank, 2008; Tran Quang Trung &
Swierczek, 2009; Tran Thi Tuyet, 2010). As a result, university graduates will be
unable to meet the requirements of the contemporary workplace. It seems that all
eyes look towards the HES to increase the employability of students.
As a person involved in the Vietnamese HES since 1986, as both a student and
then a staff member, I was lucky to have experienced the changes in the system, the
changes in society and also the significant changes in the economy. I also
understand the complaint about the weak capability of the HES in preparing its
graduates for employment. However, I question the popular perception of this
complex issue. Transition tends to be challenging for most (Van Geert, 1994), and
transition from university to employment - the transition from learning to doing - is not
expected to be easy. A drop in student performance has been reported (Van Geert,
1994). The HES does need to take responsibility for its quality of teaching. However,
is its solo effort enough to drive a positive change on the issue of graduate
employability in Vietnam?
Moreover, the traditional mission of universities in Vietnam was to prepare
workers for a command economy where they were required to follow orders, to listen

and obey, rather than to develop creativity and take initiative (Nguyen Van Lch,
2009). Thus, the teaching in higher education institutions has strongly reflected both
Confucian culture and the old Soviet system top-down approach where the teacher is
considered the primary source of knowledge. The main duty of students has been to
receive knowledge from the teacher and then re-learn it for the exam (Dapice et al.,
2008; Stephen et al., 2006; Vu Ngoc Hai et al., 2007; and Vu Quang Viet, 2008).
However, after Doi Moi, with the massive development of both private and
foreign direct investment sectors, the traditional `products' of the Vietnamese HES -
the passive learners and workers - do not appear to be suitable for work in these
changing times (Pham Thi Huyen, 2008; The World Bank, 2008). Vietnam has
increasingly integrated into the global market, e.g. becoming a member of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1995 and the World Trade
Organization (WTO) in 2007. This required the internal economy to change to
respond to the international competitive market. Instead of requiring loyalty, hard-
work and obedience within the centrally planned economy, employers now require
graduates to understand a foreign language (especially English), to have good
communication skills, teamwork and personal skills, and to demonstrate such
characteristics as taking initiative and being proactive (Ketels et al., 2010; Tran Ngoc
Ca, 2006; Tran Quang Trung & Swierczek, 2009).
In a relatively short period of time, this level of change has been highly
significant within Vietnamese society. At the same time, the HES has struggled and
been pressured to develop a system that meets the new needs of the economy.
However, universities have faced many additional challenges during this transitional
period. They lack teaching staff (General Statistics Office, 2012a), and the level of
funding and resources is very low (Evans & Rorris, 2010). They do not possess
autonomy in such areas as curriculum development or designation of their own

(Hayden & Lam Quang Thiep, 2010; The Southeast Asian Ministers of
Education Organization, 2007). In addition, the inherited infrastructure of most
universities is antiquated and teaching methods have remained traditional - focused
on transmitting knowledge from the teacher to the student (Dapice et al., 2008;
Stephen, Doughty, Gray, Hopcroft & Silvera, 2006; Vu Ngoc Hai et al., 2007; and Vu
Quang Viet, 2008). Change on so many fronts will require time, support, funding and
effort to allow universities to address the new labour needs of the economy. Adding
to these difficulties and challenges are the loose relationships between the HES and
the labour market, the underdeveloped research capability of universities, and the
tenuous research-industry linkage gap (Fatseas, 2010). Together, these work as
obstacles blocking the ability of universities to enhance the capability of their
graduates for employment.
While it is easy to point to the need for universities to change ­ and many are
quick to state this, with the current system of teaching, research, governance, and
limited connection to and communication with the employment market, it may be an
insurmountable problem for the HES to create the change necessary to satisfy the
needs of the labour market in the short term. Moreover, bridging the gap between the
HES and the employment market will require good will and effort from a range of
stakeholders. In addition, the transition from the university to the workplace is one
that individual graduates will need to negotiate. As the `job allocation' from the
government no longer exists, the onus is on the graduate to find a job and to stay
employable in the market. How might they be better supported in this adaptation?
Vietnamese HES is still under centralized governance where the central ministry (the Ministry
of Education and Training) decides matters such as the curriculum framework and
governance in every institution.

1.5 Approaching the problem
It is not enough to describe this situation as complex without investigating the
possibilities. With a strong belief that enhancing graduate employability for
Vietnamese students needs the assistance of a range of stakeholders, I do not want
to locate my research only within the HES. However, the question I have to confront
is how to address the problem and bring about a clearer picture of related issues so
that all stakeholders involved can see their responsibility and make an effort to
enhance graduate employability in the Vietnamese context.
Internationally, there has been substantial research focusing on enhancing the
capability of university students to meet the demand of the new workplace
environment. One obvious and popular approach has been to develop lists of skills
deemed desirable by employers. Many universities have built and attempted to
assess lists of skills or graduate attributes that university students purportedly need
to develop to be employable after graduation (see for example Cox & King, 2006;
Hart, 2008; Hartshorn & Sear, 2005; Meisinger, 2004; Omar, Manaf, Mohd, Kassim,
& Aziz, 2012; Raybould & Sheedy, 2005). In Vietnam, Tran Quang Trung and
Swierczek (2009) and Truong Quang Duoc (2006) have also suggested specific lists
of skills considered important for Vietnamese university students to develop if they
want to succeed in entering the employment market.
Although the outcomes of these initial research projects in Vietnam are
significant and important for all related stakeholders to gain a better understanding of
the problem in the Vietnamese context, the very distinctive features of the
Vietnamese context and culture do not seem to be articulated well in this research.
These lists do not seem to adequately probe the hidden features of the context and
circumstances in which graduates are seeking jobs. In a collectivist and high context
culture like that in Vietnam, where context is more important than the transmitted
message in creating meaning (Hall, 1976, 2000; Kittler, Rygl, & Mackinnon, 2011),

there is a need to make explicit the context and cultural features which play an
important role in graduate thinking and their way of entering the market. A central aim
of this book is to contribute a clearer picture of those features that are specific to the
Vietnamese context, in order to offer a way forward.
1.6 A journey to undertake
My intention in this book is to examine the perceptions and interpretations of
students and graduates, and combine them with the expectations of employers on
the issue of enhancing graduate employability. By engaging in dialogue with final
year students and recent graduates and also by providing a vehicle for their voices to
be heard, my aim is to gain further insight into the transition to employment of
university graduates. I also want to explore how Vietnamese university students and
recent graduates make sense of their employment situation, how they make sense of
what is waiting for them in the new environment at work, and how they react in that
situation. I also aim to investigate how internal and external circumstances and
context in the contemporary Vietnamese society impact on these young people.
In order to navigate this proposition, the employability framework developed by
Hillage and Pollard (1998) has been employed in this inquiry. The four components
of this framework are employability assets (knowledge, skills and attitudes),
deployment, presentation, and context. In employing this framework, my purpose is
firstly to gain a sense of student and graduate perceptions about the employability
assets they identify as important and valuable for workplace entry. The second
purpose is to explore student and graduate understandings of workplace
requirements. A third goal is to examine the way students and graduates view their
assets in the process of searching for suitable jobs in the employment market.
Finally, by employing this framework, I will also be able to consider how their
personal circumstances, the Vietnamese cultural context, and the Vietnamese labour
market requirements influence their meaning-making. The voice of employers has

also been sought to ensure that the external context of workplace requirements is
explicit and to problematize student and graduate perceptions.
Theoretical perspectives from several fields such as constructivism, transition,
as well as literature related to graduate employability have informed this inquiry.
These combined and overlapping fields have been explored in the development of
the questions that guide this investigation:
What do Vietnamese students, graduates and employers perceive about
graduate employability assets?
How do students and graduates deploy and present their employability
assets in the employment market?
3. What
socio-cultural factors affect Vietnamese graduates' search for
employment and how do their individual circumstances impact on this
While this study reflects my location and insider knowledge as a lecturer and a
researcher who has studied and worked in the HES in Vietnam for more than twenty
years, the interview process and the analysis of data have been carefully designed to
pay close attention to the voices and perspectives of students, graduates and
employers. This design aims to develop a `thick description' (Stake, 2008, p. 128) of
the graduate employability issue and context in contemporary Vietnamese society. It
will contribute not only to the general body of knowledge in this field, but
pragmatically, it is intended to act as a resource for a range of stakeholders who are
keen to learn about the issues and complexities involved in graduate employability
within Vietnam.
In Chapter 2, the Vietnamese context of this study is outlined in more detail with
particular attention to the socio-economic situation in Vietnam and higher education.

In Chapter 3, relevant literature on the issue of enhancing graduate employability is
critiqued. In particular, the debate about whether enhancing skills and graduate
employability is the responsibility of universities is reviewed. The literature discussing
Vietnamese higher education and its own reactions to this issue is also closely
The methodology underpinning this investigation is outlined in Chapter 4. A
justification for locating the study within a constructivist paradigm is provided. My
rationale for using a qualitative approach based on focus group interviews with
students and in-depth semi-structured interviews with graduates and employers is
also discussed. Issues arising from these methods, including researcher subjectivity
and reflectivity, are also considered.
Chapter 5 reports the results of the study where the findings are presented in ways
that privilege the participants' voices. Chapter 6, the final chapter, is a summary and
discussion of the research findings. The major considerations from the findings are
offered and recommendations are made for better enhancing graduate employability
in the specific context of contemporary Vietnamese society. Finally, some
suggestions for further study bring this inquiry to a close.
1.7 Limitation of the study
A particular limitation of this inquiry is that the students, graduates and
employers participating in this study are associated with a limited range of settings in
which they have studied, worked and searched for work. Another is that the number
of participants is small in size. The study was conducted in Vietnam and invited only
students, recent graduates and employers but not all higher education-workplace
related stakeholders. For example, important perspectives from higher education
policy makers and student families were not sought. This study therefore makes no
claim to a broad generalisation. However, generalisation is not the intent of this

research. It is a context-specific study and hence does not seek to make claims that
are applicable to all situations (Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Merriam, 1998). It does not
aim at definitive descriptions of graduate employability but at understanding
perceptions of graduate employability in a very particular Vietnamese context and
culture. In addition, this study is best considered as a snapshot rather than a
comprehensive study, because the revealed perceptions are situated in a specific
time and place. The picture of graduate employability and how it might be enhanced
is highly context specific, which is both a strength in terms of thick description and
depth, and a weakness in terms of generalisability or breadth.
There is also a limitation inherent in this study related to my personal
involvement in the Vietnamese HES and this has undoubtedly influenced the study
design and data interpretation. Confronting reflexivity and minimising personal bias is
not easy or straightforward but my sensitivity to this limitation together with my
special interest in listening to the voices of my research participants have created a
desire to describe `the thick of what is going on' (Stake, 2008, p. 128) in not only my
own world but also the world of the research participants. Specific strategies toward
achieving this goal will be discussed in detail in Chapter 4.
1.8 Significance of the study
This study aims to investigate the issue of how graduate employability could be
enhanced in the Vietnamese context. Instead of focusing on the superficial issue of
skills, this study aims to develop a broader picture of the socio-economic context and
cultural characteristics in Vietnam which have affected and impacted upon the
processes in which university students enter the workplace. As employability is
context and culture dependent (Beckett & Mulcahy, 2006), the findings of this study
suggest that skills are not the only things that matter in enhancing graduate
employability, especially in the Vietnamese high context culture where

communication is often `indirect, implicit, internalised, or more dependent on physical
and psychosocial contexts' (Scheele, Pruitt, Johnson, & Xu, 2011, p. 245). Therefore,
an essential feature of my study is the contribution to research on Vietnamese
society by looking at appropriate ways of producing knowledge. The findings will
hopefully illuminate related policies and practices in the Vietnamese educational
system with a view to offering forward-looking courses of action.
In terms of the personal benefits, this project has challenged my ideas and
understanding, and transformed my professional identity. As a university lecturer with
management experience, the inquiry has shed light on my future teaching and
research direction. In developing my understanding of the complicated factors
affecting students' transition to work, my teaching, research and decision making,
particularly regarding students' employability will hopefully contribute to Vietnam's
future as well as to knowledge in more general terms.
For the Vietnamese students, graduates and employers who participated in this
study, the process offered them the opportunity to reflect on their own study and work
practices, and to hear the stories of others who study or work in similar situations.
This study is especially beneficial for students and recent graduates who have had
the opportunity to share their understandings, their hurdles and their thinking when
coping with the challenges of entering employment.
There is also potential for my research to shed light on the way in which
meaning-making occurs, in particular, regarding the complexity in enhancing
graduate employability (Beckett & Mulcahy, 2006; Hager & Holland, 2006; Harvey,
2005; Holland, 2006; Knight & Yorke, 2004), and therefore, it contributes generally to
knowledge in this field. The complexity of the employability discourse is partly due to
the circumstances in which programs of study and pathways into the workplace

Little connection is apparent between HES and industry within Vietnam
(Fatseas, 2010; Pham Thi Huyen, 2008), little information is provided to students
about the labour market requirements and little guidance is available to better
prepare graduates for employment (Mai Trong Nhuan & Hoang Van Van, 2009).
Standing on the threshold of a significant transition in life, students are bombarded
with rumours and hearsay coming from a range of directions in the collectivist culture
of Vietnam. Alongside stories of corruption, students' and graduates' poor
employability assets intersect with their desire to keep face for the whole family, to
earn money immediately after graduation, and to find work to stay in big cities. These
all add to recent graduates' anxiety when struggling to find their ways into
employment. In a culture where many things are driven by unwritten rules and where
there is often very low transparency in policy making and practices (Gillespie, 2008),
enhancing graduate employability in Vietnam still remains a challenging, opaque and
bewildering process for many university students and graduates.
While this inquiry addresses the issue of enhancing graduate employability
within the specific context and culture of Vietnam, this does not negate its valuable
contribution for the field. This book offers a fresh voice and original to the literature
about graduates' transition from university to the labour market.

Chapter 2 Contextualizing
2.1 Introduction
A good job and a better future is the most desirable outcomes of education for
young people in Vietnam and universities are considered the ideal places to fulfil this
dream. Prior to 1990, a young person holding a university degree could say good-bye
to farm work in a predominantly agricultural country and join the intellectual
workforce. This meant a life of relative privilege with a high status job and a higher
income. Finding employment for university graduates was not a problem either
because until quite recently, it was the government's responsibility. As soon as
students were awarded their degrees, they were allocated work by the government.
However, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Doi Moi reform meant considerable
change. Doi Moi changed Vietnam from a centrally planned economy to a market-
oriented one, which heralded enormous societal change, for university graduates too.
As a direct result of Doi Moi, the economy developed rapidly and has since been
driven mainly by the market. The HES has also expanded exponentially in order to
meet the economy's need for qualified employees. The old and comfortable system
where work was allocated to new graduates by the government is fading from
memory, and in these new times, university graduates are required to apply for a
limited number of positions in an open and competitive market. A major problem
arises when up to 400,000 students graduate each year. Many of these graduates
have not yet found a suitable job a year after graduation. Conversely, employers
complain loudly about their very real difficulty in finding graduates with the required
knowledge and skills. The supply does not seem to meet the demand on the labour
market and there are complicating historical, social, educational and economic
factors that this book attempts to unravel.

The `Vietnam Higher Education Renovation Scheme' identified the major
weakness of the higher education sector: its poor capacity to train and provide
qualified human resources for the industrialisation and modernisation of the country
(MOET, 2006a). The current teaching and learning quality indicators in higher
education in Vietnam are generally considered to be low, not only by global
standards but also because they are considered to be lower than that of
neighbouring developing countries with similar cultures such as Thailand and China
(Dapice et al., 2008). Higher education in Vietnam does not appear to meet domestic
requirements or expectations.
Some of the indicators include: complaints about the quality of higher education
training, the dissatisfaction of employers, and the high rate of underemployment and
unemployment among university graduates (Pham Thi Huyen, 2008). Universities
often receive the blame for not training their students to meet the demands of
employers (Tran Thi Tuyet, 2013b). Recently, MOET issued a number of resolutions,
instructions, and plans to reform the educational system. Nonetheless, many of these
resolutions and plans have been criticised as impractical as they were issued without
careful research into the background context, culture, as well as the teaching and
learning infrastructure, conditions, traditions and habits in Vietnam. Together with
unclear implementation, the result has, in most cases, been unsurprisingly
unsuccessful (Hayden & Lam Quang Thiep, 2007; Thi Tuyet Tran, 2014
forthcoming). The current situation of the HES in Vietnam and the gap between
education and the real needs of the society in terms of university graduates'
transition to work in particular, call for further investigation into the problem.
In order to provide an overall picture of the complexity of Vietnamese
universities and employment, this chapter offers the background context for the
study. Two major aspects are considered in detail. The first is the socio-economic
background of Vietnam focusing specifically on the impact of the Doi Moi economic

liberalisation process and the recent changes in the labour market. The second offers
an account of the expansion of the Vietnamese HES and related issues.
2 Vietnamese social and economic system from 1986 to present
2.1 The development of the Vietnamese economy after Doi Moi
Vietnam is a mainly agricultural country with nearly 87 million people, of whom
the majority live in the countryside and rural areas (General Statistics Office, 2012b).
After Doi Moi in 1986, the Vietnamese economy experienced impressive growth and
considerable wealth expansion. Doi Moi had a significant and immediate impact on
the economy which involved agriculture becoming privatised, property rights being
introduced, price controls and controls on foreign trade being eased and Vietnam re-
engaging with the international economy (Glewwe, Agrawal, & Dollar, 2004). One
remarkable change in the economy after Doi Moi was the development of a multi-
sector economy. Before Doi Moi, there were only two economic sectors in Vietnam,
namely the state economic sector and the cooperative
economic sector. With four
more sectors added after the reform
, the multi-sector economy allows and
encourages private and foreign investment organisations to develop their business in
Vietnam (Nguyen Loc, 2006).
Vietnam has experienced strong growth in both private sectors and foreign
direct investment. With the annual average Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth
rate of 7.5%, the economy has recorded a relatively high growth rate compared to
other developing countries (Ministry of Planning and Investment, 2006). Along with
the growth in GDP, there has also been a significant change in the structure of the
economy. With more and more private and foreign direct investment enterprises, the
The economic form where business is set up and run by its members.
The four new economic sectors after Doi Moi are:
x Private and small business economic sector
x Private capitalist economic sector
State capitalist economic sector and,
Economic sector with foreign investments.

country now is marked by an increasing number of small and medium enterprises
(SMEs) with 87% of enterprises employing less than 50 employees and 57% of
enterprises employing less than 10 employees (General Statistics Office, 2008).
According to the Spring 2011 report, the number of Vietnamese SMEs in 2011 was
nearing 400,000, which represents 97-99% of the number of businesses of the
country. These SMEs employed 77% of the workforce and accounted for 80% of the
retail market (Runckel, 2011).
The structure of the labour market in Vietnam has also changed accordingly.
Although Vietnam remains a predominantly agricultural country, the share of
employment in agriculture has declined, while the share of jobs in industry and
service sectors has both sharply increased (The World Bank, 2008). Alongside the
shift to more varied job opportunities, employees have also experienced significant
changes in employment processes. Before Doi Moi, all graduates had work places
arranged for them by the government. Most were sent to rural areas for a few years
before returning to work in the city or where they preferred to go. Doi Moi marked an
important change: graduates would now be required to find the type of work as well
as the location of work by themselves (Vu Ngoc Hai, Dang Ba Lam, & Tran Khanh
Duc, 2007). However, for several years after Doi Moi, and despite the shift to six
sectors, the state sector still dominated the economy. For many, influence,
relationship and bribery remained significant to securing employment (Rama & Võ
Van Kiet, 2008). Even though the economy has recently expanded with many jobs
created in other sectors, the criteria for recruitment in the state sector are still
considered by many job seekers as the `standard' for preparing themselves in
applying for jobs (Pham Thi Huyen, 2008). However, this is no longer an appropriate
strategy in gaining employment for the majority of young people. An increasing
number of jobs offered in the market are from SMEs that often have different
requirements to very large government organisations. Nonetheless, the importance

of relationship, connection and `black money' in employment remains a popular part
of the Vietnamese collectivist culture. This often drives students and their families to
acquiesce and participate in corrupt labour market practices. In the next section, I will
discuss in more detail the issue of corruption in the Vietnamese labour market.
2.2 Corruption
Although Doi Moi fostered the development of an independent external labour
market, this market has remained underdeveloped with many internal problems
(Benson & Zhu, 2005). The prevalence of corruption, a popular problem in
developing economies, is also a significant problem in Vietnam (Gainsborough,
2003). Phrases such as `black money', `go by the back door', `use money to grease
the machine', `money the first' and `if you have money, you can buy fairies' are very
familiar to Vietnamese people. A few cases of corruption remain where fake or
bought university degrees are used to purchase good jobs (Nguyen Phan & Quang
Phuong, 2007). The prevalence of corruption originated in the central command
economy (Rama & Võ Van Kiet, 2008). In fact, corruption was considered acceptable
at the beginning of Doi Moi:
In the poor Vietnam of the early years of Doi Moi, petty corruption was an
accepted way to make ends meet. It was the individual equivalent of "fence
breaking" in the face of an overregulated and inefficient system (Rama & Võ
Van Kiet, 2008, p. 39).
However, as the economy has developed and people are becoming richer,
corruption is increasingly considered to be `associated with greed, more than need'
(Rama & Võ Van Kiet, 2008, p. 39). The stories regarding the `buying' of positions in
government organisations, of the `envelope culture'
and the back door in
Envelope culture or `vn hóa phong bì' is quite popular in Vietnam. It is where money (put in
envelopes) is used to `grease the machine', to get more attention, more help and better

employment processes have inevitably caused bitterness among recent graduates
who are struggling to find their way in the workplace.
It has been suggested that the major reason for the prevalence of corruption
continuing to exist is the low level of development of the Vietnamese economy which
is still considered to be transitional (Collins & Zhu, 2005; Le Chien Thang & Truong
Quang, 2005). Further, the transparency of economic policies is very low and many
non-market factors have remained within the market-driven economy (Nguyen Van
Lich, 2009). The Vietnamese business environment is still overseen by the central
government and the political system remains under the control of one party (Collins,
2005). The government remains strongly interested in many aspects of the labour
market; in the allocation of land, capital and natural resources (Collins, 2005). Due to
this interference, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) remain the dominant force in the
economy and the most important industries still operate under the control of SOEs.
This, as suggested by the state's authority, is to `maintain state power and social
stability' (Collins, 2005, p. 190).
Similarly, the reform process for employment policy and practice has been
closely monitored by the state. In the public sector, the government maintains legal
control over employee wages especially in the area of administration, where the
wage is set according to the length of service rather than the abilities or the level of
work contribution, as in the open market (Nguyen Phuong An, 2002). Employers
cannot make decisions regarding the salaries of their employees. This affects `the
free negotiation rights between employers and employees in the market' (Nguyen
Phuong An, 2002, p. 15). In reality however, this control has not always been
implemented consistently and often applies mainly to the public sector, where the
quality of service in such places as hospitals, schools and other social interactions

employee receives their salary from the government budget. Generally, students who
can speak foreign languages prefer to work for international companies because
these companies often pay significantly higher wages, and money and relationship
do not normally impact in this sector. Nonetheless, there are also graduates who are
seeking jobs in the government sector. Many of them are girls who want to find stable
employment, involving relatively unchallenging work, little money but allowing them
more time and energy to take care of their families later on (Tran Thi Minh Duc,
2011). There are also instances where graduates want to enter the government
sector in order to create relationships, gain a ready promotion, and get rich in this
`enveloped' working culture. Small enterprises are normally the last option for most
university graduates. Although these companies generally pay higher wages than the
government sector, employees often feel vulnerable because the labour laws in
Vietnam are not implemented effectively. Employees can be overloaded with work
and dismissed without recourse (Nguyen Khac Tien, 2011).
In the transition from a central command to a market economy, many markets in
the Vietnamese economy are considered at a beginning stage of development, and
thus all of their related laws and regulations still lack consistency and are rather
`loose' (Nguyen Phuong An, 2002). This is an important feature which will be taken
into consideration in this study. Until recently, the transparency of the labour market
(especially in employment processes in the public sector) was still very low. This is
one reason leading to the prevalence of corruption which is considered popular in
this market. Recruitment power is often in the hands of some specific people. They
may choose to employ whomever they like. They may also base their decision on
their own interests and ignore the needs of the organisation when employing staff
(Nguyen Van Lich, 2009). Together with the poor management knowledge and skills
of the majority of employers in Vietnam, the low level of input for human resource

development popular in Vietnamese companies does not augur well for the transition
to employment of university graduates (Nguyen Phuong Anh & Robinson, 2010).
2.3 Human resource issues in Vietnamese enterprises
Human resource management practices in the labour market are often directly
related to the transition of university graduates to employment. Such practices
o what employers require from recent graduates,
o the kinds of training they are willing to offer these young people
to ease their transition,
o how well human resource issues are managed within their
companies and
o the extent to which a positive environment for these young
people is created for them in which to work and develop.
Each of these factors affects the transitional process for recent graduates.
However, adding to the lack of consistency and transparency of government
economic policies and the slow development of the internal economy, are the
employers themselves. They are often considered to lack critical management skills
and the knowledge (especially in human resource management) to conduct their
business properly (Le Chien Thang & Truong Quang, 2005). The number of SME
owners and employers with higher education qualifications is very limited, and their
managerial expertise is mainly based on practical knowledge acquired over time
(Fatseas, 2010; Trinh Thi Hoa Mai, 2008).
Vietnamese employers do not only have little knowledge and experience in
human resource management, but their investment in this area is also limited. When
the majority of Vietnamese companies are small and medium-sized, where the
owners keep a close eye on cost-cutting policies, the funding of human resource
management activities is often very limited. In Vietnam, traditionally there is a view
that training and development are not the employers' responsibility but is instead, the

responsibility of the government and the educational system (Le Chien Thang &
Truong Quang, 2005). Thus, local organisations are often weak in developing
company-specific skills and knowledge, and are likely to outsource their training.
Formal qualifications are considered important for job seekers entering these sectors.
By contrast, in international enterprises, there is evidence of more modern human
resource management practices. Compared to local enterprises, international
enterprises are
more active in finding applicants for open positions, developing their human
resource assets more by in-house facilities than by outsourcing, appraising
people more on an individual basis, and rewarding them more generously with
respect to their level of performance (Le Chien Thang & Truong Quang, 2005,
p. 40).
Although the level of understanding and adoption of human resource
management practices is not the same in different sectors, it is becoming
increasingly apparent that employers from different sectors seem to be dissatisfied
with the quality, skills and knowledge of job seekers, particularly recent graduates. A
report by the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs
(quoted in Le Chien Thang & Truong Quang, 2005, p. 29) points out that: `Only about
one third of the companies in operation are satisfied with the qualifications of their
new recruits'. Even university graduates, who are considered the most skilful and
knowledgeable new entrants into the workforce, are described as lacking the
knowledge and skills employers require (Nguyen Phuong Anh & Robinson, 2010;
Pham Thi Huyen, 2008). There is an urgent call from the employment market for
improvement in higher education training to close this perceived performance gap.
Compared to the international enterprises, the working conditions as well as the
wages offered by local enterprises tend to be significant, making them less attractive
to the most suitable candidates in the market. Even when this is the case, the blame

easily returns to the HES: `although enterprises have too many applications from
university graduates for each vacant position, it is still not easy for them to find the
one suitable' (Trinh Thi Hoa Mai, 2008, p. 31).
One factor which is consistently identified to be important to the issue of
unemployment or underemployment of university graduates is the alleged skill
shortage of graduates (Asian Development Bank, 2008). Economic development
requires a skilled, creative and flexible workforce that can adapt to changes in
economic activity and technology. However, it has been widely assumed that most
graduates from Vietnamese universities do not possess the capacity to meet this
demand (Asian Development Bank, 2008; Ketels et al., 2010; Nguyen Phuong Anh &
Robinson, 2010).
Clearly, there are many challenges for Vietnamese society during this intense
transitional period, where the economy is rapidly changing. As a result of the limited
funding for and limited understanding of contemporary human resource practices,
together with the widespread assumption that training for work is still considered the
responsibility of the government and the educational system, it seems unlikely that
Vietnamese local enterprises will attain the desired workforce quickly. In stark
contrast, international enterprises generally use transparent employment processes
including developing and supporting their staff with in-house training, very attractive
salaries, and reward systems to acknowledge the performance of their employees. It
is these organisations that the most skilful and productive workers, understandably,
want to join. These are also the reasons why international organisations often attract
and reach more qualified candidates in the labour market. This creates a fear among
local organisations that they will lose their well-trained and highly qualified employees
for a better paid job in FDI enterprises (Truong Quang & Ha Kim Dung, 1998). The
`brain drain' from local to more global organisations is happening extensively and
rapidly within the local Vietnamese employment market. The urgent call for change

by local companies does not yet appear to have been heeded. It is suggested that
they should invest more in their human resource management policies and practices,
and cooperate with the higher education sector (Le Chien Thang & Truong Quang,
2005; Nguyen Phuong Anh & Robinson, 2010; Trinh Thi Hoa Mai, 2008). However,
this is more easily said than done as great cultural change is required within the
3 The Vietnamese higher education system
Figure 1: Vietnamese educational system. Source: MOET (2006c)
There are two types of higher education institutions in Vietnam, namely college
and university. There is no specific difference in terms of the subject of study
between colleges and universities. However, in order to enter universities, students
need to pass the university entrance exam, whereas students who do not pass this
exam can apply and can be accepted to study in colleges. College programs take
three years and are predominantly vocational. They provide students with
fundamental knowledge as well as practical and problem-solving skills for specific
careers. Graduates from colleges are awarded College Diplomas. Universities

provide both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Undergraduate programs,
depending on specific areas of study, take four to six years for upper secondary
school leavers, and one to two years for those having completed related college
programs. Universities provide students with consolidated professional knowledge
and practical skills for individual specific careers. Graduates from undergraduate
programs are awarded Bachelor Degrees (MOET, 2006b).
Vietnamese higher education has expanded rapidly since Doi Moi. In 1987,
there were only 101 colleges and universities in the whole country, with a total of
more than 100,000 students. In accordance with the massification of higher
education elsewhere, in 2012, this number grew to 419 universities and colleges, and
more than 2.2 million students (MOET, 2012). Despite the government's increase in
funding for higher education each year after the Doi Moi process, it has not kept up
with the demand of the booming higher education sector (Nguyen Nhung, 2009). For
the past 10 years, the Vietnamese government has considered higher education
institutions and universities to be financially autonomous, yet most universities have
struggled to fund core activities. University programs have become products that are
marketed in the public media to attract fee-paying students. In order to quickly
increase its resources, each university has invested in commercial packages to
generate demand, revenue and to satisfy customer needs. It is not unusual to find
many irregular streams within a public university, such as in-service classes for
professionals, distance learning, part-time courses, short-term training, second
undergraduate degree education as well as specialised or retraining courses (Kelly,
2000). These additional courses have been designed for those who cannot follow
mainstream study
and are willing to pay higher fees to undertake these courses.
Examining this from an economic perspective reveals that all programs provided by
In Vietnam, the term `main stream study' or `h chính qui' refers to the programs for those
who pass the university entrance exam and follow the curriculum set by MOET.

private universities as well as these irregular courses and programs provided by
public universities are designed according to the requirements of the learners and
they are very profitable because of market demand. Therefore, in order to survive,
the HES in Vietnam has become increasingly commercialised and driven by market
However, an additional important consideration here is the role, preparation and
remuneration of academic staff. Vietnamese higher education does not seem to
have prepared well for its commercialisation, especially in terms of its teaching staff.
The ratio of students to teachers is very high. In 2005, the Prime Minister called for a
reduction in the student-teacher ratio from 29:1 to 20:1 by the year of 2010
(Vietnamese Government, 2005). However, in 2012, according to the statistics
provided by MOET, there were more than 84,000 university lecturers, both full time
and casual staff, employed in the HES, with more than 2,200,100 enrolled students,
indicating that the student-teacher ratio in 2012 is still higher than 26:1 (MOET,
2012). It is suggested that with the continued growth in enrolment numbers, these
ratios may continue to rise (The World Bank, 2008).
In terms of the quality of teaching staff, there has been a significant increase in
the level of qualifications of academic staff in the HES (54% of university lecturers
with postgraduate qualifications in 2012 compared with 30% in 1997 and only 10% in
1987) (See Appendix I for more details). Before 1987, it should be pointed out that
most of the postgraduate training for Vietnamese higher education academic staff
was undertaken in the Soviet Union (Ngo Doan Dai, 2006). After Doi Moi, an
increasing number of institutions were permitted to offer postgraduate training, and
university lecturers have consistently been encouraged to undertake programs of
study at master or doctoral levels. Since 2000, the Government project, `Training
Scientific and Technical Cadres in Institutions Overseas with the State Budget' has
supported leading science and technology staff in key sectors to gain higher degree

qualifications though providing scholarships. These scholarships prioritise higher
education academic staff (Vietnam International Education Development - Ministry of
Education and Training, 2009). Since 2012, another project namely `911' has
enabled higher education academic staff to go overseas for doctoral study
. The
strengthening ties between MOET and a range of countries has meant that each
year, hundreds of academics from different Vietnamese universities are granted
overseas scholarships to undertake master or doctoral level study (Nguyen Thuy
Anh, 2009). This is the major reason for the significant increase in the number of
academic staff who have postgraduate qualifications in the Vietnamese HES.
Despite the significant increase in the qualifications of higher education
lecturers, university academic staff are still considered as having insufficient
qualifications to be higher education lecturers (Ketels et al., 2010; Powell & Lindsay,
2010). In 2012, 46% of university lecturers ­ nearly half the number of academic
staff, held a bachelor degree (see Appendix I for more details). The teaching
methods employed in the HES have been criticised as remaining quite traditional,
dominated by rote learning - that is memorisation and reproduction of information
provided in lecture format. The main duty of students in many universities is still to sit
quietly in classes, taking notes on whatever the teacher says. They then `re-learn'
this information at home and reproduce the information verbatim during examinations
(Dapice et al., 2008; Stephen et al., 2006; Vu Ngoc Hai et al., 2007; and Vu Quang
Viet, 2008). This teaching and learning style does not support individuals to develop
creativity, flexibility or cultivate independence but instead reduces their capacity to
Prime Minister's Decision No. 911/QD-TTG dated 17 June 2010 approving the Training
Initiative Project for Educators of Tertiary Institutions to pursue and attain doctoral degrees for
period 2010-2020.

adapt to the changes required by their workplace after their graduation (Dapice et al.,
These traditional teaching and learning methods have received extensive
criticism from both the Vietnamese and international academic communities.
Thompson (2009) explains the situation historically, suggesting that for centuries,
Vietnamese education has been rooted in the Confucian tradition which emphasises
the supreme knowledge of the teacher and the duty of students to be passive,
obedient and to learn `by heart' the information provided by the teacher. In addition to
the Confucian tradition, Vietnamese history meant that French and Soviet influences
have also impacted on the teaching style in higher education. Both French and
Soviet systems are similar in that they have traditionally depended primarily on
teaching by lecture and rote memorisation (Thompson, 2009). Vu Ngoc Hai (2007)
argues that this is the result of the poor training teachers received, whereas Stephen
et al.(2006, p. 13), Vu Quang Viet (2008) and Tran Quang Trung and Swierczek
(2009) suggest that the heavy emphasis on curriculum is the main factor preventing
efforts to update the dominant teaching style in the Vietnamese HES.
The current curriculum framework, according to Tran QuangTrung and
Swierczek (2009), is too theory-oriented and according to Stephen et al. (2006) and
Vu Quang Viet (2008), is too heavily laden with subjects requiring students to obtain
about 200 credit points in order to graduate (MOET, 2010). Vu Quoc Viet (2008)
compares the curriculum framework of Northwestern University, USA with the one
provided by MOET (which every public university in Vietnam is required to follow)
and concludes that the curriculum of most Vietnamese universities contains twice the
content of the American one. This does not include the additional compulsory
subjects set by MOET: Military education (165 lessons) and physical study (75
lessons) (Vu Quang Viet, 2008, p. 14). The argument that the heavy and theory-
oriented curriculum effectively discourages any improvement in terms of teaching

and learning style, and negates the effort to renovate the system is widely
acknowledged within and outside Vietnam (Tran QuangTrung & Swierczek, 2009; Vu
Quang Viet, 2008; The World Bank, 2008).
While the explanations offered in the literature regarding Vietnamese higher
education appear to be reasonable, it should be noted however, that there seems to
be a need for a more constructive or useful solution beyond a mere description of the
problems. A number of issues raised by education academics and curriculum
theorists (Burnard & White, 2008; Connell, 2009; White, 2010, 2012) might be
helpful. These issues are:
`What changes should be made?'
`Who should change it?'
`How should they go about it'
`What knowledge should be valued instead?'
`Who decides which knowledge is of most value?'
Pham Thi Huyen, a researcher of the Vietnam Development Forum, seems to
address some of these issues when she suggests an alternative and more complex
The managing mechanism at higher education level is too concentrative
and inflexible. They do not allow universities to change the programs and
subjects in accordance with changes of the environment. As a result, many say
that Vietnam's higher education stands apart from movement of the global
education. According to Professor Do Tran Cat, the General Secretary of the
Council of National Professor Title, higher education programs are still
inappropriate however, their modifications are very ineffective. Opinions of
experts are usually not acknowledged in process of making training programs
(SIC) (2008, p. 152).

The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has been extensively criticised
for the existing problems in Vietnamese higher education. They are the ones who set
the current curriculum frameworks for all higher education institutions in Vietnam
(The World Bank, 2008). MOET prescribes the curriculum framework for all
undergraduate courses, including `content structure, number of subjects, duration of
training, time proportion between studying and practicing' (Hayden, 2005, p. 9). The
Education Law also reinforces the centrist nature of managing the curriculum
framework by confirming that MOET has responsibility for `the compilation and
approval of syllabi for common use by colleges or universities'
. This means that if a
university wants to open a new training program or short course, they first have to get
the approval from MOET and their Line Ministries. Institutions do not seem to have
much choice about selecting the content of courses in their own institutions, let alone
how the courses are taught.
Alongside the curriculum, MOET also has control over the most important
decisions of each institution: course approvals and registration, numbers of staff, and
numbers of students admitted. Even the rector of each institution is designated by
MOET (The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, 2007). The
university entrance exam, which is considered the most important in each student's
, is also designed and monitored by MOET. So far, the `autonomy' that MOET
has proclaimed necessary to create good teaching and learning environments within
institutions appears to be experimental in only some institutions and this seems to be
mainly regarding financial affairs (Pham Thi Huyen, 2008). For all of the major
governance and management decisions, institutions have to ask for and obtain
permission from MOET.
Education Law, 2005, Article 41, Section 4 (Law number: 38/2005/QH11).
Gaining access to universities is considered important because it opens up the opportunity
for individuals to join the educated work force which often receives much higher wages
compared to manual labour. It is also important socially and produces great pressure as
individual students need to `keep face' for the whole family.

Clearly, the central management of MOET appears to be rigid, and centralised
decision making seems no longer appropriate for the development of the HES in
Vietnam. It has been widely criticised in the literature. MOET itself appears aware of
its own weaknesses and is struggling to find suitable solutions (Vietnamese
Government, 2005). However, most of its reforms do not appear to have led to
effective changes (Pham Thi Huyen, 2008). One of the major stated aims is to
increase the employability of graduates to satisfy the requirements of the
modernising and industrialising country. Yet, most higher education institutions in
Vietnam are struggling to find ways to solve their internal problems of underequipped
lecturers and the urgent need to upgrade the qualifications of all academic staff. In
addition to these basic requirements, there is a pressing need to create positive and
culturally relevant change in teaching and learning practices and to find resources to
increase the extraordinarily low level of income for academic staff
. While the
traditional mission of the university in Vietnam was to provide skilled workers for the
modernisation and industrialisation of the country (George, 2010; Tran Ngoc Ca,
2006), the labour market has undergone massive changes due to the impact of the
market-driven economy and in the context of external environment and globalisation.
In order to successfully enhance graduate employability in the contemporary labour
market, universities need to have positive and strong relationships with all types of
enterprises. Universities also need the capability to undertake research into labour
market requirements in order to link teaching and learning practices with labour
market demands. Nonetheless, at the current stage, universities do not seem to have
that capability; there are even no university career staff in Vietnamese universities.
Or in other words, there is virtually no link between Vietnamese higher education and
the employment market (Tran Ngoc Ca, 2006; Le Thi Huyen, 2008).
For example, from July 2013, a university lecturer with five year experience receives from 3
billion to 5 billion Vietnamese dongs a month (around 150 AUD to 250 AUD). A senior lecturer
with more than 10 years' working experience receives about 6 to 8 billion dongs a month (300
AUD to 400 AUD).


Type of Edition
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ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Softcover)
File size
1.8 MB
Publication date
2014 (April)
employment market connection higher education graduate employability Vietnam
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Anchor Academic Publishing

Title: Graduate employability in Vietnam: A loose relationship between higher education and employment market
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184 pages