European Union and Turkish Footwear Industry: A Case of Top-Down Europeanization?
86 Pages
In this research, European footwear industry and its interaction to Turkish footwear industry will be analyzed in the context of Turkey-EU relations. Main target is to frame the impacts of relevant policies implemented to Turkey in its accession process to the European Union and assess the possible outcomes by seeking an answer to the question whether if the legal framework of this industry is being shaped from a top-down approach under the EU directives.
Table Of Contents
Table of Contents
ements ... 5
Table of Contents ... 9
List of Tables and Figures ... 11
Chapter 1: Introduction ... 13
Scope and Delimitations ... 13
1.2 Theoretical
1.3 Methodology
Chapter 2A: Turkey and European Union ... 17
2A.1 Historical
2A.2 Negotiations'
2A.3 Current
Chapter 2B: Footwear Industry ... 25
Turkey's Footwear Industry ... 25
Turkey-EU Footwear Relations ... 27
Directive 94/11/EC of European Parliament and Council of 23 March
... 33
A. Article
Article Two ... 34
Article Three ... 34
D. Article
E. Article
F. Article
Other Regulations ... 36
2B.3.1 Respect of WTO rules and disciplines ... 36
2B.3.2 Combating counterfeiting and piracy
... 36
2B.3.3 Combating fraud
... 36
2B.3.4 Commitment to the Environment
... 37
Related Chapters of Negotiations ... 37
2B.4.1 Free Movement of Goods ...
2B.4.2 Free Movement of Capital
... 38
2B.4.3 Enterprise and Industrial Policy
... 39
2B.4.4 Customs Union
... 40
Chapter 3: Legal and technical arrangements ... 43
Free Movement of Goods ... 43
Free Movement of Capital ... 50
Enterprise and Industrial Policy ... 54
3.4 Customs
Chapter 4: Conclusion ... 63
Delineating State Approache(s) and Interdependency ... 64
National and International Competitiveness ... 67
NGOs as Incentives for the Footwear Industry ... 75
Bibliography ... 77
A. Turkey's annual average export growth rate (2002-2006) ... 83
B. EU trade with main partners (2011) ... 84
C. Turkey's trade with main partners (2010) ... 85
D. Imports from Turkey to EU ... 86
E. Exports from EU to Turkey ... 87
List of Tables and Figures
Table 1: Chapters of Negotiations Time Table ... 21
Table 2: Footwear Exports of Turkey by Countries (Dollars) ... 26
Table 3: Extra-EU27 trade (million Euro ) ... 30
Table 4: Top 10 suppliers in textiles (million Euro) ... 31
Table 5: Top 10 markets in textiles (million Euro) ... 32
Table 6: Turkey's Action Plan for Free Movement of Goods ... 44
Table 7: Turkey's Legislative Arrangement for Free Movement of Goods ... 48
Table 8: Turkey's Action Plan for Free Movement of Capital ... 51
Table 9: Turkey's Legislative Arrangement for Free Movement of Capital ... 52
Table 10: Turkey's Action Plan for Enterprise and Industrial Policy ... 55
Table 11: Turkey's Legislative Arrangement for Enterprise and
Industrial Policy ... 55
Table 12: Turkey's Action Plan for Customs Union ... 57
Table 13: Turkey's Legislative Arrangement for Customs Union ... 58
Table 14: Manufacture of Textiles Production Index ... 70
Table 15: Manufacture of Textiles Employment Index ... 70
Table 16: Manufacture of Textiles Export Index ... 70
Table 17: Manufacture of Textiles Partial Productivity Index ... 71
Table 18: Imports of Footwear from Main Suppliers ... 73
Table 19: Exports of Footwear from Main Partners ... 74
Chapter 1: Introduction
Brazil is slowly taking over the world shoe market with its structured, organized, and
well-equipped shoe companies and industry. It manifests the diligence and
determination among Brazilians in trying to export their shoes by marking their own
brand and be competitive in the international economic arena.
Looking back in the case of Turkey, particularly Ankara, there is a sense of
disoriented business machinery and disorganized management within the footwear
industry. The widening gap between Brazilian and Turkish shoe industries continues to
and Turkish shoes still lack the marketability, standardization, and creativity compared
with its European counterparts.
This led the researcher to surmise, contemplate, and realize that it is imperative to
make a study on how the footwear industry may be one of the political cleavages in
becoming an advantage for Turkey's accession process towards the European Union.
Thus, it hypothesized whether Turkey's accession to the membership of European
Union is an opportunity (advantage) or constraint (disadvantage) for the footwear
industry in Turkey.
Scope and Delimitations
The temporal duration of this study is from early 2007 to present. The reason being is
because of some chapters of negotiations were closed and awaiting to be reopened in the
near future.
The area of the study is in the Turkey setting only, not necessarily related to relevant
countries in discussing some issues that are specifically in consonance to the their
values and political mindset.
The scope of the study covers only the Turkey's footwear industry, its relations with
the European market, and the related chapters of negotiations which will be tackled in
the main parts of this thesis.
Information provided were limited in scale that is why the results were not able to
reveal the holistic approach to the obtained data nor emphasized the importance of the
whole and the interdependence of its parts in scrutinizing the different interpretations
given by the presented statistical reports and data gathered.
It also affects in submitting a comprehensive and thorough discernment about the
study due to scarcity in time and confined or restricted within certain limits of assessing
some scholarly/academic sources.
Theoretical Framework
The conceptual framework of complex interdependence
by Robert Keohane and
Joseph Nye will be the theoretical basis or ground in assessing its locality within the
bounds of the discipline of International Relations. Human aspirations, communications,
and economics were the interdependent factors of continuity of change in world politics.
According to the authors, interdependence means mutual dependence, it refers to
situations characterized by reciprocal effects among countries in world politics. It
involves costs and benefits in an interdependent relationship. This somehow establishes
international regimes which refer to sets of governing arrangements that affect the
relationship of interdependence. It may be incorporated into interstate agreements or
Moreover, there are three characteristics of complex interdependence: (1) Multiple
channels which feasibly connect societies via models of interstate, transgovernmental,
and transnational. (2) Absence of hierarchy among issues such as high politics (military,
security or foreign policy) and low politics (economics, cultural exchanges or
education). (3) Minor role of military force (this according to them is the use of force
often has costly effects on nonsecurity goals that popular opposition to prolonged
military conflicts is remarkably high).
Military force could, for instance, be irrelevant to resolving disagreements on
economic issue among members of an alliance, yet at the same time be tremendously
crucial for that alliance's political and military relations without rival bloc.
In this regard, there is a political process of complex interdependence which may
theoretically support the study. First, there should be linking strategies (making
initiative on the economic plans such as trade and commerce between Turkey and EU
under the footwear industry). Second, setting the agenda via the negotiation phases of
related chapters must be comprehensively done. Third, the condition on multinational
corporations as independent actors and instruments may be run the risk of manipulation
by governments.
Contacts between governmental bureaucracies charged with similar tasks may not
only alter their perspective but lead to transgovernmental coalitions on particular policy
questions. Lastly, is the role of international organizations as mediator in the negotiation
Keohane, Robert O. and Joseph Nye, Jr. Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition. 3
Ed. Longman: London, 2000.
process that may help set an international agenda, act as a catalyst for coalition-
formation, and arena for political competition.
Another important component of analysis in this study is the Europeanization. Based
on Tanja Borzel's definition of Europeanization, it is taken as a "process by which
domestic policy areas become increasingly subject to European policy-making".
Howell explains it as, "In its most explicit form Europeanization is conceptualized as
the process of downloading European Union (EU) directives, regulations and
institutional structures to the domestic level."
In this formulation, members and
candidate states follow, copy, absorb and implement European policies, rules and
regulations. However, how much these rules and regulations are internalized or
accepted is important.
This study will try to look at all the legislative changes carried out since 2007 in the
footwear industry following the EU directives as part of the accession process and will
try to analyze whether this downloaded legislation is deemed beneficial or not for the
Turkish footwear industry, as well as trying to look into sectoral developments and
In this section of the study, the researcher whose works is in a discipline or engages
in an inquiry used a body of practices, procedures, and rules. This is the portion wherein
the branch of logic that deals with the general principles of the formation of knowledge
would be considered and simply discussed.
Secondary data were made available from the internet sources which are official
representatives of concerned parties (Turkey and EU), some books, magazines,
periodicals and other informational sheet being provided. Much more of electronic
journals, books and even leaflets, also articles from online news were given the
importance for gathering the information needed. Especially those sources that are
recently published or displayed at the world wide web using the google search key.
Tanja Borzel, "Towards Convergence in Europe? Institutional Adaptation to Europeanization in
Germany and Spain", Journal of Common Market Studies, vol 39, no. 4, 1999, p. 579
Kerry Howell, Developing Conceptualizations of Europeanization and European Integration: Mixing
Methodologies. In: UNSPECIFIED, Sheffield, UK, 2002, p. 8 accessed on 07/09/2012.
The large amount of academic debate on the concept of Europeanization is not within the scope of this
survey. For a detailed analysis of the conceptualization of Europeanization, see: Kevin Featherstone
and Claudio Radaelli (eds), The Politics of Europeanization, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002;
and Paolo Graziano and Maarten P. Vink (eds), Europeanization: New Research Agendas, Palgrave
Macmillan, New York, 2008.
The research design of the present investigation primarily calls for the descriptive
study. With the help of an Online Public Access Catalog or OPAC, which is a
computerized online catalog of the materials held in a library, the library staff and the
public can usually access it at several computer terminals within the library.
It is a database searchable by library personnel whose institutions have a paid
subscription by the administration of the University. It is not typically searchable by the
general public unless their local library subscribes to the OCLC FirstSearch reference
Another basis for the researcher's method used is the Research Forum's database
which was designed to provide researchers, policymakers, and practitioners easy access
to research projects related to welfare and income security; child/family issues; and
community/neighbourhood issues have brought a collection of data arranged for ease
and speed of search and retrieval.
According to the host, which is the EBSCO (Elton B. Steven Company) HOST
Research Database of the university, the information is current through 2000s when
Research Forum operations will be cease.
In addition, personal queries and interviews to first-hand parties such as internal and
external shoe makers, producers, technical workers, managers, designers, traders,
proprietors, non-governmental organizations, and members of the Ministry of Industry
and Trade, Ministry of Economics. They all provided anecdotal accounts that supported
the data gathered.
Chapter 2A: Turkey and European Union
This chapter will discuss the relations between Turkey and the European Union.
From EU's inception and Turkey's first application to the current status and situation of
the negotiation of the accession process.
2A.1 Historical
In an official statement by the Turkish government, they regard Europe as their
"common home that they have built by uniting around common norms, principles and
values ... Today, a full account of the history of Europe cannot be made without
analyzing the significant role that Turkey played in the Continent."
The Turkish-EU relations began with the application of Turkey for membership in
the former European Economic Community (EEC) in 1959. She was an associate
member of the Community, with the potential of becoming a full member at a future
date. In 1963, Ankara Agreement was established in order to fully acknowledge the
final goal of membership which constituted legal basis and arrangement. Ever since,
Turkey has been knocking on the EU's door and thus has been waiting as a candidate
country longer than any other outsider.
In April 1987, Turkey applied for full membership in the EU, but was rejected on the
grounds that Turkey was not ready for the membership. Turkey tried again at the
European Summit Meeting in Helsinki in December 1999. Finally, on October 3, 2005
the EU decided to begin the accession negotiations with Turkey under tough
According to Yilmaz, one of the main arguments against Turkey's membership is the
claim that it represents cultural, religious, and mental "otherness". The argument that
European culture is based upon a Judeo-Christian identity and a heritage leading back to
Greek, and Roman civilization implicitly argues that Turkey has no place in the
European Union.
In addition to the disagreements is the demographic issue where Turkey is
comparable with the population size of Germany, where it has a young population (i.e.,
there is a high fertility rate compared with most of the European countries). It will also
Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Yilmaz, Bahri. "Turkey's Membership in the EU: Realistic or Merely Wishful?" International Harvard
Review (6 January 2011). Accessed on 15 August 2012 at
make a dominant figure in the decision making processes because Turkey holds a
substantial population which gives them more seats in the parliamentary and other
institutions of EU.
Another issue is when the EU immediately accepted the Greek-part-of-Cyprus and
did not wait for the outcome of proposed "United Cyrus Republic" under the Kofi
Annan plan in 2004. It exacerbated the conflicting tension in Turkey's accession
membership process particularly on the agreed `Customs Union' between them, which
Turkey did not comply on some of its provision by rejecting to open its ports to Greek
Cypriots' ships and planes. Therefore, EU forcefully closed most of the chapters in the
communautaire acquis in the negotiation table, which prolonged the length of the
accession process.
2A.2 Negotiations'
The EU opened membership negotiations with Turkey on 3rd October 2005. This
was done by adopting a negotiating framework for this candidate country.
On 29 July
2005, the additional protocol extending the Ankara Agreement to new member states
that acceded to the EU in 2004 was concluded by exchange of letters among Turkey, the
EU Presidency and the Commission. An official declaration which was an integral part
of the letter and signature was also made. In the declaration, it was explicitly stated that
Turkey, by signing the "Additional Protocol," did not recognize the "Republic of
Cyprus" by any means.
The first stage of negotiations started immediately with the screening process.
Screening meetings were completed in October 2006. Following this, the Commission
prepared screening reports for each chapter. The first chapter to be negotiated (Chapter
25 - Science and Research), which opened and provisionally closed on 12 June 2006.
In November 2006, the European Union expressed concern over restrictions to the
free movement of goods, including restrictions on means of transport to which Turkey
had committed by signing the Additional Protocol to the Ankara Agreement.
With no solution found, the European Council decided on 14-15 December 2006 to
suspend negotiations on eight chapters relevant to Turkey's restrictions with regard to
the Republic of Cyprus:
The official website of the delegation of the European Union to Turkey, which was accessed on 15
August 2012 at
Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Chapter 1 Free movement of goods
Chapter 3 Right of establishment and freedom to provide services
Chapter 9 Financial services
Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development
Chapter 13 Fisheries
Chapter 14 Transport policy
Chapter 29 Customs union
Chapter 30 External relations
It was therefore decided that no chapter would be provisionally closed until Turkey
fulfils its commitments under the additional protocol to the EU-Turkey association
agreement. However, this did not mean that the process of negotiations was blocked. In
a retelling public `official' website
, records show the key milestones in the Turkey-EU
relations which are bulleted below:
1959 Turkey applies for associate membership in the European Economic
1963 Association Agreement signed, acknowledging the final goal of
1964 Association Agreement comes into effect.
1970 Protocol signed providing a timetable for the abolition of tariffs and
quotas on goods.
1980 Freeze in relations following the 1980 Turkish coup d'état.
1983 Relations fully restored following elections.
1987 Turkey submits an application for full membership on 14 April.
1989 European Commission refuses to immediately begin accession
negotiations, citing Turkey's economic and political situation, poor
relations with Greece and their conflict with Cyprus, but overall
reaffirming eventual membership as the goal.
1993 The EU and Turkey Customs Union negotiations start.
1996 The Customs Union between Turkey and the EU takes effect on 1
The official website of the delegation of the European Union to Turkey, which was accessed on 15
August 2012 at
1999 At the Helsinki Summit in December, the European Council gives
Turkey the status of candidate country for EU membership, following the
Commission's recommendation in its second Regular Report on Turkey.
2001 The European Council adopts the EU-Turkey Accession Partnership on 8
March, providing a road map for Turkey's EU accession process. On 19
March, the Turkish Government adopts the NPAA, the National
Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis (acquis means EU law),
reflecting the Accession Partnership. In addition, at the Copenhagen
Summit in September, the European Council Decides to Significantly
increase EU financial support through what is now called "pre-accession
instrument" (IPA).
2002 European Council states that "the EU would open negotiations with
Turkey 'without delay' if Turkey fulfills the Copenhagen criteria."
2004 Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus back the Annan
Plan for Cyprus. European Union agrees to start negotiations. On 17
December, the European Council Decides to open membership talks with
2005 Accession Negotiations open on October 3rd. Opening of 6 chapters of
the Acquis: Right of Establishment & Freedom To Provide Services,
Company Law, Financial Services, Information Society & Media,
Statistics, and Financial Control.
2006 Chapter on Science & Research opened and closed. Continued dispute
over Cyprus prompts the EU to freeze talks on 8 chapters and state that
no chapters would be closed until a resolution is found.
2007 In November, the European Commission presented to the European
Council, the Regular Report concerning Turkey's accession negotiations.
Chapters on Enterprise & Industrial Policy, Health & Consumer
Protection, and Trans-European Networks are opened. Chapter on
Statistics & Financial Control opened, but the opening of the chapter on
Economic & Monetary Policy was blocked by French President Nicolas
2008 The European Commission published in November its yearly progress
report on Turkey's preparation for EU accession. Chapters on Company
Law, Intellectual Property Law, Free Movement of Capital, and
Information Society & Media are opened.
2009 Chapters on Taxation and Environment are opened.
2010 Chapter on Food Safety, Veterinary & Phytosanitary Policy is opened.
2012 Launch of the "Positive Agenda" with Turkey started.
2A.3 Current
As of January 2007, the negotiations were back on the track on the chapters that were
not suspended. To date, 12 chapters have been under negotiations, as the table below
shows it.
In the following period, there are three chapters that may be opened provided that
Turkey fulfils the technical criteria. These chapters are Competition Policy, Public
Procurement, and Social Policy and Employment.
Table 1: Chapters of Negotiations Time Table
State of Play as of 1 July 2010.
1 - Free Movement of Goods
2 - Freedom of Movement of Workers
3 - Right of Est. And Freedom to Provide Services
4 - Free Movement of Capital
19 December 2008
5 - Public Procurement
6 - Company Law
17 June 2008
7 - Intellectual Property Rights
17 June 2008
8 - Competition Policy
9 - Financial Services
10 - Information Society And Media
19 December 2008
11 - Agriculture And Rural Development
12 - Food Safety, Veterinary & Phytosanoitary Policy
30 June 2010
13 Fisheries
14 - Transport Policy
15 - Energy
16 Taxation
30 June 2009
17 - Economic And Monetary Policy
18 Statistics
26 June 2007
19 - Social Policy And Employment
20 - Enterprise And Industrial Policy
29 March 2007
21 - Trans-European Networks
19 December 2007
22 - Regional Pol. & Coord. of Structural instr.
23 - Judiciary And Fundamental Rights
The official website of the delegation of the European Union to Turkey, which was accessed on 15
August 2012 at
24 - Justice, Freedom And Security
25 - Science And Research
12 June 2006
12 June 2006
26 - Education And Culture
27 Environment
21 December 2009
28 - And Consumer Health Protection
19 December 2007
29 - Customs Union
30 - External Relations
31 - Foreign, Security And Defence Policy
32 - Financial Control
26 June 2007
33 - Financial And Budgetary Provisions
34 Institutions
35 - Other Issues
In the document entitled "Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2011-12," a
communiqué from the commission to the European Parliament and the Council (dated
12 October 2011)
stated that Turkey's accession process remains the most effective
framework for promoting EU-related reforms, developing dialogue on foreign and
security policy issues, strengthening economic competitiveness and diversifying supply
of energy sources. In the accession negotiations, it has regrettably not been possible to
open a new negotiating chapter for over a year.
However, in supporting the enlargement process, the EU will give financial support
to Turkey. Assistance is provided essentially under the Instrument for Pre-Accession
Assistance (IPA), under which total allocation over the period 2007-2013 is 11.6
billion. Around 10% of the available IPA funds will be allocated to multi-country
projects across Turkey.
Moreover, the EU and Turkey started to intensify their cooperation on visa issues
while the Commission entered into a dialogue with Turkey on visa, mobility, and
migration, in line with the Council conclusions of February 2011.
This process started delivering results on both the issuance of visas for Turkish
travellers and the tackling of irregular immigration to the EU and will help identify
concrete steps required from Turkey in view of a future visa liberalization. In this
context, an important step would be that Turkey take the necessary action for the swift
conclusion of the readmission agreement.
As in previous years, a number of key challenges are given particular attention for
Turkey's accession process.
COM(2011) 666 final; Brussels, 12.10.2011. "Enlargement Strategy and Main Chalenges 2011-2012".
Communication from the Commision to the European Parliament and the Council.
Increased focus on strengthening the rule of law and public administration
Ensuring freedom of expression in the media. (The legal framework does not yet
sufficiently safeguard freedom of expression. The high number of legal cases
and investigations against journalists and undue pressure on the media raise
serious concern.)
Achieving sustainable economic recovery and embracing Europe 2020.
Extending transport and energy networks. (The Commission supports Turkey
financially in the further development of its transport networks, in particular
concerning high speed rail connections and the modernization of port facilities.
At the same time, Turkey should be encouraged to deepen its gas market,
increasing liquidity, and contract flexibility. Such a process would lead to the
emergence of an 'energy hub', the existence of which would achieve greater
energy security.)
Chapter 2B: Footwear Industry
In this particular chapter, the discussion on the overall setting or situation of Tur-
key's footwear industry will take place including its relations with the EU's footwear
industry. In addition, four selected chapters of negotiations for Turkey's accession
process are presented, but detailed analyses are accounted in the subsequent chapter.
2B.1 Turkey's
The footwear sector is a diverse industry which covers a wide variety of materials
(textile, plastics, rubber, and leather) and products from different types of men's,
women's, and children's footwear to more specialized products like snowboard boots
and protective footwear. This diversity of end products corresponds to a multitude of
industrial processes, enterprises, and market structures.
Turkey's footwear industry has developed at a rapid pace due to modern manufac-
turing processes, the availability of major quality raw materials, skilled workers, and
high design capacity. Today, the Turkish footwear industry has a strong position
among exporters of high quality of fashion goods. Another sign of positive develop-
ment is the increase in foreign investments in the sector.
The industry is the second in Europe after Italy.
The Turkish shoe sector had an
export value of US$ 441 millions while imports totaled in US$ 871 millions in the
year 2011. It is also important to note that the US$ 755 millions come from the Far
East particularly China.
Furthermore, the export figure of the leather sector for 2011
was about US$ 1,262 million.
Major markets for the Turkish made shoes are the
"Overview of the Footwear Industry." European Commission`s Enterprise and Industry. Accessed on
30 August
2010 at
"Leather Footwear and Jewellery (Footwear in Turkey)." Fibre2Fashion. Accessed on 15 August 2010
"Turkish Footwear Industry: The Second in Europe after Italy." Business Turkey Today. Accessed on
15 August 2012 at
Seyirden, Esra "AyakkabÕ ithalatÕ `koruma' dinlemiyor (Shoe imports `protection' listening)" Ticaret
(Günlük Siyasi Ticari Gazete). Accessed on 30 August 2012 at
"Footwear in Turkey." Official document released by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of
Turkey. Accessed on 30 August 2012 at
- Pages
- Type of Edition
- Erstausgabe
- Publication Year
- 2014
- ISBN (eBook)
- 9783954898121
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9783954893126
- File size
- 3.3 MB
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2014 (September)
- Keywords
- european union turkish footwear industry case top-down europeanization
- Product Safety
- Anchor Academic Publishing