Coaching a way to develop the teachers internal commitment
113 Pages
The purpose of this study is to identify and elucidate the influence of coaching in teachers’ attitude and performance as perceived by inexperienced in coaching practice nursery school. The question that guided this study is ‘What is the impact of coaching in a Greek nursery school?’ This study focuses on three research questions:<br>• How do teachers evaluate the coaching experience?<br>• What are the benefits and the implementing of coaching?<br>• If and how teachers’ interaction with coaching changes their attitude? <br>The author’s research was influenced by her first degree in early childhood education, and her own professional background. One head teacher and five teachers provided the study evidence. The qualitative approach was used to collect and analyse the data. This research has been a follow-up to a descriptive, exploratory qualitative case study. The findings were based on several different research tools such as semi-structured interviews, reflective journals, criteria sheets, coaching sheets, and SWOT sheets.<br>The examination of the data highlights 5 key issues: the leadership effects in the working environment and teachers’ performance; the coaching understanding concerns the degree in which respondents clarify the different aspects of coaching; the next category, on coaching difficulties, includes the perceived reasons for which coaching was ineffective; the coaching benefits introduces the positive contributions of the coaching process; and the final key point is the coaching influence in the teachers’ attitude.<br>The findings support that coaching influences the participants’ attitude to a limited but significant degree.
Table Of Contents
This dissertation process has been incredible journey for me and has been led
by my supervisor, Dr Deboratha Jones. Dr Jones, my heartfelt thanks goes to
you for sharing your expertise, your guidance and unwavering support for
my ideas.
To Eleni Soumpasi, your constant presence and friendship helped sustain me
throughout not only this dissertation process but also this MA degree. Thank
you for all that you did to help made this dream possible.
To my sister Matina, thank you for been always there for me and helping
make true my dreams.
To my new friends, Hye Sook, Eftychia, Christos, Arched, Lela, Nikki, Wido,
Arif, Marianna, thank you for always lifting my spirits and leading me in joy.
To my friends from Greece Georgia, Ioanna, Athina, Matina, Athina, Eleni,
Voula, thank you for your support and enthusiasm to my adventure.
To Popy and Mr Dimitri Mihalopoulos, thank you for your unshakable
confidence in me as you helped me navigate through the MA journey.
To Mrs Mparmpagianni, thank you for all your help.
To my study participants and colleagues, thank you for your generous gift of
your time.
To my family, thank you for your support and love.
Introduction to the chapter
This study investigates the acceptability of coaching as a leadership approach
in a Greek Nursery school. Firstly, the aim of the research is to identify the
effect of coaching on teachers' performance. The focus then shifts to an
analysis of the impact of coaching on teachers' professional goals and
personal belief. The hypothesis of the research is that coaching as an intuitive
leadership approach is capable of replacing the current management model in
Greek nursery schools. This chapter defines the current terminology and use
of coaching; it summarizes the history of coaching and its purpose in the
educational field. Moreover, it critically describes my personal motivation to
undertake this research and outlines the Greek government legislation and
policy. Finally, it addresses the research questions. The chapter concludes
with the structure of the study.
Definition of coaching
During the last decade researchers have provided numerous definitions about
coaching and its purposes. Despite these different points of view, most
definitions include: relationship, process, one-to-one learning, setting goals,
taking action and enhancing experience and/or performance. The parameters
of the study are determined by the definitions of International Coach
Federation (ICF 2003, [on line]) for coaching: `Coaching is an interactive
process that helps individuals and organizations to develop more rapidly and
produce more satisfying results'.
In addition, coaching may be considered from various perspectives. Is
coaching explicit or implicit, formal or informal? Accordingly, coaching can
represent a style: `Coaching is a management behavior that lies at the opposite
end of the spectrum to command and control' (Whitmore 2007, p. 2); or it can
be used as a tool: `Coaching is an enabling process to increase performance,
development and fulfillment' (Alexander & Renshaw, 2005, p. 11).The various
definitions and perspectives of coaching will be explored in greater detail in
the next chapter.
Why coaching now?
Coaching as a development tool has seen explosive growth in recent years for
both organizations and the general public. `Coaching seems to be everywhere
at the moment. Not only is it gaining a higher profile at national policy level,
its use growing in professional and school development' (Creasy and
Paterson, 2005, p.4). Business and organizations face many new challenges in
today's world. Organizations including educational establishments have to
achieve more success, in a shorter time, with fewer resources, greater
competition, and constant uncertainty in a global market place. Coaching
seems to offer a winwin solution for all by advancing a new leadership and
management style. Based on coaching experience individuals and
organizations have the chance to highlight the criteria of success within the
professional and personal environment (Alexander & Renshaw, 2005). In its
comprehensive report, Coaching and buying coaching services, The Chartered
Institute of Personnel and Development points out the extensive use of
coaching in organizations in the last few years Jarvis (2004). Four-fifths of
respondents now use coaching in their organisations because it promotes
competitiveness as well as helping people attain their potential. There a
variety of reasons for this. Lifelong learning, improving the decision-making
of senior employees, employee demand for different types of training,
support for other learning and development activities are only some reasons
for this increase. As a result, people should be able to be committed in order
to meet these challenges effectively (Holden, 2005).
The history of coaching
The history of coaching can be traced back to psychology and management
literacy (Grant, 2002). Traditionally, the term was associated with sports
coaching and with academia, e.g. maths coaching. There is a powerful link
between organizational consulting and coaching (Flaherty, 1999; Garmen et
al., 1999; Hudson, 1999; Kilburg, 1996; Zeus et al., 2002).Tobias (1996) argues
that coaching started developing in the workplace in the late `80 as an effort to
solve behavioral problems without using counseling practices. Because of its
historical background, the purpose of coaching is misunderstood. However,
coaching should not be confused with counseling, training, mentoring,
therapy or performance appraisal even though it often uses some of those
professional practices.
Coaching in an educational context
The research wants to investigate the impact of coaching in a Nursery School
in Greece. The literature identifies four emerging themes: coaching as
leadership style or tool; the benefits and the difficulties of coaching
experience; the role of the coach and how you can establish a long-term
coaching strategy. Coaching as a leadership style gathers momentum (Creasy
and Paterson, 2005). It is essential to clarify what coaching is and how it can
be used at schools. Despite the extent of literature, there is no common
definition for coaching. A number of groups have tried to draw a shared
definition for the process. Stern (2004) notes that `Executive coaching is an
experimental, individualized, leadership development process that builds a
leader's capability to achieve short and long-term organizational goals.' (p.19).
Downey's (2003) alternative approach suggests that `Coaching is the art of
facilitating the performance, learning and development of another'. (p. 21).
Common threads that run through all school leaders definitions include: non-
directive, non-judgmental and client-centered.
To apply coaching to an educational organization first we need to take
account of the schools' background and conditions before coaching can be
take place (Suggett, 2006). The coaching can be included in the schools'
program on a regular basis or it can be an informal process in order to
respond to a particular situation. The impact of coaching on schools depends
on the level of investment in the process. At this point we must realize that
introducing coaching into the school will represent a substantial investment
of time and money. Coaching is a long-term strategy which needs time to be
embedded and make a difference. It also changes the way teachers see
leadership not only as a manager's task but also as a process of developing
the staff. Coaching is one process that accomplishes both. Coaching develops
individual's and schools' capacity to set better goals, takes more action, makes
better decisions, and achieves a better quality results. According to Suggett
(2006), it is too early to understand the potential effect of coaching in schools.
However, some clear findings suggest that coaching affects staff and pupils
positively and enhances the social/emotional school environment. It can be
used as a leadership method or structure whole-school process.
My personal motivation
This study was influenced by my first degree in early childhood education,
and my own professional background. Having spent 10 years working in
education, I have witnessed many new initiatives and government policy
directives. Much of my time in education has been in nursery schools. It was
this work that prompted my study as it seemed to me there was a lack of
understanding among employers and Nursery School practitioners as to how
teachers could be more responsive and demand-led. It is my belief that
coaching practice has more prospects to motivate Greek teacher. A report
presenting portraits of three San Francisco Bay Area schools suggests that
coaching strategy promotes professional development, increases teachers'
willingness and ability to collaborate, and increases levels and quality of
implementation of new instructional strategies (Symonds, 2003). As a result,
my research intends to examine the influence of coaching in a Greek nursery.
It also explores the coaching process from the perspective of educators so that
factors leading to successful outcomes can be described.
Government legislation and the policy in Greece
Education in Greece is compulsory for all children between the ages of 6 and
15. However, the school-life of the students can start from the age of two-and-
a-half years (pre-school) in private and public nursery schools. Pre-school
education in Greece is free and non-compulsory. The Greek education system
is highly centralized. The Ministry of Education has the overall responsible of
national education. Nevertheless, Greek nursery schools are organized
differently. The nursery schools of each area come managerially under the
Board of Directors of each Municipality. The general and specific goals, the
curriculum and policies are conceived, formulated and issued by the
Pedagogical Institute and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The extent of
coaching in Greece is limited to the business world while nursery schools use
more traditional methods of leadership and management
One ambition of this research is to present the results to the Board of Directors
of the Municipal Child Centre of the Municipality of Aigaleo, which is
responsible for all Nursery Schools in the Aigaleo area. The above
organisation is my current employer and supports my decision to continue
my postgraduate studies not only morally but also financially. The board of
the organization intends to establish an educational organization in order to
reorganize and shape a long-term strategy for the improvement of the nursery
schools in the area. As a result, they are very interested in the findings of my
research to influence their leadership strategy. Is my belief that coaching is the
most suitable leadership style and that it will be readily accepted by the
majority of teachers. It can influence the teachers' performance; reorganize a
structured, whole school process, and shape an effective long-term strategy.
With my research I hope to justify the positive impact of coaching in Greek
teachers' performance and additionally, to convince them of my beliefs in it.
Aims of the study
The overall aim of this research is to introduce coaching in a Greek nursery
school in order to study the teachers' reaction to the coaching approach.
Coaching is a relatively new but widely implemented strategy within Greece.
However, there is little evidence regarding teachers' views of its impact-
hence I aim to see how teachers evaluate the coaching experience. These
factors framed the research process and helped to identify the study focus on
three research questions:
· How do teachers evaluate the coaching experience?
· What are the benefits and the implementing of coaching?
· If and how teachers' interaction with coaching changes their attitude?
The purpose of the first research question is to demonstrate the participants'
in-depth beliefs about the effectiveness of coaching and if it can be applied in
Greek nursery Schools. The goal of this question is to clarify teachers'
understanding of the features of coaching, which is their opinion about the
benefits of it and the difficulties of implementing it; and if and how their
point of view differs from the opinion of British teachers. The third question
wants to identify to which degree the coaching affects teachers' professional
and personal life and how willing they are to introduce coaching in their
nursery school. As a result, the long-range aim of the paper is to convince the
participants and the administration of the benefits and effectiveness of
coaching so it can be applied to schools' management.
Structure of the study
Chapter 2 of my study is a literature review which critically describes the
current research in the field. Chapter 3 is an explanation of the research
methodology and data of the study. The paper in chapter 4 analyses the data
evidences. The next chapter critically analyses the data collection. Chapter 6
presents a discussion and their significance. The final chapter concludes the
study with recommendations on further research.
Introduction to the chapter
Coaching is now among the most widely used executive development
techniques. Skiffington & Zeus suggest that `Behavioural coaching can be
defined as the science and art of facilitating the performance, learning and
development of the individual or team, which in turn assists the growth of the
organisation' (2003). Thus coaching as a structured process involves
assessment, examining values and motivation, setting measurable goals,
defining focused action plans. This chapter will explore and critically analyse
the recent literature in an effort to explore the various definitions and
perceptions of coaching. For this purpose the paper will discuss 5 themes:
leadership as coaching is an important aspect of leadership and because we
need to clarify the context in which leadership functions in order to
understand teachers attitude (Smylie, 1995); the history of coaching so
understand how the coaching is not a new concept; what is coaching will help
to be clarified the different approaches and common threads about coaching;
aspects of coaching will present the different parts in a coaching process; and
coaching in an educational context will light the role of coaching in an
educational organization. I decide these topics because they can help me to
answer better my research questions.
There are various types of leadership such as instructional leadership,
transformational leadership, constructivist leadership, servant leadership,
cultural leadership, and primal leadership (Goleman, Boyatzis & McKee,
2002). Despite the common conception that successful leadership is based on
the application of leadership practices, the educational leadership literature
highlights leaders' values, beliefs, skills and knowledge as the main factors
that influence leaders' effectiveness.
Aspects about leadership
There are different approaches to leadership. Goffee, & Jones (2006) state that
leadership is about results and meaningful performance. Leithwood, et al,
(2006) argue that leadership is about direction and influence. Studies suggest
that the performance of the individuals under leadership influence the raising
of organizational standards. As a result, there is a direct interaction between
leadership behavior and individuals' performance. The values, ethos and
vision of organizations promote staff commitment. The environment and the
`climate' that a leader shapes affect staffs' performance and are the key to
continuous improvement. Additionally, leaders offer strong motivation,
positive attitudes and behaviors development. Mutual respect, collaboration
and consolation are essential elements to reach a goal (Crane, 2005).
Distinction between educational leadership and management
`There is no single all-embracing theory of educational management' (Bush,
2002, p.16). Although, there has been a plethora of empirical research,
criticisms have been leveled about what represents and what is meant by
leadership and managerial effectiveness (Conger, 1998). Management is the
activity concerning the `internal operation of educational institutions', the
relationships of the institutions with their environment and setting, and with
the `governing bodies to which they are formally responsible' (Glatter, 1979,
p.16). It has been suggested (Law & Glover, 2000) that managers need to be
good at everything while leaders not as management is considered as
something that fills in the gaps. Levicki (2001, p. 145) says that `management
brings order and consistency to key dimensions of an organization.
Leadership, in contrast, is about coping with change'. Bell (1999) argues that
the dichotomy between leadership and management is false because both
activities are linked in all educational organizations. The failure or success of
the first can lead to the failure or success of the second.
In the last two decades organizations have increasingly wanted to adopt a
new leadership model based on empowerment instead of more traditional
address format. Empowerment, as a means of motivating employees'
performance, is gaining more and more attention (Beattie, 2002). It is
suggested that empowered individuals are the key to higher levels of
performance and that individuals can make better job-related decisions
(Bluestone, & Bluestone, 1992). Accordingly, coaching is considered as being
at the heart of the new leadership style and the idea of leaders and managers
develop coaching skills has gained great currency in the literature (Ellinger,
2003). Moreover it is `...a call for fundamental transformation of management
style and culture' (Whitmore, 2007, p.5) helping individuals improve their
performance (Simmons, 2002). Other definitions from research and from
leadership and management literature will be represented below with more
details. Several authors support the notion of leaders serving as coaches
(Antonioni, 2000; Kraines, 2001).
To sum up the literature review highlights the interaction between leadership
behavior and individuals' performance. Features such as values, ethos and
vision of organizations influence staff commitment and leadership
The history of coaching
Coaching is not a new concept that has suddenly been invented. Coaching in
some form or another has been around for as long as the human race itself. It
has always been a vital element of life for people everywhere. Right from the
earliest days, parents and educators have to offered support and
encouragement to the young. Grant (2002) remarks that research in coaching
is the result of the convergence of several developmental strands with roots
that can be traced back to 1958.
The coaching psychological background
Many psychological theorist and practitioners from the early 1900s such as
William James, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler influenced the development of
coaching and created a link between psychotherapy and a solution oriented
method of assisting client. In 1951, Carl Rogers highlighted the shift of
counseling and therapy to a new perspective, coaching in which the client
was able to change and grow. Abraham Maslow, the father of behavioral
theory, advacated the importance of needs and motivations in people's
personal growth, self-actualization and creativity. Coaching is based on this
perspective (Williams, 2006).
From sports to business field
According to Harris (1999) the recent history of coaching can be separated
into 3 periods: early stage (1950-1979), where coaching was introduced into
the management literacy as a management skill and psychological practice
(Zeus & Skiffington, 2002); the middle period (1980-1994) when coaching
become a part of the business literature, largely as an outgrowth of exploring
ways to expand managed care; and recent times (1995-present) which are
marked by a dramatic increase in the number of publications and professional
coaching organizations.
A more sophisticated form of coaching can be seen in the sports and
performance arena. A former tennis champion named Timothy Gallway,
(1986) introduce a unique and radical method to help athletes train. Until then,
coaches either gave orders or suggestions to help people learn to play sports.
Instead, Gallway's approach focuses on the instinctive ability of people to
learn through their own experience on the court. He saw coaching as a means
of helping athletes to increase their performance and develop their sense of
awareness of how they played. Following the paradigm of sports, managers
and leaders saw that the new idea could be applied in the business field as
well. It become clear that the coaching concept could assist business people in
taking better control of their jobs and careers and to achieve more.
Coaching today
The global growth of coaching as an established skill-set and approach for
leaders in business and non-profit organizations is now well documented. In
2003, the Harvard Business School published a study which marked a
worldwide coaching market exceeding 1 billion dollars annually. According
to this study, this market is expected to double in the next two to three years.
A report conducted by The International Coaching Federation highlight a
membership roster of over 7,000 in 2004. In addition, the Chartered Institute
of Personnel and Development (CIPD, 2005) reports that 88% of organizations
now use some type of coaching, with 74% stating that their use of coaching
has increased over the last 12 months.
Coaching has a long history in psychology and management literacy field.
Although the term was associated traditionally with sports coaching and with
academia, today it concerns an effective management tool or leadership
aspect for a plethora of organizations.
What is coaching?
Definitions about coaching
Over the years, there have been a number of different coaching definitions
used, which includes the following: The state of Gallwey (1986) that coaching
unlocks a person's potential by overcoming mental obstacles. Moreover, it
maximizes individual's own performance, and helps them to learn rather that
teaching them. Downey (1999) further develops this idea by suggesting that
coaching is `The art of facilitating the performance, learning and development
of another'. Hall et al, (1999) have attempted to be more inclusive of the
complex coaching world defining coaching as follows:
Meant to be a practical, goal-focused form of personal, one-on-one learning for
busy executives and may by used to improve performance or executive behavior,
enhance a career or prevent derailment, and work through organizational issues
or change initiatives. Essentially, coaches provide executives with feedback they
would normally never get about personal, performance, career and
organizational issues (p. 41).
Hall, has focused on coach as detached outsider. His definition provides the
performance improvement and effective assessment as key values of a coach.
The Continuing the focus on improving performance, Grant, has proposed the
following definition: `A collaborative, solution-focused, results-orientated and
systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of work
performance, life experience, self-directed learning and personal growth of
the coachee' (2003, 2).
A more recent perspective highlights the role of coach as a collaborative
partner who works with the client in order to help them reach goals, solve
problems, learn and develop (Caplan, 2003). Moreover, it is suggested that
coaching improves the quality and balance of life as people seek a different
approach for achieve their life's desires (Whitworth et al., 1998).
A number of authors have tried to establish a further clarification by
illustrating what coaching is not about. Creasy & Paterson, (2005, p.17) argue
that the purpose of coaching in not `giving answers or advise; making
judgments; offering counseling; creating dependency; imposing agendas or
initiatives; confirming long-held prejudices'. In addition, Bloom & Castagna et
al., (2005) outline four key points that distinguish coaching from mentoring,
training, supervision or therapy. However, they agree that successful coaches
use mentoring or training skills and strategies so as to be more effective.
Debates and different approaches about coaching
The plethora of publications over the last 15 years has attempted to shape the
theoretical model of coaching and bring some common understanding to the
field. Despite the good intentions, there is no unified theory or model to guide
the training or practice of the participants.
Giving emphasis to an instructional approach, Parsloe (1995, p.18) proposes
that coaching is `directly concerned with the immediate improvement of
performance and development of skills by a form of tutoring or instruction'.
Also highlighting training, Druckman and Bjork (1991, p.61) propose that
`coaching consists of observing students and offering hints, feedback,
reminders, new tasks, or redirecting a student's attention to a salient feature-
all with the goal of making the student's performance approximate the
experts performance as closely as possible'. In contrast, Hudson (1999, p.6)
focuses on communicating through tutoring or instruction, proposing that
a coach is a person who facilitates experiential learning that results in future-
oriented abilities... (a coach) refers to a person who is a trusted role model,
adviser, wise person, friend, mensch, steward or guide -a person who works
with emerging human and organisational forces to tap new energy and purpose,
to shape new vision and plan and to generate desired results. A coach is someone
trained and devoted to guiding others into increased competence, commitment
and confidence.
Focusing to facilitating instead of instruction, Hudson describes the process of
coaching as an occurring when a coach promotes client see potentials instead
of threats. However, Hudson's (1999) definition confuses coaching with a
plethora of other roles. Kilburg's (2000) central point in his coaching is
defined as
a helping relationship formed between a client who has managerial authority and
responsibility in an organisation and a consultant who uses a wide variety of
behavioural techniques and methods to assist the client to achieve a mutual
identified set of goals to improve his or her professional performance and
personal satisfaction and consequently to improve the effectiveness of the client's
organisation within a formally defined coaching agreement
Kilburg's (2000) description for executive coaching precludes personal and
life coaching along with work place coaching with non-executive staff.
Coaching is also viewed either as a leadership style or as a management tool.
Authors such as Whitmore, 2005 and Sugget, 2006
emphasise the essential
value of coaching as a means of developing individuals' true potential and
they insist that coaching is a type of management behaviour.
Although, the above approaches manage to shed light on different coaching
perspectives, they fail to agree on a common definition. Moreover, Parsloe
(1995) and Druckman and Bjork (1991), by focusing on the instructional
features of coaching, exclude the facilitation of self-directed learning.
Despite the differences, all the definitions include some common threads and
of a common agreed-upon language such as: process, setting goals,
relationship, and learning, taking action and increasing experiences and/or
performance (Stober & Grant, 2006). In addition, many authors emphasise
that the key strategies in effective coaching are emphatic listening and
questioning as both these skills eventually lead to action been taken
(Whitmore, 2005;
Creasy & Paterson, 2006). Moreover, Suggett (2006)
highlights that coaching is non-directive; non-judgmental and client-centred.
Another common point among authors is the belief that coaching builds
awareness and responsibility (Whitmore, 2005;
Bloom & Castagna et al., 2005).
Aspects of coaching
The role of the coach
The professional backgrounds of people who coach vary from drama to
psychology and from sports to education. Recent findings suggest that the
majority of professional coaches come from the great pool of business and
social sciences, while only about 15% of the respondents reported education
as their previous occupation (Zackon & Grant, 2004). In addition, studies
highlight the significance of professionalism to coaches. Career experiences,
life experiences, and mentoring by other coaches are considered as highly
important elements for coaches' development and success (Gale et al., 2002).
Accordingly, the factors that influence a client's opinion when choosing a
coach are the relevance of her/his previous career area to their coaching
practice and their professional background. As a result, the average length of
work experience of professional coaches is 24 years (Judge & Crowell, 1997).
According to Zackon & Grant (2004) coaching includes career coaching,
personal/life coaching, small business coaching, corporate executive coaching,
and non-profit organizational coaching. Other authors have added more
types or terms of coaching such as feedback, targeted, in depth development,
intensive, content, legacy, performance, relationship and team (Peterson, 1996;
Thach & Heinselman, 1999). As each subcategory demand different coaching
practices and strategies, some people question the effectiveness of coaching in
general applied to so many different areas.
Another perspective of coaching concerns business development. Small
business coaches focus on customer relationships and marketing of products,
while organizational/executive coaches report leadership development and
team building (Zackon & Grant, 2004). Executive coaching promotes a new
learning-based model, proposes less hierarchical forms of leadership and
develops coaching skills within leaders (Flaherty, 1999; Morgan et al., 2004).
The Executive coach serves as a strategic partner to the executive and his/her
team. The Executive Coach's skills include business acumen and financial
management, leadership and organizational skills and analytic and
innovative thinking as an ability to inspire trust and commitment to action.
The role of coachee
Several studies have explored the coaching process from the coachee's aspect
so as to answer the question how and why the coach is selected. With regards
to the focus on the coaching engagement, Dunn's (2003) survey states that
clients expect to become more effective and experience a more satisfying
personal life, setting and succeeding professional goals. In his study,
participants validated four reasons for being coached: they developed a
behaviour that helped them to better handle their personal and professional
issues; they created awareness and responsibility; they promoted their
personal growth; and they saw their life from a positive perspective. Other
findings propose that clients hire coaches so as to change their personal
attitude, to improve leadership effectiveness, and to develop stronger bonds
and work-family integration (Wasylyshyn, 2003). More qualitative studies
emphasizing to the coachees were conducted by Hurd (2003) and Bush (2004).
Hurd's (2003) phenomenological aspect showed that clients engage in a
coaching process in order to gain feedback and make changes. Bush (2004)
also studied the phenomenon of being coached but from the perspective of
the executive. His results highlighted that:
Executive coaching is effective when a client, who is ready for coaching and
committed to the coaching process, works with a coach whose background,
experience, role(s), and personal qualities promote rapport with the client, and
they engage in a structured process that is focused on development, a process
- Pages
- Type of Edition
- Erstausgabe
- Publication Year
- 2015
- ISBN (eBook)
- 9783954898640
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9783954893645
- File size
- 617 KB
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2015 (February)
- Keywords
- coaching
- Product Safety
- Anchor Academic Publishing