
Design of an Audio Multitone Refiner, Simulation of Audio Frequencies & Analysis Using Active Filter

©2017 Textbook 59 Pages


The indispensable need for alignment and optimization of sound systems has prompted this study. It tries to answer questions such as: What constitutes audio and frequency response components? Are they pragmatic? What are filters in this context?
The work mainly focuses on improving an input audio signal to be free from shape glitch in order to circumvent unwanted audible peaks or anomalies in the final sound. Additionally, this study tries to offer operational flexibility per definition of an Audio Multitone Refiner.
Because of their versatility, the signal analyzing tools Laplace transform, Fourier series, D.C. and transient analysis were employed to ascertain the realization of all constructed circuits in this study. ‘Casio fx7400G’ language was used during programming of the band pass filter, as were active filters.


Table Of Contents

This work was a research work in all its facets that involved laboratory findings typically
designed and constructed; with rigorous mathematical analysis, programming, circuit synthesis
and stimulation; bearing in mind the necessities to add to the world of audio production.

The dispensable needs of alignment and optimization of sound systems has prompted this
project. In concise answer would be provided to question such as what constituted audio and the
frequency response components. Are they pragmatic? What are filter and the rest?
The main focus of this work was to improve an input audio signal to be free from shape
glitch in order to circumvent unwanted audible peaks or anomalies in the final sound and offer
operational flexibility hence the definition of an Audio Multitone Refiner.
What Is Filter?
A filter is a device that passes electric signals at certain frequencies of frequency ranges while
preventing the passage of other. Filter circuits are used in a wide variety of applications. In the
field of telecommunication, band-pass filters are used in audio frequency range (0 kHz to 20
kHz) for modems and speech processing. High frequency band-pass filters (several hundred
MHz) are used for channel selection in telephone central offices. Data acquisition systems
usually require anti-liaising low-pass filter as well as low-pass noise filters in their preceding
signal conditioning stages. System power supplies often use band-rejection filters to suppress the
50 or 60-H line frequency and high frequency transients. In addition, there are filters that do not
filter any frequencies of a complex input signal, but just add a linear phase shift to each
frequency component, thus contributing to a constant time delay. These are called all-pass filters.
At high frequencies (> 1 MHz), all of these filters usually consist of passive components such
inductors (L), resistors (R), and capacitors (C). They are then called LRC filters. In the lower
frequency range (1 Hz to 1 MHz), however, the inductor value becomes very large and the
inductor itself gets quite bulky, making economical production difficult. In these cases, active
filters become important. Active filters are circuits that use an operational amplifier (op amp) as
the active device in combination with some resistors and capacitors to provide an LRC-like filter
performance at low frequencies (Fig. 1a & b). Inductor based circuits are heavy, expensive to
produce and suffer from low frequency distortion and induced hum.
Figure 1. Second-order passive low-pass and second-order active low-pass

Inductors have always been a problem in electronics (audio), as they are by nature relatively
large, tends to pick up mains hum as well as other noise in the electromagnetic spectrum. An
inductor could be simulated and placed on chips; nevertheless, it has limited Q unlike the real
inductor, but very high Q is rarely needed in audio. L=C
) most pronounced limitation
are that one end of the simulated inductor is earthed, floating ones are expensive and rare; R
minimum allowed is 100ohm (series resistance equivalent to wire "real inductor" resistance), it
does not have the same energy storage. The simulated inductor will still try to meet real
properties but quit not the same.
The operational amplifier was initially a vacuum tube circuit used in the early 1940s in
analog computers. It was so called because it could be used as a high gain dc "amplifier"
performing mathematical "operations". Op-Amp's internal circuit is simply a combination of
class A, class B and class AB amplifiers. These circuits function together to give a very high
gain output.
Fundamentals of Filters (Low-Pass)
The simplest filter is the passive RC low-pass network where the complex frequency variable
allows for any time variable signals. For pure sine waves, the damping constant becomes zero;
for a normalized presentation of the transfer function, s is referred to the filter's corner
frequency, or -3 dB frequencies. With the corner of the low fc = 1/2RC, for frequencies w >> 1,
the roll off is 20 dB/decade. For a steeper roll off, n filter stages can be connected in series to
avoid loading effects, op amps, operating as impedance converters, separate the individual filter
Passive band-pass filter involve all the well-known problems of using inductors. In
addition, if constant-Q behavior is to be maintained, their outputs require buffering from the
loading effects of the slider. Gyrators may be substituted for the inductors; however, at least two
operational amplifiers per section will be required (Bohn, 1976). This brings up the next category
of active tow-pole RC filters. Requiring only one operational amplifier per section, they
represent the most cost-effective approach. While this category of filters is more sensitive to
component tolerances than the state-variable approach, the cost advantages are overwhelming.
For significantly less money than the cost of the additional two or three operational amplifiers,
some very precise passive components can be bought, with precision parts.
Selection from among the various configurations of active RC two-pole bandpass filters
is no easy task. Two circuits, however, emerge as time-tested and worthy of further study. Both
have been derived from the monumental work of Sallen and Key (14). The first is the well-
known voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS) bandpass filter credited to Kerwin and
Huelsman (15) and Multiple feedback Band pass (MFB). It is the most popular non-inverting
configuration and features a low spread of element values. A definite advantage is the ability to

precisely set the gain of the filter with resistors without upsetting the center frequency. This
circuit drops right into BP block shown in Fig. 2.
Superiority of Active Filters over Passive Filters
Op-Amp provides gain hence the input signal passed to the output will not be attenuated, and
therefore better response curves can be obtained. The high input impedance and low input
impedance of the Op-Amp means that the filter circuit does not interfere with the signal source
or lad. Also, because active filters provide gain, resistor can be used instead of inductors and
therefore active filters are generally less expensive. Signal is not affected as much as with
passive crossovers, since everything is done in low voltage. There is much more flexibility since
all that is needed to adjust crossover frequencies is to turn a knob, while on passive, the
component have to be replaced. The problem is that more amplifier channels are needed to go to
all the speakers. Passive crossovers work after the amplifiers, receiving high signal cutoff
frequencies and filter dB/octave simile.
Cut-off frequency is quite different from octave frequencies. The octave or decade
frequencies are basically used for filter topologies, stages or orders contract or definition. Slope
or gain drop at octave depends or varies from filter (order) to filters dissipated in Tables. At
octave or decade is the standard "checkpoint" frequency to examine attention (or boost) incur on
signal frequencies by various filter orders.
Cut-off frequency (wc
or wc
) is not defined by octave or decade frequencies `scale'
since cut-off frequencies is expected to be less than that octave frequency point; at cut off
speaker receives half power as compared to the maximum possible power at the center frequency
in the circuit. Since half power different in audio amount to about -3dB power which is the
maximum tolerable change for human audible frequencies, if the dB loss is greater than or equal
to 3dB than this will be clear and wide sparity of sound of different level and to make a quick or
faster `dieing' of the unwanted frequencies attenuation beyond 3dB equivalent frequency has to
be more tense has the beauty of the higher order filter is to provide strong more effective
`killing' of the undesired frequencies.
The passive filters have high signal levels since all the frequency splitting is done after
the amplifier channel obtaining maximum power by playing with the resistances `seen' by the
amplifier and since an inductor stores current while capacitor stores voltage they act as short and
open at low frequencies relatively. The more component added, he more effectively the filter
would be. The capacitors and inductors also dissipate power, wasting energy that speakers could
be using; inductors are more expensive than capacitor so that passive crossover can get really
expensive especially at low frequency of high power applications. Passive also introduce phase
shifts (which is often ignored for practical purposes) which put voltage and current out of phase
with respect to each other hence affecting the delivered power to the speaker and affecting the
delivered power to the speaker and affecting the delivered power to the speaker nad affecting

overall speaker `timing'. A 6dB/octave (which is either a series capacitor or a series inductor
filter) has a phase shift of 90 degrees; 12dB/octave (which resulted from a series inductor-
capacitor filter) gives 270 degrees phase shift. Anyway! Even order crossover filter would or
should be adhered to since this hock up the speakers out of phase (+ to ­ and ­ to +).
Basic Op-Amp and Feedback Theory
No current flows into or out of the input terminals and when negative feedback is applied the
differential input voltage is reduced to zero. The voltage follower is extremely useful for
buffering voltage sources and for impedance transformation. The impedances of the two inputs
should be equal to reduces offsets due to bias currents.
Table 1.1 Filter order and their rate of attenuation (in dB)
First I 6db/ octave
Second 2 12db/ octave
Third 3 18 db / octave
Fourth 4 24db /octave
"n" n>4 6db/octave /section
In audio, the first four are common since the transient response become worse and phase for
higher orders. Low and high pass filters are usually conventional enough but band pass and band
stop filter can be made in many different ways hence a few basic filter alignments (Table 1.1).
Butterworth is common in audio while Chebyshev alignment is very common in acoustical filters
but it is not generally considered desirable in electronic filter for crossover or other purposes
(Franko, 1988).
Speech fundamental as dealt with in this project occur over a fairly limited range between
about 125HZ and 250HZ. Vowels essentially contain the maximum energy and power of the
voice, occurring over the range of 350HZ to 2000HZ. Consonants occurring over the range of
1500HZ to 4000Hz contain little energy but are essential to intelligibility. The frequency range
from 63 to 500Hz carries 60% of the power of the voice and yet contributes only 5% to the
intelligibility. The 500Hz to 1 kHz region produces 35% of the intelligibility, while then from 1
to 8 kHz produces just 5% of the power of 60% of the intelligibility, by rolling off the low
frequencies and accentuating the range from 1 to 5 kHz, (see chapter three).

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Figure 2:
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Active device (operational amplifier op amp) supersedes inductor in audio processing industries;
conversely op amp was at the outset a vacuum tube circuit used in the early 1940 in anlog
computer. It was so called because it could be used as a high gain dc amplifier performing
mathematical operation op amp's internal circuit is simply a combination of class A class B and
class AB amplifiers (Franko, 1988). These circuit functions together to give a very high output
Inductors have always been a problem electronic audio however as they are by nature
relatively large tend to pick up mains hum as well as other noise in the electromagnetic
spectrum. An inductor is stimulated to be placed on chip; nevertheless, it has limited Q unlike the
real inductor but very high Q is rarely needed in audio. With gyrator, the valve of an inductor
could be calculated by: L=R1R2C1, more accurately (due to Seigfried linkwitz) is L=C
) most pronounced limitation are that one end of the simulated inductor is earthed, floating
ones are expensive and rare; R1 minimum allowed is 100ohm (series resistance equivalent to
wire real inductor resistance), it does not have the same energy storage. The stimulated inductor
will still try to meet real properties but quit not the same. L along with C1make up a turned
circuit which is connected to the pot so that the turned circuit can be moved from the positive to
negative input to vary the gain at the turned frequency. The frequency that the circuit is tuned for
can be calculated by:
f =
, R
Instead of using MFB filter the more common gyrator tuned circuit can be used. Cauer
(elliptical) filter exhibit equiripple characteristic in both the passband and the stopband. Phase
information may be gleaned from the transfer functions by separating them in to real and
imaginary parts and then using the relationship:
Phase: o = tan
Group delay is defined as the negative of the first derivative of the phase with respect to

Type Properties:
· Maximally flat near the center of the band.
· Smooth transition from pass to stopband.
· Moderate out of band rejection
· Low group delay variation near center of band.
· Moderate group delay variation near band edges
· Table of poles for N=1 to 10
· Butterworth has monotonic amplitude response with a maximally flat passband, less phase
shift, and better transient results; in conclusion,
· It is the preferred choice (in this project it was only be used in cross over design which was
not constructed due to time and financial constrain).
· Equiripple in passband
· Abrupt transition from passband to stopband.
· High out of band rejection.
· Rippled group delay near center of band
· Large group delay variation near band edges.
· Table of poles for N=1 to 10.
· The cherbyshev approximation to an ideal filter has a much more rectangular response in the
region near cutoff than has the Butterworth family.
· Rounded amplitude in passband
· Gradual transition from passband to stopband
· Low out of band rejection
· Very flat group delay near center of band.
· Flat group delay variation near band edges
· Tables of poles for N= 1to 10
· Flat in the passband.
· Step function transition from passband to stopband.
· Infinite out of band rejection.
· Zero group delay everywhere.

Butterworth Advantages maximally flat magnitude response
in the passband. Good all round performance
pulse response better than chebyshev. Rate of
attenuation better than Bessel.
Disadvantages some overshoot
and. Ringing in step response.
Chebyshev Advantages better attenuation Beyond the pass
band than Butterworth pass-band than
Butterworth advantages best step response
Disadvantages ripple in pass
band. Considerable ringing in
step response
Advantages best step response very little
overshoot or ringing
Disadvantages slower rate of
attenuation beyond the pass
band than Butterworth
Transfer Functions
Transfer function is created in three forms, standard, cascade, and parallel. Cascade and parallel
transfer functions consist of first and second order terms that are cascaded or summed in parallel
together. The cascade and parallel transfer are used to create the active filters. Cascade transfer
function generate the filter composed of Thomas biquads, positive gain single amplifier biquads,
negative gain single amplifier, biquads and GIC biquads, parallel transfer function are
implemented with a summation of positive gain and negative gain single amplifier biguads.
Typical transfer functions are below:
( 2)
2 + + 2)( + 4)
Cascade transfer function
Parallel Transfer function
Thomas Biquads
Their primary advantage is that it provides very high Q second order stages.
Akerberg-Mossberg Biquads
The Akerberg-Mossberg biquad exceeds the performance of the Thomas biquads for Opamp
imperfections and matches the Thomas 2 biquad notch performance in the presence of element
valve errors. This increased performance is obtained by replacing the positive integrator in the
Thomas 2 biquad second and third Opamps with a Miller integrator. The Miller integrator uses

two matched op amp in a configuration that tends to cancel errors due to Opamp imperfections.
The Akerberg-Mossberg biquad may absorb a third pole.
Positive Gain Single Amplifier Biquads
"The advantages of positive Gain SAB'S, except for Twin T stages are always gain changeable,
and there is usually no reversal of sign. The disadvantages are they are more susceptible to
element imperfections than negative Gain SAB's. All pass and even notch positive Gain SAB's
with injector resistor have assigned reversal"
Negative Gain Single Amplifier Biquads
Negative gain single amplifier biquads (SAB's) require only one op amp for first, second, and
sometimes third order amplifiers. Second and third order Negative Gain SABs use the Bridge T
or MFB circuit configuration for the feedback path. Filter light does not support third order
stages. "The advantages of Negatives Gain SAB;s is that they are generally higher resistant to
imperfect elements than positive gain SAB's. The disadvantages is that are generally more
susceptible to op amp imperfections than positive gain SAB's and the gain for all pass notch
stages is fixed"
Parallel Active Filters
The summation circuit may be optionally active or passive. The advantage of doing this is that
performance degradation due to op amp imperfections is not amplified through successive
cascade stages. The disadvantage is the filter design may be physically very large and notches
tend to be poor quality.
Leapfrog Filters
Leapfrog filter are passive LC ladder simulations. The advantage is that errors due to element
values or op amps tend to be distributed across the filter instead of concentrated at a specific
biquad. This generally makes them more robust. Filter solutions supports leapfrog filters for low
pass and band pass all pole designs; Table 2.1 illustrate quick view of the above discusses stages.
Band Pass Architectures
Band pass filter may be created with multiple integrated band pass stages, or high and low pass
stages. Odd order filters of the high/ low pass architecture always have a band pass stages in the
center. In general, the integrated band pass architecture works better for narrow band filters, and
the high/ low pass architecture works better for wide band filters.
This is due to potentially huge, undesirable internal gains that may saturate op amps if the wrong
architecture is used.

Stages Type
High Orders That Are Available
Thomas or Akerberg ­Mossberg Biquads
Third Order
Positive gain all poles single amplifier stages
Third order and fourth order
Positive gain single amplifier stages with
transmission zeros
Third order
Negatives gain all poles single amplifier
Third order and fourth order
Negatives Gain Single Amplifier Stages With
Tranmissinon zeros
Usually Third Order
Third Order
Twin T
Third Order In The Form Of An
Rc Pole Following the Op Amp
Fundamentals of low pass filters
The simplest low pass filter is the passive RC low pass network shown in Fig. 3
A(s) =
Figure 3. First order passive RC Low-Pass and its transfer function
Where the complex frequency variable, s=jw+0, allows for any time variable signals; for pure
sine waves, the damping constant, 0, becomes zero and
For a normalized presentation of the transfer function, s is referred to the filter's corner
frequency, or -3 dB Frequency,
c, and has these relationship:
= =jw
With the corner frequency of the low- pass in Figure 2.1 being fc=1/wRC, s becomes S= sRC
and the transfer function A(s) result in:
The magnitude of the gain response is |A|=
The frequencies n>>1, the rolloff is 20 Db/decade. For a steeper rolloff, `n' filter stages can be
connected (James, 1999) in series as shown in Fig.4. To avoid loading effects, op amps,
operating as impedance converters, separate the individual filter stages.

Figure 4. Fourth ­ order passive RC Low pass with Decoupling Amplifiers
The resulting transfer function is:
In the case that all filters have the same cut-off frequency, fc, the coefficients become
2 - 1 and fc of each partial fiter is 1/ times higher than fc.
Fig. 3 shows the results of a fourth order RC low-pass filter. The roll off of each partial fiter(
curve 1) is- 20 dB/ decade, increasing the roll-off of the overall filter (curve 2) to 80 dB/ \decade.
Butterworth Low Pass Filters
The Butterworth low pass filter provides maximum pass band flatness. Therefore, a Butterworth
low pass is often used as anti-aliasing filter in data converter applications where precise signal
levels are required across the entire pass band. Fig. 4 plots the gain response of different orders
of Butterworth low pass filters versus the normalized frequency axis (=f/fc); the higher the
order, the longer the passband flatness
Tschebyscheff Low Pass Filters
The Tschebyscheff low pass pass filters provide an even gain rolloff above Fc; however, the
passband gain is not monotony, but contains ripples of constant magnitude instead. For a given
filter order, the higher the passband ripples, the higher the filter's rolloff. With increasing filter
order, the influence of the ripple magnitude on the filter rolloff diminishes. Each ripple accounts
for one second-order filters with order numbers generate ripples above the 0-dB line, while
filters with odd numbers create ripple below 0 dB. Tschebyscheff filters are often banks, where
the frequency content of a signal is of more important than a constant amplification.
Bessel Low Pass Filters
The Bessel low pass filters have a linear phase response over a wide frequency range, which
results in a constant group delay in that frequency range. Bessel low pass filters, therefore,
provide optimum square- wave transmission behavior. However, the passband gain of a Bessel
low pass filter is not as flat as that of the Butterworth low pass, and the transition from passband
to stop band is by far not a sharp as that of a Tschebyscheff low pass filter.

Quality Factor Q
The quality factor Q is an equivalent design parameter to the filter order n, instead of designing
an nth order Tschebyscheff low pass; the problem can be expressed as designing a Tschebyscheff
low pass filter with a certain Q. the band pass filter, Q is defined as the ratio of the mid
frequency, f m, to the bandwidth at the two -3dB points:
For low pass and high pass filters, Q represents the pole quality and is defined as
High Qs can be graphically presented as the distance the 0-dB line and the peak point of the
filter's gain response.
The general transfer function of a low pass filter is:
The filter coefficients ai and bi distinguish between Butterworth, Tschebyscheff, and Besssel
filters Tab book inc., 1982). The coefficients for all three types of filters could be found in filter
Table; in addition, the ratio
is defined as the pole quality. The higher the Q valve, the more a
filter inclines to instability.
Low Pass Filter Design
The transfer function of single stage is:
For a first order filter the coefficient b is always zero (b1=0), thus yielding:
The first order and second order filter stages are the building blocks for higher-order filters.
Often the filter operate at unity gain (A O=1) to lessen the stringent demands on the op amp's
open loop gain. Figure 2.8 shows the cascading of filter stages up to the sixth order. A filter with
an even order number include number include an additional first order stage at the beginning.


Type of Edition
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
File size
1.5 MB
Publication date
2017 (March)
B (4 of 5)
Audio Filteration Active filter Low pass filter Tone control Multiple feedback Band pass filter Amplifier Audio multi-tone refiner
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Anchor Academic Publishing

Title: Design of an Audio Multitone Refiner, Simulation of Audio Frequencies & Analysis Using Active Filter
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