
International Business Correspondence

©2017 Textbook 493 Pages


International business correspondence is not simply writing or information exchange. It is something that you want others to know about you – to know about your business and the way you deal with business transactions. It is by the way you create your letter that your reader can identify whether you are friendly, rude, or you just simply want to do business. Your letter shows your attitude. This is one reason why it is important to consider your way of writing, write professionally and with courtesy. Success of business transactions is not only dependent on your ability to talk and communicate verbally, but also the way you communicate in letters. How important is learning the proper way of writing business letters? This book will help you to improve your written communication by guiding you through the steps and guidelines of making an effective letter. Aside from that, you will learn to see that planning is important. Gathering information and doing some research will help you. As you go through answer complaints, it will save you to make adjustments, it is important and friendly to reply to inquiries, it is good to be precise in your quotations, it is proper to acknowledge placed orders or acknowledge payment, it is worth to check all outgoing orders for shipment and delivery, it is important to have an insurance policy, it is tedious to deal internationally without bank transactions, and it is by connection that you can increase your sales. You need to connect to your customers and readers in order to build a good working relationship. If you are able to establish a good relationship, they will value you as their business partners. Skills in creating business letters are important for the success of your business. Business letter writing skills will also boost your confidence as a businessman and will help boosting your business as well.
This book aims to help students to develop their skills and confidence in writing international busi-ness letters. It can also serve as a reference for students at college and university levels.


Table Of Contents

Body of the Letter
Complimentary Close
Identification Line
Carbon Copy Notation
Postscript or P.S.
Letter Styles for International Business Correspondence
Full Block Form
Block Form
Semi Block Form
Addressing Envelopes
Introduction to Sales Letter
Sales Letter
Advantages of Sales Letter
Sales Letter Versus Other Selling Scheme
Use and Elements of Sales Letter
Uses of Sales Letters
The Elements of Sales Letter
Effective and Attractive Sales Letter
Writing a Prospective Letter
The Essence of Persuasion
Sales Letter Template and Format

Fundamentals of Effective Sales Letter Writing
Sales Expression
Examples of Sales Letter
Sales Vocabulary
Principles of Inquiry Letter
Solicited Letter
Unsolicited Letter
Guideline of Inquiry letter
The opening
Asking for information or Inquiry Proper
The closing
Topics of Inquiries and Their Corresponding Replies
General Inquiries
Inquiry of Details
Catalogues and Price Lists
Patterns and Samples
Goods on Approval
Routine Quotations and Estimations
Suggesting Terms, Method of Payment and Discounts
Request for Concession
Follow-Up Letters
From the Inquirer
From the Letter Receiver or Supplier
Principal of Inquiry Letter Writing
Enquiry Expression

Examples of Enquiry Letter
Enquiry Vocabulary
Principles of Order Letter Writing
Making Order Letter
By Mail Order
By Form
By Letter
Legal Responsibility of the Parties
The Buyer's Legal Responsibility
The Seller's Legal Responsibility
Acknowledging Orders
Formal Acknowledgment of Routine Orders
Acknowledgment of First Order
Filling of Order
Delays in Delivery
Orders Which Cannot be Filled
Delivery and Dispatch
Order Expression
Examples of Order Letter
Order Vocabulary

Principles of Complaint Letter Writing
Justified Complaints
Making General Complaints
The Language of Complaints
Specifying the Problem
Suggesting a Solution
Principles of Complaint Letter
Guideline for Complaint Letter
Guideline of Handling Complaints
Asking Time to Investigate
Explaining the Mistake
Solving the Problem
Unjustified Complaints
How to Identify an Unjustified Complaints
Points of Remember
Rejecting the Complaints
Complaint Expression
Examples of Complaint Letter
Complaint Vocabulary

Fundamentals of Adjustment Letter
What Is Adjustment Letter ?
Principles of Adjustment Letter
Proper Attitude Towards Complaints
Analysis of Claims and Complaints and How to Address It
Giving the Appropriate Adjustments
Making and Keeping Your Relationship in Good Terms
Principles of Adjustment Letter Writing
Adjustment Expression
Examples of Adjustment Letter
Adjustment Vocabulary
Fundamentals of Payment
Methods of Payment
Cash in Advance
Letter of Credit
Documentary Collections
Open Account
Invoices and Statements
Statement of Account
Principles of Payment Letter

Request for Payment
First Request
Second Request
Third Request (Final Demand)
Advice for Payment
Delayed Payment
Acknowledgement of Payment
Principles of Payment Letter Writing
Payment Expression
Examples of Payment Letter
Payment Vocabulary
Types of Carrier for Transport
Carriage by Road
Carriage by Rail
Carriage by Sea
Carriage by Air
Transport Documentation
Consignment Note or Waybill
Carriage by Road
Carriage by Rail
Carriage by Air
Bill of Lading

Types of Vessels for Shipping
The Container Service
Organization for Shipping
Company Instructions and Conditions
Shipping Documentation
Importance of Documentation
Documents Needed For Shipping
Insurance for Shipping
Forwarding Agents
Principles of Transportation Letter Writing
Transportation Expression
Examples of Transportation Letter
Transportation Vocabulary
Fundamentals of Insurance
What is Insurance and Its Use
Types of Insurance
Principles of Insurance Correspondences
Insurance Procedure
Insurance Contract
Insurance Coverage
Principles of Insurance Letter Writing
Insurance Expression

Examples of Insurance Letter
Insurance Vocabulary
Banking Services
Types of Banks
Types of Bank Accounts
International Banking
Types of Payment in Foreign Trade
Banker's Draft
Banker's Transfer (Mail, Telex, and Telegraphic)
Bills of Exchange
Documentary Credits and Commercial Credits
Principles of Banking Letter Writing
Banking Expression
Examples of Banking Letter
Banking Vocabulary

International business correspondences are not simply writing or information
exchange. It is something that you want others to know about you. To know about your
business and the way you deal with business transactions. It is by the way you create your
letter that your reader can identify if you are friendly, rude, or you just simply want to do
business. Your letter shows an attitude. This is one reason why it is important to consider
your way of writing, write professionally and with courtesy. Success of business transactions
is not only dependent on your ability to talk and communicate verbally, but also the way you
communicate in letters. How important is leaning the proper way of writing business letters?
It is one of the priorities. That's how important it is. You need to learn how to make an
effective and successful business letter. This book will help you to make your written
communications to improve and to be effective. This is by guiding you through the steps and
guidelines of making an effective letter. Aside from that, you will learn to see that planning
is important. Gathering information and doing some research will help you. As you go
through this book, you'll be able to see the areas of business letters where it is critical to
answer complaints, it will save you to make adjustments, it is important and friendly to reply
to inquiries, it is good to be precise in your quotations, it is proper to acknowledge placed
orders or acknowledge payment, it is worth to check all outgoing orders for shipment and
delivery, it is important to have an insurance policy, it is tedious to deal internationally
without bank transactions, and it is by connection that you can increase your sales. You need
to connect to your customers and readers in order to build a good working relationship. If
you are able to establish a good relationship, they will value you as their business partners.
Skills in creating business letter are important in the success of your business. Business letter
writing skills will also boost your confidence as a businessman and will help boost your
business as well.
For globally competitive business firms, writing an effective international business
letter is as important as keeping your customer satisfied. Because most part of international
transactions are not communicated by talking on the phone all the time, considering overseas
calls are expensive, but in written communications. The purpose of this book is to provide a
good foundation in making international business correspondences by detailing the facts and
providing practical practices involved in international business correspondences.

This book aims to help students to develop their skills and confidence in writing
international business letters. This can also be served as a reference for students in the
college and university levels.
This book has been designed, compiled and written to help provide help to people
who are not only dealing with business in their locality but also internationally. This will not
only provide theories but practical examples. The book concentrates on international
business letters particularly in the area of Sales, Inquiry, Order, Complaint, Adjustment,
Payment, Transportation and Shipment, Insurance, and Banking.
The main text is divided into eleven chapters:
1. International Business Letter Writing
2. International business letter structure
3. Sales letter
4. Inquiry letter
5. Order letter
6. Complaint letter
7. Adjustment letter
8. Payment letter
9. Transportation and Shipping Letter
10. Insurance Letter
11. Banking Letter
International business transaction is impossible to be done without business letters. It
always involves business written communication. As the above topics are to be covered, it is
very important to note that business success will continue to come as you allow development
and growth in your business. One factor to consider is your written communication.
International business correspondence is an essential part of business.

International business respondents for all is designed for students of commerce,
businessmen and businesswomen, and people from other walks of life. An executive, a
department manager, a salesman, a secretary or a specialist in business technology will
inevitably have to write English letters. Beyond this, there is a need for communication with
many customers who will want to purchase products from abroad. This book presents
readers with exemplary letters and phrases quintessential to business matters. The letters in
this book cover many areas of international business communication. Although writing is a
solitary task, the concerted effort of many individuals is needed to transform an author's
words into a book. Many committed and talented people have contributed to the success of
this book. It is impossible to thank all of them here, but I sincerely wish to convey my deep
appreciation to those who have offered invaluable help. I am very grateful to all who
reviewed different portions of the manuscript. Their invaluable suggestions went a long way
in making this book a reality. I deeply appreciate all the writers whose works have served as
a foundation for ideas and inspirations for this book. I also want to use this opportunity to
thank all the business houses and others who were generous enough to provide information
for this book. To my family and dear friends, I say a big thank you. Your love and support
helped me discover myself and realize my dreams. Finally, my heartfelt appreciation goes to
many persons for their kind assistance in reading the manuscript and providing beneficial
recommendations while editing and completing this book. I would like to express my
gratitude to many of my friends, associates, and all those whose inputs, suggestions, and
encouragements contributed to the improvement of this book. This book is a dream come
true, thanks to all of you.
Sinee Sankrusme

Dr. Sinee Sankrusme is currently associate professor of international business at
department of international business, Faculty of Business Administration, Ramkhamhaeng
University, Thailand. She held position as head department of international business. She has
authored almost one hundred articles and several books entitled International Business
Communication, International Business and Trade Documents, International Business and
Effects on Changes, Organizational Behavior and Management, Agribusiness, Agricultural
Marketing, Agricultural Business, Management, And Human Resource Management, etc.
Most of her research focuses on international business, marketing, human resource, business,
organization, and management, etc. She is widely recognized for numerous publications in
the international business and also joined the international business conferences.

Business communication is very important. One of the most used business
communication before and now is the business letter. The business letter continues to
circulate locally and overseas for its purpose. A lot of areas in business are using the
business letter, may it be for placing of order, acknowledgement, adjustments, payment,
insurance purposes, or even banking transactions.
International business communication continues to grow, especially this time where
the market is open globally. Business firms aim to be competitive. In order to do this they
will not only try to conquer the market in their area, but also needs to be part of the global
market. One of their means to convey their messages and purposes is the International
Business Letters. It is then safe to say that business letter is inevitable in the business world.
Small, medium or large business reaches success at some point. There are factors to
consider in order for that success to come. One of which is the use of business letters. To
start with a promotion, to announce an opening, to communicate your products available,
negotiation, to close a sale, and so on, these are just some of the areas where a business letter
is involved. The proper use of business letter will give an affirmative feedback for the
company. These letters serve as a representative of your company.
This book will give you
aid and guidelines in considering or writing a business letter. This will particularly be
concentrating on International Business Letters.
International Business Letter Defined
A business letter is a recognized way of communication between people or company
who deals with trading, may it be for goods or in service. The trade between the two entities
is built and progresses as they communicate through the business letter. Business letter is
considered as an official document. It is not like any other thank you letters or postcards.
This letter is issued with authority.
A business letter is also an effective and influential

communications tool in order to have a systematic and structured flow of information
between two transacting entities. This is a letter used for essential communications. A wrong
impression placed on a letter may result to a negative feedback from a reader. That's why
writing a business letter needs a skill. Any person dealing with business letters is seeking for
guidelines in order to convey the correct message.
A business letter is an essential document because it deals with trade concerns. It
shows how professional the writer is in conveying what he wants to inform his reader and
how the receiver react on the writer's concern.
An International Business Letter is then
defined as a business letter that deals with communications not only in one particular
country, but internationally. To start a business letter, you have to note that the first thing the
reader would like to know is, "what is the letter all about?"
The following phrase could be
Now, that your reader know what the letter is all about, you may end it with a polite
request for their prompt reply.
These phrases could help:
Below is an example of an International Business Letter. It is an inquiry letter
requesting one organization to be one of the sponsors in one big event:
"We are currently looking for an alternative for the model AR-456 for computer cables.
We hope that you can be able to accommodate this order."
"We are requesting for your signature on the attached documents."
"The form is attached herein for you to fill-out in order for your application to move on."
"Thank you and we hope to receive your reply by the 30
of June, 2016."
"Your prompt reply is very much appreciated."
"Thank you for sending the form immediately."

The above examples could help you see how an international business letter is made.
Further and detailed lesson on how to make an effective international business letter can be
found in the following chapters.
Importance and Purpose of a Business Letter
There are purposes and importance of business letter. The primary purpose is to
communicate to your reader about important facts. You must take note that to communicate
it an accurate and precise manner. These facts may affect your reader's schedule or activity.
For example, there is a delay in delivery. You must provide the accurate reason for the delay
and when will the delivery be received.
Your letter may contain the following phrase:
We are from ADWorld Small Animal Inc. We are an organization that deals with foods
and accessories for small animals. We have 40 members as of to-date and our main
office is located in Sydney, Australia. Our complete and detailed profile can be found in
our website at www.ADWorldOrg.com.
Every two years, we are conducting conferences in different places. This coming year is
another year for us to look forward to since we will be conducting the ADWorld 2017
which will be on November 3-5. This time it will be held in the prestigious city of
Tokyo, Japan.
We would like to invite to be one of our sponsors for this big event. We are expecting
about 2,000 delegates and 100 exhibitors from around the world. This conference aims
to provide a platform for new innovations and new inventions for small animal welfare.
This is also an opportunity for Veterinarians to come and meet together to share and
enjoy experiences that will hone their professions.
This event is expected to have 5 renowned speakers from USA, UK and New Zealand
and distinguished speakers from Asia.
Thank you very much and we hope to receive your reply before June 30, 2016. Should
you need further information regarding our organization, please don't hesitate to contact
us at (+61) 2 123 456 14 or in our email, info@adworld.com.

The second purpose of a business letter is to prompt the reader regarding an action to
be done. The reader is given an instruction that needs to be replied with an action.
Here is
an example:
The third purpose is to make a decent impression on the reader.
A business letter
serves as an ambassador of the company who sent it. "A good letter is a master key that
opens the locked doors." So if your letter gives a good impression on the readers, they would
most likely be communicating back to you. But if your letter does not even give interest to
the reader then, you lose your chance to build a relationship or a trade.
Your letter must
form a positive image in the reader's mind.
Here are other purpose and importance of
business letter.
1. It helps to build the business.
2. It helps to sell products or services.
3. It builds relationship and friendship.
4. It catches new customers.
5. It opens new markets.
6. It wins back lost customers.
7. It solves problems and issues between two conflicting organizations.
Please accept our apologies for the delay in the delivery of your order. There has been a
miscommunication between our dispatch department and the shipping agency. We are
currently doing our best to fix this problem.
Please expect your delivery to come in your area in a week. You should be receiving it on
the 20
of this month.
Again, we apologize for the inconvenience that may cause you because of this delay. We
assure you that this kind of problem will not happen again in the future.
Thank you for your understanding.
With reference to our previous meeting last 19
of June, 2016, we have agreed to place a
discount of 10% from the total amount of our orders.
We are now sending you the order form which needs to be filled-out. Please send this
form back to us before the 25
of June so we can arrange the shipment by the 2
of July,

8. It can bring more finances or profits.
9. It can be used to collect unpaid debts.
10. It builds confidence between two transacting people or organization.
Important Points to Consider in Writing a Business Letter
In writing a business letter, there are also some things to consider in order for this
letter to serve its purpose. Here are some pointers:
(1) Consider the relationship
Know your relationship with the receiver of the letter. Are you his customer? Or
employer? Or supplier? Or just an acquaintance? By this you would know how to start the
letter and what the contents should be.
Create a goodwill with your reader. A goodwill is a
friendly feeling or feeling of confidence. Many people will not respond or may not talk to
you because their impressions and attitude are formed out of reading your letter. As earlier
mentioned, your letter acts as an ambassador. It represents your company.
(2) Consider the timing
Is this the right time for you to send the letter? For example, your customer is
declared to be bankrupt and they still have an outstanding balance. Is it the right time to send
a letter demanding for the payment? Or would you rather send a letter that will comfort your
customer and reminding them of the outstanding balance in a polite manner? Consider the
timing for sales and promotion. This will help you get a positive feedback.
Use a tone that
is suited to the occasion.
(3) Consider your reason for writing
Your letter must be clear enough to be understood. You should also use an active
voice to ask for a particular response. Your request should be reasonable and legal. Know the
purpose of your letter and use this as a guideline in writing your letter.
Inform the reader
what he needs to know and don't' let him guess between the lines.
(4) Consider your reaction if you were the receiver
If you were to receive the letter, will you be pleased? Or will you be irritated? Will
you understand right away what you request or written in the letter? Is it politely done?
Put yourself in the shoes of your reader and see if your letter is clear enough to be
understood and politely done to be accepted. Don't use jargons your reader is not familiar
Consider the format.

In a business letter, your salutation should use the proper form like for a person with
position, you can use "Dear Congressman Brown." For your customers or supplier you can
use their last name, "Dear Mr. White." If you do not know the gender of the receiver, you
can use "Sir" in general, "Dear Sir," or you can also use the name of the department like
"Dear Customer Service." But don't use "To Whom It May Concern."
The letter should be clear and easy to understand. But put your emphasis and purpose
of your letter in the first paragraph. Then the succeeding paragraph will be the supporting
details of your purpose.
Close your letter with polite closing and with expectancy that you will receive a
response from your reader.
Use the appropriate layout, the right title and the addressee.
Your signature block is
also important. Sign it with black or blue pen, depending on what is the formal color in the
country you are sending.
If there are enclosures to be included, you have to specify them at the end of the
letter (space below the signature area). It starts with enclosure, then specify the nature of the
attached file and specify how many are to be attached.
Carbon Copy
If there are other additional person involve in receiving the same letter, then you
also need to specify them. Start with CC, then followed by the name or department
receiving a copy.
Writing a letter indicates a mirror of who we are and how we perform business
transactions. The letter we make helps us to catch customers, maintain customers,
communicate with our subordinates or colleague, coordinate with our associates and so on.
This is not the same letter that is lengthy or giving sugarcoated words, but it is a professional
letter written to will let your reader provide a response. You don't need to write to impress

your reader but you write to give your point, what you need and what is needed to be done.
This letter will deal with the situation that requires response. This may even create a series
of letter just to finish one transaction and this letter communication may continue to
maintain good business relationship. This is a business letter.
Planning a Letter
One important factor in the success of any business is planning. Preparation and
foreseeing all the possible areas of risks, income, and losses are all included in planning.
Letter correspondences are also part of it. A business letter without any consideration and
plan will surely come to failure. Planning is also a key factor in creating a business letter.
Research the Facts
It is always an advantage to do a little research before making your letter. Have a
chance to check on previous correspondences and find out everything you need to know your
reader. This will help you to get away from creating a poor letter.
Going through a little
research in the previous correspondences, you can list down some things that will help you
know your reader. You may be able to know about your reader if they:
are committed to a business relationship.
know how to separate professional and personal relationship.
offer ideas to help improve business relationship and customer services.
are interested to reduce cost rather than waste money.
After seeing these things, try to imagine and have a visual concept of your reader.
After that, have an attention to the topic you want to relay. Another important point is to
make your letter simple and understandable, direct but courteous, short but complete.
x Consider the Subject and the Reader
After the research, you now have an idea of your reader. With this, you can also have
an idea of what topic you are going to talk about in the letter. The facts you've gathered from
your research will allow you to organize the best letter output. Making an outline is a good
method to see the logical order or the idea in general.
Here is an example:
Paragraph 1: (i) Say thank you for the meeting held.
(ii) Be grateful for new ideas shared that can be used for business.
Paragraph 2: (i) Present the details of the meeting and present the actions to be made.
(ii) Verify for correction or any additional topics missed out.

Paragraph 3: (i) Appreciate for their support and hope for reply.
(ii) Suggest another meeting if needed.
One good point to consider is also the interest of the reader. It is good to open your
letter with a topic that will attract the interest of the reader.
The letter you sent must give a
good impression to the reader. In order to do this, you can imagine yourself to be the reader.
How will you feel or what will be your impression upon reading your letter.
Give emphasis
on the "You" attitude rather than the "I or We."
The "You" attitude must be worked out in
order to bring the best approach to your reader. One principle to remember here is write
letters to a person from a person. Write letter to a person, don't just merely write letter to
answer a letter.
Another area to consider about your reader is, "what is your relationship to
the reader?" An employer? A supplier? A customer? A subordinate? These questions will
help in the way you make your letter.
One good letter maybe is difficult to write because
not all people are the same. One apology letter may be accepted by a person because he
understood the situation. One may reject the letter because what he cares the most is the
business, and no mistake is acceptable. That's why planning and research are very important
so that you can send a letter that will really cater to the person who will be reading the
x Set Your Objective and Make Sure to Accomplish It
A good letter has an objective. Your research will help you find out about your reader
and the company. Your outline will give you an idea of the letter as a whole. Your objective
will keep you on track and will guide you all throughout while creating the letter. Stay
focused on your goal and make sure to accomplish it.
Your objective should lead you to
answer, "What is the letter all about?" The reader wants a clear answer to the question. This
will be enhanced by the details you will include in the letter.
One general objective for all
business letters is to avoid confusion, cliché, technobabble, phraseology, and inadequate
conclusion that will fail to move the reader to action.
Components of an Effective Business Letter
Aside from planning, an effective and successful business letter should aim to
consider that its content corresponds to the proper components of an effective business letter.

x Language
One cause of misunderstanding is the "language barrier." You have to understand
that it is not enough that you have given your message, it is also important that your reader
understands the message.
It is significant to consider that the language you use is also the
same language as your reader. This means that what words you use in your letter should be
understandable to the reader. Do not use jargons that are not familiar with them. Nor write a
letter that your reader does not even have any idea what are you talking about. Your line of
communication should be at the same level in such a way that you both understand what you
are dealing with. It is not necessary to exaggerate with the use of words, nor decorate our
letter in a way that you are moving away from the actual message. Your reader may feel
overwhelmed by the use of words.
There is no such thing as "business language." Use
simple and plain words. Here are some examples:
Avoid these phrases
Use this
Will you be kind enough to
Come to a decision
Express a preference for
Avoid cliché in order to have more focus on the message of your letter. Consider
using more natural way to say things instead of using frequently used expressions.
x Tone
Another factor to consider in your letter is the tone, "pleasant tone." The tone is the
sound of the writer's voice, this will propose something different from the literal meaning.
The writer's words may imply contrast to the literal meaning of the word. A pleasant tone
can be accomplished if you are natural, friendly and courteous. Your letter must be personal.
Show your reader that you are not only giving statistics, but you are writing as a person.
The tone of your letter should show that the writer has is a human being. The letter has a
human touch. If your reader feels that you are sincerely concerned not only about the
business, but personal relationships, it is most likely that you will receive a response.
point already mentioned above is the relationship of the writer to the reader. This will also
have an effect on the tone of your letter. A boss or employer who is sending a letter to his
subordinate will sound different from the supplier sending a letter to his customer.
Different letters are written for different purposes. Because of this reason that tonal
component is important. With proper use of tone, you can make negative news as positive.

But ignoring your tone, even positive news will come out to be negative.
Here is an
x Focus
The focus of your letter should be on the reader. This is having the "You" attitude.
The "You" means you are putting yourself from the standpoint of the reader. With this, you
see clearly what are your reader's skills, interests, what he loves to do and hates to do. This
gives a human touch on your letter.
The "You" attitude must be worked out in order to
bring the best approach to your reader. One principle to remember here is write letters to a
person from a person. Write letter to a person, don't just merely write letter to answer a
There are instances where the writer thought he is focusing on the reader and
assumes that his interests and likes are the same with the reader. But the truth is not. Here are
some guideline questions that you need in order to know that you are following the "You"
xWhat motivation will you include for the reader to react positively with your letter?
xWhat will give interest to the reader?
xWhat can be the reader's perspective with regards to the topic you detailed in your
At first glance, you may not know the answers to these questions. But if you will do
some research and planning, take time to sit down and check in these areas, you will be able
to draw clear answers. You must let your reader feel that your letter is of personal value.
Here is an example of a letter with a "You" attitude:
The competition in this position is very tough, with many outstanding candidates. Your
credentials are very impressive, but we regret to inform you that they did not match with
the current position we need. We hope that you will be able to find a position that will
match with your skills and experience.

x Length
"The shorter, the better." This is one of the most common rule of thumb, as long as
the components of your letter are included. Different letter has different purpose. The
purpose of your letter will help you in deciding how long or how short your letter will be.
Here are some sentences to avoid:
Avoid these phrases
Use this
x Please see that an inquisition is conducted to
ascertain the source of the fault.
x Please find out the reason.
x We would like to express our regret for being
unable to fill-in your orders at this time
considering your prompt request.
xWe are sorry to inform you that we
cannot meet your present order
Come right to the point," this is another point to consider. Most businessmen are
busy and they will not read a very long letter. As much as possible, limit your letter to one
page. Put your main topics in the first paragraph. So your reader will know what the letter is
all about. Planning will help you limit your letter.
x Stationery
In writing a business letter, it is also good to consider the materials you will be using
in making your letter presentable and easy to recognize. You are selling your company by
your letter address.
The paper to be used should always be the best quality. It is plain and
not full of unrecognizable designs. The paper color vary, some may use shades of gray,
brown, or blue. Some may use different color of paper for different departments. But the best
to use is white paper.
Before, the paper size used the 8 ½" x 11," but now as the computer
Dear Mr. Brown:
Thank you very much for considering our agency for your insurance policy.
As your line of service is not covered in the current insurance policy program we have,
we are keeping your application on-hold for future reference and further processing once
our policy program is updated. We are currently working on this service to be approved.
Once the approval is given after six months, we will surely include your application.
Should you request to pull out your application from us, we would appreciate if you will
inform us immediately. We would like to inform you that your application is valuable to
us. We hope that you will still consider to make partnership with us.
We appreciate your patience and your understanding on this matter.

age has governed the business world, A4 size becomes popular. Most printers today are
designed for A4 papers. But this does not eliminate the use of the 8 ½ "x 11." The letterhead
varies from one business to another. But the most commonly used is designed with business
logo, business address, email address, contact number, fax number, website address.
If the
company has a trademark or distinctive symbol, it is advisable to place in on the letterhead.
This trademark should also be placed in every paper transaction of the company like the bill
and invoices. Normally, letterheads are printed at the top of the paper. Some companies
placed some other information at the bottom of the paper aside from their letter head details
on top.
All business letters should be type-written. Proper spacing is important. It should be
single-spaced. The font size ranges from 11 to 12 depending on the font. Your font should be
formal like Times New Roman or Arial. Do not use decorative fonts.
The envelope is also
important. This is the first part that your reader will see. It again, creates an impression.
The address should be properly placed at the center horizontally and vertically. Also, the
address printed on the envelope should be exactly the same as the address printed in your
letter. There is no restricted color of the envelope but light colors are preferable. The
envelope size that is normally used is the 9" x 4." Others may use the smaller size, 3 ½" x
The format for business letter could be:
This is also called the "complete block." In this format, all the contents including
date, salutation, body and ending are all aligned to the left margin. It does not have any
paragraph indention but follows the left margin as well.
This is sometimes called "modified block." This is different from full block in the
position of the dateline, complimentary close and the signature block.
The difference on semi block with modified block is that the semi block format puts
an indention on every start of a paragraph.
This format is formal because it includes an optional subject line. This is ideal for
situations in which you need to make a formal response or if it needs to specify the account
number or case number.

Full Block Format Business Letter Template
Company Name
Today's Date
Recipient's Name
Dear Recipient's Name:
All paragraphs are aligned in the left margin. BODY OF THE LETTER
Your First name, Last name
Block Format Business Letter Template
Company Name
Recipient's Name
Company Name
Dear Recipient's Name:
This is a modified block format. BODY OF THE LETTER
Your First name, Last name

Semi-Block Format Business Letter Template
Company Name
Recipient's Name
Dear Recipient's Name:
This semi-block business letter format. It has an indention placed in the paragraphs.
Paragraphs continues.
Second paragraph is again indented and so on. The first part of every paragraphs are
Your First name, Last name
Standard Format Business Letter Template
Company Name
Recipient's Name
Company Name
Subject: Type the subject here and underline it.
Dear Recipient's Name:
This standard business letter format. It is also left justified.
Your First name, Last name
cc: Business Partner, Other entity
encl: Business letter template

In the business world, business letters are widely used and are commonly circulating
between transactions. It is known that business letters serve many purposes. It is used for
selling, apologizing, seeking explanation, introducing a company or new product, for
expressing complaints, for rejecting, for providing an adjustment, for organizing and so on.
Your letter must serve its goal and objective and aside from that, you also need to
differentiate the good letter from the bad.
You have to understand that a business letter is
formal and it involves proper information and documentation.
There is a way to measure
the quality of a letter. The benchmark to use is the 8C's or Eight Characteristics of a business
letter. An effective and successful letter must seek to include all these substantial qualities.
(1) Clarity
Vague and unclear letters will only produce confusion or doubts. To clear any doubt
or confusion, the letter should be created with the use of precise and familiar words, as well
as, the sentences and paragraphs should be constructed coordinately and supporting each
other. The following paragraph in your letter should support the first and main paragraph. If
you will be talking about another topic in the second or third paragraph, you fail to
accomplish "clarity."
cornerstone of effective communication. The writer should
consider the reader's level of understanding. The letter should be logically and coherently
arranged in a way that one idea will not be covering the other idea. Instead, each idea should
stand out, but complementing each other. Good letter will produce a good result.
message of your letter must needs to be understood without any interpreter or translator. The
language you use must be the language that everyone understands.
It is important to choose
the right words to use in your letter. You may have the correct idea and precise thoughts that
you want your reader to know, but using inappropriate words will give another meaning to
what you mean to say. Some business letters used general words instead of specific words.
Most of the time, the general words only create cliché (which you need to avoid).
Here is
an example of using general words:
We believe that if you will implement the use of the Inventory Automation System, it will
have a considerable effect on your inventory problems.

You will notice that the writer has used three general words ­ considerable, effect,
problems. The reader will then ask what is considerable and what could be the effect. And
what are the problems you are talking about. Now, this is the best time to use specific words.
Specify what considerable effect that the system will do. For example, it will make the
counting of materials faster, or it will lessen the possible mistake of miscounting. Will it
automatically update the inventory every time a new material will come? Mention the
specific benefit and effect. And the problems should also be specified. For example,
problems on human miscounting, or problem with the number of hours doing the inventory
because it is still manual. You can better say it as:
(2) Conciseness
"Time is gold," is a saying that businessmen always consider. So, you must consider
it too. Conciseness is very important for busy buyers and sellers. You can help save time and
effort by being concise. Using too many words will only delay decision making, just put in
the appropriate issue.
But note that in using few words, you should consider not to lose the
clarity or courtesy.
Conciseness is a quality style. To produce a concise letter, use only the
necessary information and words for efficient communication. You should not confuse
conciseness with being brief. A brief letter means short letter. But a concise letter will only
use many words as needed in order to deliver the message accurately and efficiently. And
note that, it includes words that will keep you on track, reaching your objective.
Another way to achieve conciseness is when you know how to begin and how to end
your letter. If you will just move around the bush and not knowing where to start or end, then
your letter will only create a long uninteresting letter.
Note that the opening of the letter is
either to announce or to acknowledge. If your letter is not a reply, then you are announcing
We believe that if you will implement the use of the Inventory Automation System, you
can experience the following benefits:
x Fast and efficient materials counting
x Automatic update of the inventory when new materials arrived
x Computer-Generated Monthly Report
And eliminate the problems on
x Error of human counting
x Extra hours added for new materials to be counted and updated in the inventory
x Volume of paper works to check for monthly report

or informing your reader about your business. If it is a reply, then acknowledge your
correspondent's letter. Once you know the purpose of the letter placed in the opening part,
you can add details to explain it further but briefly. Don't waste too many words on
unimportant matters. Your ending part is also an important part of your letter. The ending is
the most likely part to be remembered. Aside from thanking or appreciating your reader,
make sure that you leave your correspondent with a message that he will remember.
(3) Consideration
Consideration gives emphasis on the "You" attitude rather than the "I or We."
"You" means you are looking at the situation from the standpoint of the reader. It makes you
see clearly what are your reader's skills, interests, what he loves to do and hates to do. This
gives a human touch on your letter.
The "You" attitude is not only done through the use of
words, but it is must be worked out in order to bring the best approach to your reader.
Remember one principle that you write letters to a person from a person. Don't just answer
letters, but write letters to a person.
Effective communication is having an impression that
you care about people and at the same giving your best in the business you are dealing with.
Interaction is important. If letters are just communicated for business reasons and no human
nature interaction, then it will increase the percentage of losing a customer or supplier.
Make your letter conversational. You can write in a casual way and not too strict. It is easier
to understand if the letter is conversational and friendly rather than strictly business-
One way of being considerate is to pay attention to letters that needs an immediate
reply. If you cannot deal the problem or issue at the moment, explain why and inform them
you will be writing them back again. Try to understand and respect the letter sender and
don't react negatively as if you will never do any mistake. Instead, answer him with courtesy
and with consideration.
(4) Courtesy
Consideration and courtesy work together. Courtesy will nurture the goodwill and
Courtesy is as important as being clear and concise. Most effective and
successful letters are done with courtesy. Some business people may tend to be cold and
jargoneers when they create a letter. They tend to enclose themselves in the idea of "business
writing." But as earlier said, there is no such thing as a business language.
Saying "please"
and "thank you" is not enough to be courteous. You have to reflect it throughout your
Any reader will not be interested to continue reading if he feels the letter is
discourteous. Always consider how your reader will feel when he reads your letter. Avoid

negatives in writing as much as possible. Negatives will make a connotation of what not to
do. But in business writing, it is best to suggest positive, what to do. A letter with friendly
conversation will not only be clear, but also sincere.
(5) Correctness
Correctness deals with the accuracy of the figures, facts, grammar, spelling,
punctuation marks and the format of the letter.
The correctness of your letter can be done
by using a grammar and spell check software or proofreading. Proofreading can be done by
other people so as to check the other items you might have missed while proofreading your
letter. Make sure that you will correct all the errors after checking and proofreading. The
final version of the letter should be free from errors.
(6) Character
This area will help your letter special and more interesting. A writer has his own
personality and it is unique. Each person has individuality. If your letter is written in your
own style, considering of course the necessity of business letter, this will add interest to your
letter. Rather than simply copying or stereotyping. Your own style as a writer shows your
character, your strong points and how confident you are in what you are saying in your letter.
This principle will help you to be more positive in writing and in reaching your objective.
You should not be restricted to being like someone, just bring out that distinct personality
and communicate it.
(7) Concreteness
In creating a business letter, you also need to consider the words you used within the
letter that appeals to the reader's senses. If your letter is dull and uninteresting, the reader
may just skim through it and missing the important points. This will not only give you a
negative response, but you may end up waiting for nothing.
Aside from that, concreteness also includes the proper use of codes, ratios, and
numbers in order for your reader to identify which of the transactions you are referring to.
Definitely, there are hundreds of business transactions going on each day, it will help If you
can specify the shipping code or any reference number that will point to a specific
Writing a business letter is not just simply writing a letter in order to receive a
response. But, you need to demonstrate a positive attitude and express joy in your letter. If
your reader feels that your letter will only be a burden, then the reader will just ignore it. Let

your reader feel that you are glad to have a business transaction with him. Reflect
cheerfulness in your letter.
Cheerfulness should already start in the opening of your letter.
Remember that you need to create a good impression to your reader. Everything that will be
detailed in your letter is build from the opening.
There are nine international business letters that will be discussed in this book. These
1. Sales Letter
2. Inquiry Letter
3. Order Letter
4. Complaint Letter
5. Adjustment Letter
6. Payment Letter
7. Transportation and Shipping Letter
8. Insurance Letter
9. Banking Letter
Sales Letter
"Turning words into profits." That's what sales letters do. Sales letters find new
customers for you and persuade them to give you a chance. It also keeps your existing
customers connected to you and buying more. It brings back customers who have stopped
from communicating with you and encourage them to buy from you again. Understanding
how sales letters work can give you the power to create a successful business. The sales
letter is also used to set-up or confirm appointments, to make announcements regarding sales
promotions or store openings, to congratulate salespersons, and to introduce new employees
to be part of the team. The sales letter is in itself a sales tool.
Sales letter is used to sell, so it
should be specific, complete, informative, believable, friendly, and personal. It must direct to
the right audience, and appeal to the reader's needs. Paragraphs in a sales letter should be
short and contain simple, everyday language. You can enclose a brochure or product sheet if
you want to provide further details or add credibility of your product.

Inquiry Letter
Letters of inquiry at some instances may also be referred to as request letters. Most
inquiry or request letters are short. They can be sent by mail, telex, fax, or e-mail.
It may be
written as an initial contact in a business transaction. Its objective is to introduce the writer
and to ask a question or to open a concern that needs any specific response.
A letter of
inquiry seems quite simple to write, but in actual practice it is not so. Sometimes it is so
confusing that the recipient is almost embarrassed. Hence, be precise, direct and
straightforward, otherwise the recipient might have to write back to ask you to explain
things, or it is just possible your letter won't be read at all.
Order Letter
Order letter deals with orders. Business deal with orders almost every day, may it be
for merchandise, for services or supplies. Communications are done through letter to place
an order or to acknowledge and order. In this communication between a seller and a buyer,
they take it as an opportunity to establish a relationship, then eventually, loyalty that will
build your company's name and will generate more revenues.
Complaint Letter
Errors are unavoidable occurrences in business. These usually lead to complaints.
May it be a misunderstanding of the orders or delivery, or errors in the address or delays,
these may lead to complaints. This is where the complaint letter comes in.
Adjustment Letter
Claim letter or complaint letter is the prerequisite of an adjustment letter. Granted
that the complaint is justifiable, an adjustment will be made, otherwise there will be no
adjustments to be made, but a letter of rejected claim.

Payment Letter
Issues regarding payment are what Payment Letter for. There are five major
methods of payment for international trade: Cash-in-Advance, Letters of Credit,
Documentary Collections, Open Account, and Consignment.
During business transactions,
there could also be some issues regarding payment like payment may either be too much,
short, or delayed. Some payments are lost and are not acknowledged.
Transportation and Shipping Letter
Shipping and transportation may probably the oldest occupation. Letters involved
here relate to freight handling agents and companies involved in the transport. Some
instances may be companies may send a letter informing the customer about the goods to be
transported or rebooking the transport. There are times where circumstances happened like
damaged goods reached the customer, then, a letter to inform the company is forwarded.
There's several documentation involved in transport activities.
There are four means of
transporting goods. These are by road, rail, sea, and air.
Insurance Letter
Insurance has a big part in the business world. It is a means of protection for
individual or companies from financial losses. To understand insurance better is to put it in a
perspective where there is a risk.
The primary reason of having insurance is to give
payment for those who experience loss or damage.
Risk is one big factor why insurance
must be undertaken. Insurance will help to protect both people and business against a
possible risk that will produce losses. Initially, the insurance was only for rich people who
would want to protect their fellow businessman and was only given a few rules to maintain.
However, due to globalization, enlargement and development of trade especially,
internationally, insurance were considered to be one important factor. The increase in the
number of companies applying for insurance opens an opportunity for an insurance market.
Now, the insurance business is one of the fast-rising services in business trades.

Banking Letter
Banks may simply be known as storage of money where bank staff looks after it. But
aside from that, banks offer other services like credits, debits, inter-banking and others that
may be related to money.
There are also correspondences involved in banking and they are
usually business-related letters. Bank supervisors used letters to build relationships with
banking officials that may be able to help them in their business. Some letters serve as
reminders, applications for an account and others.
letter was one of the most circulating papers around the
world. The business world has continued with its communication and business transaction
successfully using business correspondences. From announcement, to information relay, to
placing of orders, acknowledgement, payment, complaints, adjustments, insurances, shipping
and transportation, are all doing processing and communication and along with it are, the
business letters.
Business letter has been widely used. Skills and sometimes, training are
required for writers in order to make an effective letter. Here are some of the things to
remember about dealing with business letters.
Letters are permanent
said in the letter will be permanently remembered or it can
even be retrieved even if it has already been passed in many years. That's why a lot of
businessmen prefer printout letter aside from emails because this is a permanent document.
Letters are powerful
Letters can be used as an authority. Sales transactions, agreements, legal documents
and likes are made sure to be written in black in white. Because words said verbally can be
changed and can be revocable but not what is written and signed in a black and white paper.
Letters can change one request, it can confirm what has been agreed upon, it can give
authorization to in-cash cheques, it can stop business communication once it is not done
properly. Letters are powerful.

Letters are evidence
Letters are proof that this has been said or this has been agreed to be done. Even in
legal matters, documentation can be used as evidence and secondary proof of what a certain
person has done or has agreed on. Same is through with business, letters are evidences that
this has already been forwarded and received, or this has been agreed to be done within a
specified period of time, or this adjustment has been approved and promised to be given on
the date mentioned.
rather than merely verbal words. A certain
firm cannot deny something that has been written and signed in the business letter. That's
why a written letter is usually sent every after a meeting is done, that is, to confirm all that
has been discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. Then, their signatures and written
acceptance are requested to be given so as to make the written letter or document to be a
binding agreement between them.
Letters reflect communication level
A business letter done poorly and ineffectively reflects its writer. That's why it is very
important to consider a guideline in making a business letter. It will not represent your
company, but it will also represent you as a person and your character. It reflects how well
do you do manage to communicate. Time has changed and so is with business letters. From
long letters to shorter ones. From questionnaires to filling of forms. From longhand to word
processing using computers. Communication technology changes but to produce an effective
business letter is still the same goal we need to achieve and same good relationship we need
to maintain.
Even with the advancement of technology and enhancement of methods, as
long as International Business trades continue to exist. Then, business letters will continue to
exist as well. It will continue to circulate, it will continue to be powerful, it will continue to
act as evidence. The business letter will still play a big role in the business world in the
International business correspondence is a global tool for international business.
There are various means of communication between importers and exporters such as

telephone, fax, email, letter, etc. Of all these, business letter stands out as an essential
business communication tool because it serves as a proof of international business dealings. It
is therefore necessary for importers and exporters to learn how to write business letters.
Business correspondence is utilized in many businesses. Below are examples of researches
that support international business correspondence.
The research entitled International Business: ASEAN-NAFTA demonstrates total
trade, export and import value of Thailand and ASEAN, Thailand and NAFTA, ASEAN and
International business refers to commercial transactions that exist between two or
more regions, countries, and nations. Every business activity that involves cross-border
transactions of goods, services, and resources between two or more nations comes under the
umbrella of International business. Business communication is essential in international
business. Likewise, international business correspondence plays a vital role in terms of
communication in the business world. Business correspondence or business letter is a written
communication between two parties involved in business dealings. Business correspondence
occurs between organizations, within organizations or between the customers and the
organization. International correspondence is widely used in international trade. The first step
taken in international correspondence is the writing of a sales letter to importers. If the
importers are interested in the products, they will make enquiries for catalogues, price lists,
samples, after which they will make the decision to order. An order letter is written in effect
to this. Correspondence generally follows a universally accepted format. Business letters are
the most formal method of communication. An import/export business can be kick started at
home with a telephone. There is also the need for a file system, business cards, and a machine
to answer the phone calls. When the business has been established, a website address or a fax
number is needed to boost communication with customers.
What is a good way to build up a successful business? The import/export business
may be the right answer. Besides requiring little financial investment to start, it also offers the
reputation of working with clients from all over the world. When foreign distributors who
will buy the merchandise have been contacted, it is important to have a signed contract with a
manufacturer that will deliver the goods. When one of the distributors asks for a firm
quotation on the price of a certain quantity of goods, the next step is to go to the manufacturer
and get a price quotation on the quantity of goods. The price quotation should be valid for a
certain stated period. The manufacturer may agree to deliver the goods to the ship, handling
the freight to that point, or arrangements might be made from the factory when necessary.

The import/export business is a high profit enterprise because it involves low overhead and
most of the money made in commission goes to the business owner. However, building a
truly profitable business requires dedication and a good knowledge of the business.
It is necessary to have many contacts that know about the business and respect the
standard or policies of the business, and can recommend it to others. Reliable agents (both
home and abroad) that will help in the process of the goods delivery will also help to keep the
business running smoothly. Another necessity is a good working relationship with the bank
being used for the business and possibly other banks that letters of credit come into as branch
transfers from foreign offices.
Orders should be treated carefully, and not with haste. It is important to investigate
the manufacturers and distributors to be sure the products and sales methods are reputable.
Check out the particulars of shipping and manufacturing from the foreign country. Each
culture works in a specific manner. It is important to know how to work with foreign
Not everyone will venture into the import/export business. It is a personal operation
that can be run individually without having to answer to anyone. The benefits of negotiating
in a foreign country include excitement, a touch of the exotic, and the great profit potentials.
The establishment of an import/export business is secured when the proper contacts are
established, and proper arrangements are concluded with reputable manufacturers, reliable
shipping companies, and responsible distributors.
When all costs have been counted and options have been weighed, a potential
business owner needs to sell himself/herself. Next, start making inquiries and contacts. Make
attempts. Analyze whether the outcome is good or not. Then make the business succeed.
International business correspondence is the key to successful international business. All
these steps stated above are crucial in establishing good and sound import/export businesses
that will last for a long period of time such as those that exist between Thailand and ASEAN,
Thailand and NAFTA, ASEAN and NAFTA.
Tourism business, acts as export products which bring a high international income
each year for Thailand. Both cultural tourism
and health healing tourism
have greatly
contributed to the economy of Thailand by being a source of great revenue in Thailand.

Thailand has a good reputation for medical care, spa for health as well as interesting cultural
tourism worldwide. This increasingly prompts tourists to come to Thailand for health healing.
The costs for health healing in Thailand are on the low side; therefore, tourists also have the
privilege to spend the rest of their money on cultural tourism given that Thailand also has a
lot of cultural tourism attractions that differ from that of other countries. Based on this,
business communication is vital for tourism in Thailand. This is because patients will search
for information in order to pick out the hospital that seems best to them and also make other
enquiries on specific details. International business comes to play in situations like this.

1. George, F. J. (1992). Complete Business Letters. Singapore: Jin Jin Printing Industry Ltd.
2. Roberts, Josy. (1998). Business Letter Writing. Great Britain: Trotman Company.
3. See Note 2.
4. Reid, James M., Silleck Anne. (1969). Better Business Letters. London: Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company.
5. See Note 4.
6. See Note 4.
7. See Note 4.
8. See Note 4.
9. See Note 4.
10. See Note 1.
11. See Note 4.
12. See Note 1.
13. Sandler, Corey, Keefe, Janice. (2004). 1001 Letters for All Occasions. MA: Adams Media, a
division of F +W Media, Inc.
14. Poe, Roy W. (1994). The McGraw-Hill Handbook of Business Letters. New York: McGraw-Hill
Book Company.
15. See Note 4.
16. Gartside, L. (1981). Model Business Letters. Great Britain: Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press)
17. See Note 4.
18. See Note 16.
19. See Note 4.
20. See Note 16.
21. See Note 4.
22. See Note 4.
23. See Note 4.
24. See Note 2.
25. See Note 4.
26. See Note 4.
27.Poe, Row W. (1988). The McGraw-Hill Handbook of Business Letter. New York: McGraw-Hill.
28. Seglin, Jeffery, Coleman, Edward. (2012). The AMA Handbook of Business Letter. New York:
29. Reid, Jr. James M., Wendlinger, Robert M. (1978). Effective Letters: A Program for Self-
Instruction. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
30. See Note 28.
31. See Note 28.
32. See Note 29.
33. See Note 13.
34. See Note 16.
35.Morgan, David H. (1970). Effective Business Letters. Nethley, South Australia: The Griffin Press.
36. See Note 13.
37. See Note 14.
38. See Note 28.
39. See Note 29.

40. Muckian, Michael, Woods, John. (1996). The Business Letter Handbook. Massachusetts:
Adams Media.
41. See Note 28.
42. See Note 35.
43. Faber, William M. (1983). Business Letter: Simple and Self Taught. New York: Arco.
44. See Note 29.
45. See Note 28.
46. See Note 13.
47. See Note 40.
48. Baraceros, Esther L. (2000). Business Correspondence. Manila: Book Store.
49. See Note 35.
50. See Note 28.
51. See Note 28.
52. See Note 40.
53. See Note 28.
54. See Note 28.
55. See Note 1.
56. See Note 28.
57. Ellenbogen, Abraham. (1978). Letter Perfect: A Business Person's Guide to More Effective
Correspondence. London: Collier Macmillan Publishers.
58. See Note 28.
59. See Note 1.
60. See Note 28.
61. See Note 28.
62. See Note 48.
63. See Note 13.
64. See Note 48.
65. See Note 48.
66. See Note 40.
67. See Note 35.
68. See Note 4.
69. See Note 48.
70. See Note 4.
71. See Note 35.
72. See Note 29.
73. See Note 35.
74. See Note 16.
75. See Note 48.
76. See Note 35.
77. See Note 4.
78. See Note 40.
79. See Note 16.
80. See Note 48.
81. See Note 4.
82. See Note 35.
83. See Note 57.
84. See Note 48.


Type of Edition
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
File size
6.9 MB
Publication date
2017 (March)
Guidebook Letter writing Sales letter Inquiry letter Order letter Complaint letter Adjustment letter Payment letter Shipping letter Transportation letter Insurance letter Banking letter
Product Safety
Anchor Academic Publishing

Title: International Business Correspondence
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