
Human Resource Management in 15 Lessons

©2017 Textbook 251 Pages


Human resource is the most important asset of any organization and, unlike other resources, human resources can theoretically be developed and increased to a limitless extent. Human resources mean the energies, skills, knowledge and physical strength of the people at work. Human resources comprise the value of the productive capacity of the entire work force of any organization. To be specific and brief, human resource refers to the aggregate of knowledge, skill, experience and health of employees working in any organization. Development of human resources accounts for the development of the human side of an organization.
Today, management is absolutely essential for all organizations, irrespective of their origin, nature and ownership. Every enterprise, established with a profit-seeking motive or some social, religious or other purposes, requires efficient management for its sustained progress. But management has been viewed differently by various scholars, depending upon their belief and comprehensions. Some regard it as the force that runs a business and is responsible for its success or failure. Others perceive it as a means for achievement of desired results through group efforts and by utilising both human and non-human resources. Still others deem management to be a process comprising planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling. Also, some look at it as an instrument for designing and maintaining an environment conducive to the performance of individuals who are working together in a group towards the accomplishment of some predetermined objectives.
This study provides an overview on different aspects of human resource management in 15 lessons, explained by experts in this area.


Table Of Contents

Murugan, Annamalai: Human Resource Management in 15 Lessons, Hamburg, Anchor
Academic Publishing 2017
PDF-eBook-ISBN: 978-3-96067-691-1
Druck/Herstellung: Anchor Academic Publishing, Hamburg, 2017
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Lesson No. Lesson Name
1 & 2
3 & 4
Introduction to Human Resource Management
Manpower Planning - Nature and Procedure;
Recruitment Methods and Techniques
Selection Process
Induction, Transfer, Promotion and Separation
Employee Training - Nature, Significance,
Methods and Techniques
Executive Development - Nature, Significance,
Methods and Techniques
Performance Appraisal: Steps and Methods
Job Evaluation
Wages and Salary Administration
Fringe Benefits
Trade Unions
Collective Bargaining
Worker's Participation in Management
Page No.

LESSON : 1 & 2
This goes without saying that human resource is the most important
asset of any Organisation and unlike other resources the human resources
could be developed and increased to a limitless extent. Human resources mean
the energies, skills, knowledge and physical strength of the people at work.
Human resources comprise the value of the productive capacity of entire work
force of any Organisation. To be specific and:brief, human resource refer to
the aggregate of knowledge, skill, experience and health of employees working
in any Organisation. And development of human resource accounts for the
development of human side of the orp-anisation. The word HUMAN has five
letters and each letter speak of a distinct characteristic of human being as
Management is absolutely essential in the present times in all
organizations, irrespective of their origin, nature and ownership. Every
enterprise, established with profit motive or some social, religious or such like
other purpose, requires efficient management for its sustained progress. But,
management has been viewed differently by various scholars, depending upon
their belief and comprehensions. Some regard it as the force that runs a business
and in responsible for its success or failure. Others perceive it as a means for
achievement of desired results through group efforts and by utilising both

human and non-human resources. Still others deem management to be a process
comprising planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling. Also, some
look on it as an instrument for designing and maintaining an environment
conducive to the performance of individuals who are working together in a
group towards the accomplishment of some predetermined objectives.
Furthermore, some think that management merely implies certain tasks
which the managers are supposed to perform. Thus, there are numerous, opinions
on what `management' actually involves. And, no description, however, lengthy
would be considered satisfactory for fully and finally deducing the universally
acceptable connotation of this term.
While an agreement on the exact definition of management has not been
reached any definition of management must include three common factors Anil
Kumar: goals, limited resources and people.
First goals are necessary because activities must be directed towards
some end.
Second, there are limited resources. Economic resources are scarce;
therefore, the manager is responsible for their allocation. This requires not
only that managers be effective in achieving the goals that are established, but
they are efficient in relation to output to input. Managers then are concerned
with the attainment of goals, which makes them effective and with best
allocations of scarce resources, which makes them efficient.
The need for two or more people is the third and last requisite for
management. It is with arid through people that managers perform their work.
Now, let us move from the broad topic of management to the more
specific topic of human resource management.
What is Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management is concerned with the "people" dimension
in management. Since every organisation is made up of people, acquiring their
services, developing their skills, motivating them to high level of performance

and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the Organisation
are essential to achieving organizational objectives. This is true regardless of
type of Organisation Government, business, education, health, recreation or
social action. Those organisation that are able to acquire, develop, stimulate
and keep outstanding workers will be both effective, able to achieve their goals,
and efficient (expanding the least amount of resources necessary). Those
organisation that are inefficient and ineffective risk the hazards of stagnating
or going out of business.
According to Thomas G. Spates, HRM is a code of the ways of organizing
and treating individuals at work so that they will get the greatest possible
realisation of their intrinsic abilities, thus attaining maximum efficiency for
themselves and their group and thereby giving to the enterprise of which they
are a part its determining competitive advantage and its optimum results.
George Terry has succinctly stated that HRM is concerned with the
obtaining and maintaining of a satisfied work force. He further clarified that
HRM is concerned with maximizing the effectiveness of the work force through
application of sound and proved personnel policies and practices.
According to Dale Yoder, HRM is the function or activity aiding and
directing working men and women in maximizing their contributions and
satisfactions in employment. It helps `workers' including all those who work,
from unskilled common labourers to corporation presidents or public
administrators, - combine their efforts with those of others in providing the
administrators - combine their efforts with those of others in providing the
services and products we all want.
In the words of Flippo, HRM is the planning organising, directing, and
controlling of the procurement, developments, compensation, integration and
maintenance and separation of human resources to the end that individual,
organisational and societal objective are accomplished.
According to process system view, human resources management is the
systematic planning, development, and control of a network of interrelated

process affecting and involving all members of organisation. These process
Human resources planning
Job and work design
Training and development
Performance appraisal and review
Compensation and reward
Employee protection and representation
Organisation improvement
According to another view, human resource management refers to the
practices and policies you need to carry out the people aspects of your
management job. These includes:
Conducting job analysis
Planning labour needs and recruiting candidates
Selecting job candidates
Orienting and training new employees
Managing wage and salaries
Providing incentive and benefits
Appraising performance
Training and development
Building employees commitment
To effectively manage these process, human resources systems are
planned, developed and implemented through the combined efforts of all
managers and human resources specialists - and frequently all employees - in
an organisation. Overall, the systems are intended to achieve organisation-wide

goals and contribute to organisational effectiveness and productivity. From the
foregoing definitions it may be concluded that there is no standard definition
of the term `HRM', some authorities have defined it in terms of its functions,
some others in terms of its objects and some in terms of human relationships.
However, there are certain elements which are common to most of these
(i)HRM aims at getting the best results out of the employees. In other
words, it has the overall goal of securing the optimum contribution from the
human factor in business.
(ii)It does not, however, follow from above that this modem branch of
business management is geared to the exploitation of the employees. Good
HRM helps the employees develop their capacities to the full and derive the
greatest satisfaction from their work. It, thus, looks to their needs, comforts
and grievances, As Scott, Clothier and Sprieged put it, four different angles
or elements of the employee-in his-work unit must be given due consideration.
There are:
(a)Capacities - referring to those abilities, to those attainments, inherited
or acquired, that a worker has, is capable of exercising, and must, to a certain
degree at least, exercise in his work.
(b)Interest - not only an individual's desires, and ambitions, but also his
instinctive, impulsive tendencies, vague, bearing, and ill-defined carvings that
mayor may not stir him to his fullest action in performing his duties.
(c)Opportunities - not only opportunities for advancement, although, that
is included, but opportunities to exercise his capacities and satisfy his interests
(d)Personality - the sum total of a worker's reaction to his experiences
and environment. Personality in manifest by an individual's reception by others.
Management has only a minor role in influencing personality, but the worker's
personality has a great influence upon his opportunities.

(iii) Good HRM aims at promoting group satisfaction, building up what is
known as team spirit, because it is the joint effort that is more important.
(iv) The work related to human resources is of a continuous nature. In the
words of George Terry, it cannot be turned on and off like water from a faucet;
it cannot be practiced only one hour each day or one day a week. It required
a constant alertness and awareness of human relations and their importance in
everyday operations it is, thus, a way of approach, a technique of thinking, a
philosophy of management which has to be kept in view at all times and at
different levels of the organisation.
Thus, human resource management refers to set of programmes, functions
and activities designed and carried out in order to maximize both employees
as well as organizational effectiveness.
Since HRM is an integral part of management, its main objective is
identical with that of latter, survival and growth to help the organisation to
achieve its objectives, HRM contributes by assuring a rich, and continuous
supply of human resources. Further, to make organisation effective and efficient,
HRM aims at coordinated efforts of the competent managers and workers
towards the ultimate goal. The general objective of HRM is to contribute towards
realization of firms goals. The specific objectives of HRM include the following:
Efficient utilization of people's skills and abilities
HRM aims at utilizing the people's skill and abilities, in order to achieve
organizational as well as individual goals. Efficient utilization of manpower is
beneficial not only to the Organisation but also to the employees and consumers
Human resource manager should ensure that necessary action is taken to make
the fullest utilisation of manpower.
Provision of trained and motivated employees
The human resource manager provides to the Organisation well trained
and motivated employees, which is the most valuable asset of an Organisation.

The human resource manager, for achieving this objective, creates an environment
which is conducive to the growth of well-trained and well motivated employees.
The effectiveness of human resource manager is judged on the basis of right
type of person, at right place, at right time for an Organisation.
Increased employees job satisfaction
HRM aims at providing facilities for employees thereby ensures job
satisfaction of the individuals. This objective focuses on employees needs
rather than organizational needs.
Communicating HRM policies to all concerned
HRM aims at communicating its policies to all concerned in their own
language. Effective communication helps in building organisation image among
its employees, Government and public in general. Through effective
communication, policies, goals of organisation can be achieved.
Development and maintenance of quality of worklife
HRM develops and maintain qualify of worklife that makes work
environment more meaningful to the employees life. It is a programme of
building an ideal work environment to promote maximum employees satisfaction
consistent with maximum organisation growth. The premise of quality of work
life is having a work environment where an employee's activities become more
important. This means implementing procedures that make work less routine
and more rewarding for the employee. These policies includes autonomy,
recognition, belongingness progress and development and external rewards.
Autonomy deals with the amount of freedom that employees can exercise in
their job. Recognition involves being value by others in the company. An
individual contribution to the organisation is noticed and appreciated.
Belongingness refers to being part of organisation. Progress and developments
refers to internal rewards available from Organisation; Challenge and
accomplishment. Finally external rewards which are usually in the form of
salary and benefits, also includes promotion, rank and status. Taken together,

these components provides for quality of work life for the individuals. If the
quality of work life is lacking, then workers productivity may suffer.
Scope of Human Resource Management
Following is the scope of human resource management explained by
experts in this area.
Human Resources Planning
Human Resources Planning is the process of assessing the organisation's
human resources needs in light of organizational goals and making plans to
ensure that a competent, stable work force is employed. The planning process
includes an analysis of skill levels among employees and in the external labour
market, of current and expected job openings, of plans for expanding or reducing
staff throughout the organisation, and of the external legal environment. The
planning process, then, is, closely related to the staffing process and depends
also on the overall strategic plans of the organisation.
The systems designed to control and direct the human resources planning
process include such devices and computerised records of employees' skills
and qualification, forecasts of the number of employees with certain skills who
are likely to leave over the next year, analysis of the extent to which affirmative
action goals have been met; and confidential organization charts showing
possible candidates for promotion to various executive positions.
Job and Work Design
Job and work design specifies the tasks to be performed by individuals
and groups within the Organisation, and establishes the rules, schedules and
working conditions under which people perform those tasks. Through careful
design, or circumstance, or both, events converge to create jobs to which
people are assigned and the conditions surrounding these jobs. Some of the
systems used to help manage the process of job design include techniques such
as time-and-motion study and work simplification, which aims at making jobs
easy to learn and workers more efficient. Other job design systems, such as

job enrichment, involve techniques to restructure jobs to make them more
interesting and challenging. Periodic discussions within a work team about the
allocation of tasks can be considered a job design system.
Job Analysis
Job analysis, an outgrowth of job design, is the process of investigating
the tasks and behaviour associated with a particular job. Various systems used
in job analysis include observations of workers as they perform their jobs,
interviews and questionnaires. Typically the information obtained from job
analysis is used to write job descriptions and to establish what is required of
the person who will perform each job. In turn, job descriptions are useful in
the staffing process, especially in recruiting, hiring, and training new employees.
An Organisation needs people for its present and future vacancies.
Recruitment is the process of exploring the sources of suitable People and
taking effective measure for obtaining them. It is designed to attract as many
candidates as possible from inside and outside the organisation so than an
objective selection of the most talented persons can be done.
Selections and placement
Having identified the candidates eligible for the posts, the management
should proceed with the selection of right candidates and their placement.
Selection is the process of testing the ability, skill and aptitude of the candidates.
It is done to find out those candidates who are best suited to the specific jobs.
Placement is the process of assigning a job to an accepted individual for which
he is best suited. Selection and placement may or may not occur simultaneously.
When candidate are chosen for specific jobs, selection and placement go together,
But when a large number of candidates are selected for avoid of jobs, placement
is generally done only by importing training.
After an employee has been selected and placed at a specific job, the
next logical step is to introduce him to the culture of the organisation, through

socialization. It is a process of transmitting the key values, norms, policies
and objectives of the company to the employees with a view to shaping their
attitudes, thought and behaviour and assimilating them into the dominant culture
of the company. It enable a new employee to understand the organisation better
and makes him or her feel at home at his work environment. This is extremely
important to his motivation and performance in the organisation.
Training and Development Process
Although the two terms are generally put together, they are not identical
in meaning. Training is a learning process that seeks to bring about a permanent
improvement in the ability and behaviour of employees by enabling them to
learn new skill, knowledge, attitude and behaviour so that they can become
better performers. It is mostly intended for operating employees. Development
is a much broaden concept than training. It is basically an educational process
which is directed to increase the conceptual ability of employees to understand
and apply knowledge in terms of cause and effect relationship, in the
organizational situation. It is generally intended for managerial, people training
and development programmes are essential for enhancing the quality and potential
of human resources for improving the standards of performance and productivity
of an Organisation.
Performance appraisal and review
It is a process of ascertaining how effectively an employee is performing
his job. The object of the appraisal is to determine the present state of efficiency
of an employee in order to establish the actual need for training and motivation.
It also serves to indicate the areas of weakness in employee performance so
that measures for skill improvement and prayer motivation may be taken to
remedy the situation.
Although performance appraisal is central to training and development
programmes, it provides valuable information to the entire spectrum of HRM.
It can offer important feedback information on the effectiveness of recruitment,
selection, motivation and compensation systems. Hence appraisal methods

should be most carefully chosen and designed to meet the multiple requirements
of HRM.
The accommodation process refers to the extent to which management
listens and responds to or accommodates the needs, wants, and complaints (or
grievances) of organization members. People working in organizations expect
to be treated fairly; moreover, they feel they have the right to be heard and
to be respected as individuals. Morale is severely affected when there is a sense
of unfair treatment or when workers perceive that, management does not care
about their feelings, complaints, and suggestions. Systems for managing the
accommodation process include questionnaires, suggestion boxes, an
"opendoor" philosophy and formal grievance procedures. The effectiveness
with which the accommodation process is managed varies within organizations
and depends on a number of factors, such as prevailing leadership style and
management philosophy.
Fair Compensation System
A fair compensation system for rewarding the employees is the most
important prerequisite to attracting and maintaining the employees.
Compensation in a narrow sense refers to the wages and salaries which are paid
to the employees in return for their services. But its meaning is often extended
to include all kinds of payments and benefits offered to the employees in lieu
of their services. However, the amount of money paid to an employee is the
most important form of compensation as it enables the receiver to satisfy most
of his or her needs. The crucial point about monetary compensation is that it
should be fair from the point of view of both the employer and the employee.
Although a `fair compensation' is difficult to define, it should be taken to mean
the amount that is adequate for the demands and requirements of the job.
Employee Benefits and Services
In addition to fair monetary compensation, employees should be provided

with a number of non-monetary benefits and services which are no less important.
The benefits are provided mostly in the form of paid holidays and vacations,
pensions and retirement benefits, accident and life insurance benefits, etc.
Services that are generally offered to the employees include social and
recreational activities, medical and transport facilities, housing, credit
cooperatives, discounts in purchases and cafeteria. These benefits provided to
all the members of an organization regardless of their performance. As such
they are intended mainly for the maintenance of employees Research studies
indicate that although employees prefer money to anything else, they strongly
desire to take a part of their compensation in the form of benefits and services.
In most of the cases an employee's decision to stay with or leave the Organization
will be influenced by the number of benefits and services provided. Therefore,
an organization should be to offer as many advantages as possible to its
Safety and Health Care Programmes
Safety and health care programmes are essential to the maintenance of
employees. Industrial safety implies that the working conditions in or around
the factory or mines should be free from the danger of accidents and health
hazards. An accident is a tragic incident which has human, social and economic
dimensions. It results in tremendous mental and physical sufferings for the
injured apart from the loss of earnings. The organizations suffer enormous
financial loss in terms of compensation payable to the injured, damaged
equipment and loss of production.
Hence, every precaution should be taken to protect the employees from
the damage of accidents. In addition to adequate safety measures, training and
education programme should be organized to create safety consciousness among
the people. The setting up of a separate safety department can go a long way
in eliminating or reducing the hazards of accidents.
A part from accidents, workers in an industrial Organization are often
exposed to certain health hazards and occupational diseases. Proper steps like

provision for cleanliness, safe disposal of waste and effluents, proper ventilation
and lighting should be taken to protect the health of the employees. Moreover,
efficient medical service and recreational activities can greatly contribute to
the physical and mental well-being of the employees.
Collective Bargaining
The collective bargaining process refers to those events that establish
a formal agreement between workers and management regarding such matters
such as wages and employee benefits, hours of work, working conditions and.
Grievance procedures. The process includes both the negotiation and
administration of the labour-management contract.
Organizational Development
The integrated approach which is followed for the simultaneous
development of people and organization is called organization development
(OD). It may be defined as a comprehensive programme of building a climate
of improved decision making adaptability and higher performance in an
organization the introduction of planned changes. It is, in fact a long-term
process of deliberately changing the organization by training and developing
managerial people so as to make it more dynamic and effective in meeting the
challenge of competition, adaptation and growth. OD programmes are mainly
characterized by planned approach to change, emphasis on group rather than
individual, participation in external change agents, use of intervention strategy
and action research. It includes such complex process as grid training, survey
feed back, team building and transactional analysis.
Role of Human Resources Manager
The primary task of the HR manager is to ensure that the organization's
human resources are utilized and managed as effectively as possible. Human
resource administrators help design and implement policies and programmes
that enhance human abilities and improve the organization's overall effectiveness.
Top executives have learned sometimes the hard way - that inattention to

personnel relations and neglect of HR programs are often the cause of poor
labour management relations, excessive absenteeism and turnover, lawsuits
charging discrimination, and substandard productivity. More and more leaders
of public and private organization recognize that people are the organization's
primary resource and acknowledge the HR manager's role in developing the
human resource.
Significance of Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management is of utmost important from atleast three
standpoints, social, professional and individual enterprises.
Social Significance
The effective management of human resources is likely to serve the
goals of our society. It can serve the following goals:
It can help to maintain an even balance of jobs and job holders to raise
living standards of individuals in society.
It can help people to avail the best most productive and most gainful
jobs where they can be most satisfy and effective.
It can help to ensure the best protection and conservation of human
resources to prevent its wasteful or careless use.
It can help people to take decisions with minimum direction and control.
Professional Significance
From professional standpoint, the management of human resources is
also of great significance. It can provide motivation for effective teamwork
by providing desirable working conditions and policies.
Specifically, it can serve following professional goals.
It can help in maintaining the dignity of individual members.
It can help in providing maximum opportunities for personality
development of each participant in the organization.

It can help in improving employees working skills and capacity thereby
increasing productivity and standard of living.
It can provide healthy relationship between different work groups so
that work is effectively performed.
It can ensure conservation of human resources by correcting errors of
wrong placement and proper reallocation of work.
Individual Enterprise Significance
The management of human resource management has also significance from
stand points of the objectives of the individual enterprise. It can help the
individual enterprise to achieve its goal by
obtaining capable people through scientific recruitment and selection
techniques. Enterprise can identify proper sources of manpower supply
and select the suitable candidates among available personnels.
using proper training and development techniques, the existing manpower
can be effectively and efficiently utilized. The proper training and
development programmes help the employees to learn new techniques
of production, thereby increasing productivity and quality of product.
Training programmes also prevent industrial accidents and manpower
obsolescence. Thus, ultimately helps in improving organizational climate.
maintaining the willingness of people to work through equal provisions
of opportunities for satisfaction of human needs not only physiological
and security but also need of love, esteem and self actualization.
Status of HRM in Indian Industry
The studies in this area have given the status of HRM in India as follows:
Most of the companies recognized the significance of the personnel
function and paid substantial attention to personnel in their corporate

The private sector companies placed greater emphasis on the personnel
department than those in the public sector.
The average remuneration of employees in the personnel area was at
par with that of their counterparts in other functional areas.
The status of personnel in the corporate structure of multinationals
appeared to be relatively higher as compared to other private sector
companies. The proportion of the gross remuneration of employees in
the personnel area to that of the gross remuneration of non personnel
employees was found to be double in the case of the former as compared
to the latter. The ratio of employees in the personnel area to non-
personnel employees was found to be more in the former than in the
The personnel executives at the corporate level were highly qualified,
most of them were double graduates and several of them possessed post
graduate qualifications.
In conjunction with the personnel executives performing general
personnel functions, there existed several personnel specialists and
personnel advisors at the corporate level to facilitate the growth of
different aspects of human resource management functions.
There existed personnel function in the organization even if it did not
have a personnel functionary at the corporate level. Although the initial
salary at the enterprise level may not have been as high as at the corporate
level, by mere seniority, a labour welfare officer or an establishment
officer who performed housekeeping or record keeping functions could
reach the salary level ,equivalent to the corporate structure. Thus, earning
a high salary did not mean that the personnel function with a variety of
sub-systems was playing a multifunctional innovative role in an enterprise.
Several designations of managers manning the personnel department in
companies were found. Perhaps designations reflected the policy and

tradition of an individual company. The use of several designations
appeared to be linked with the development of different sub-systems
of personnel, management and thus, reflected the scope and status of
personnel at corporate level.
The employees in the personnel department had more than 40 different
designations Personnel Manager, Personnel Officer, Chief Personnel
Manager, Chief Personnel Officer, and Industrial Relations Manager
were some of the most common designations used in the companies.
The personnel director had specialist officers reporting to him.
Alternatively, in some cases only one specialist existed as a manpower
specialist. The higher the level of the personnel employee in the
organization (personnel director), there would be a department built
around him embracing both specialists and generalists working in IR and
personnel functions. Multifunctional innovative department had an
integration of the two streams and was concerned with the formulation
and implementation of personnel policy to facilitate the attainment of
corporate objectives.
The foregoing analysis of status of HRM in India depends upon a lot
of factors such as philosophy of top management of the organization towards
the human resources, volume of business and government policies towards
human resources.
Questions for Practice
What is meant by Human Resource Management? Explain the objectives,
scope and significance of Human Resource Management.
Discuss the status of Human Resource Manager in Indian Industry.
Explain the role of Human Resource Manager.

1. Yoder D, Heneman H.G.,
Turnbull J.G. and Stove C.H
Handbook of personnel
management and labour
relations, New York, McGraw
Hill, 1958.
Strategic Human Resource
Management, New York,
Wiley, 1984.
Human Resource.
Management, McGraw Hill, 1993.
Human Resource Management,
8th edition, Pitman Publishing,
Personnel/Human Resource
Management, PHI, New Delhi,
Human Resource Management,
PHI, New Delhi, 1997.
2. Formburn C.J. et al.
3. Bemardin, H.J. and Russel J,
4. Gramin H.T. and Bennett R.
5. Decenzo, D.A. and Robbins, S.P. :
6. Dessler, Gary

LESSON : 3 & 4
Manpower is the most vital factor for the survival and prosperity of the
organization. The manpower asset in a firm has the potential to appreciate the
value of the firm. Though all the firms buy the same material and machines,
the people in a firm make the difference in the final product. So the success
of any organization mainly depends upon the quality of its manpower and their
performance. Any forward looking management will be concerned with the
problem of procuring or developing adequate talent for manning various positions
in the organization. The success of a manpower planning process not only helps
the organization itself, but also helps the society's prosperity. The losses a firm
suffers from inadequate manpower planning and. utilization, is a loss to the
nation. When these individual losses are added up the total losses may be very
significant to the economy of a nation.
Manpower may be regarded as the quantitative and qualitative
measurement of labour force required in an organization and planning in relation
to manpower may be regarded as establishing objectives to develop human
resources in line with broad objectives of the organization. Thus, manpower
planning may be expressed as a process by which the management ensures the
right number of people and right kind of people, at the right place, at the right
time doing the right things. It is a two-phased process by which management
can project the future manpower requirements and develop manpower action
plans to accommodate the implications of projections. Thus, we can say that
manpower planning is the process of developing and determining objectives,
policies and programmes that will develop, utilize and distribute manpower so
as to achieve the goals of the organization.
Manpower Planning or Human Resource Planning aims at ascertaining

the manpower needs of the organization both in right number and of right kind.
It further aims at the continuous supply of right kind of personnel to man
various positions in the organization. Manpower planning is a process of
determining and assuring that the organization will have an adequate number
of qualified per so, available at the persons times, performing jobs which meet
the needs of the enterprise and which provide satisfaction for the individuals
Specific manpower planning duties include:
estimation of labour turnover for each grade of employee and the
examination of the effects of high or low turnover rates on the
organization's performance;
analysis of the consequences of changes in working practices and hours;
predicting future labour shortages;
devising schemes for handling the human problems arising from labour
deficits or surpluses;
introduction of early retirement and other natural wastage procedures;
analysis of the skills, educational backgrounds, experiences, capacities
and potentials of employees.
Effective manpower planning should .result in the right people doing
the right things in the right place at precisely the right time.
Significance of Manpower Planning
The failure in planning and in developing personnel will prove to be a
limiting factor in attributing to the organizational objectives. If the number of
persons in an organization is less than the number of persons required to carry
out the organizational plans, there will be disruptions in the flow of work and
the production will also be lowered. But if, on the other hand, some persons
are surplus in an organization, they will have to be paid remuneration. The sound
personnel policy requires that there should be adequate number of persons of

the right type to attain its objectifies. For this the manpower planner should
be concerned with the training and the scheduling of the planning of personnel
and persuading the management to use the results of manpower planning studies
in the conduct of the business. Every industrial or commercial organization
has the need of proper system of manpower planning so as to bring efficiency
and economy in the organization. Smaller concerns and those with simpler
organizations also require manpower planning though at a small scale. Manpower
planning can prove to be an important aid to frame the training and development
programmes for the personnel because it takes into account the effects of
anticipated changes in technology, markets and products on manpower
requirements and educational and training programme requirements.
Manpower planning is relatively a difficult task for the personnel
management. It is particularly so in business enterprises which are often subject
to forces outside their control such as social, political and economical changes.
Manpower is a key resource required for the achievement of business objectives.
Materials, equipments, power and other resources can be effectively and
efficiently used, only if there is manpower capable of processing them into
required goods and services. It takes a long time to develop the manpower of
right type to use these resources. Therefore, decisions concerning manpower
development must be taken many years in advance. However, management may
stick to short periods for rank and file employees, but it will have to concentrate
upon the problems of replacing key professional and managerial personnel on
a long term basis. In as-much-as many big organizations do prepare long-range
forecasts in production, marketing and capital investment, it should not be
surprising if it makes long term projections in regard to its personnel. However,
manpower plans cannot be rigid or static, they can be modified or adjusted
according to the change in the circumstances.
Advantages of Manpower Planning
An organisation must plan out its manpower requirements well in advance
so that it could complete effectively with its competitors in the market. A well

thought-out-manpower plan provides adequate lead time for recruitment,
selection and training of personnel. It becomes all the more crucial because
the lead time for procuring personnel is a time consuming process and in
certain cases one may not always get the requisite type of personnel needed
for the jobs. Non-availability of suitable manpower may result in postponement
or delays in executing new projects and expansion programmes which ultimately
lead to lower efficiency and productivity further. To be specific, the following
are the advantages of manpower planning:
It Reduces Personnel Costs: It reduces personnel costs, because of
management's ability to anticipate shortages or surpluses of manpower
and correct these imbalances before they become unmanageable and
To Plan the Development of the Employees: A better basis for planning
employees development that is designed to take optimum use of worker's
attitudes within the organisation.
Manpower Inventory: Personnel or manpower inventory can provide
information to management for the interval succession of managerial
personnel if there is a turnover which is not anticipated.
It Helps in Formulating Managerial Succession Plans: Manpower
planning helps in formulating managerial succession plans as a part of
the replacement planning process which is a necessitated when job change
plans for managers are formulated.
Thorough Performance Appraisal and Identification: Manpower
planning enables thorough performance appraisals, identification of gaps
of the existing manpower so that corrective training could be imparted.
Thus, the training programme becomes more effective.
Improvement in Business Planning Process: Further, it leads to the
improvement of business planning process.
(vii) Employment Opportunities: More employment opportunities

including women and minority groups in future growth plans and
identifying the specific development or training programme needed today
to make specific skills available tomorrow.
(viii) Greater Awareness Among Workers: Greater awareness among
workers is the importance of sound manpower management throughout
at all levels of the organisation.
The manpower planning process encompasses the following steps:
Job Analysis
Skill Inventory
Personnel Forecasting
Employment Plan
Training and Development of Personnel
Manpower planning is a continuous process. The manager responsible
for manpower planning has to be concerned doing some exercise in this regard
every time. He may have to revise employment plan and training and development
programme from time to time depending upon the changes in circumstances
such as sudden changes in the volume of production, unexpected high rate of
labour turnover, obsolescence of existing skills and so on. A brief explanation
of the steps of the manpower planning process in given below:
Job Analysis
Job analysis is the qualitative aspect of manpower requirements since
it determines the demands of a job in terms of responsibilities and duties and
then translates these demands in terms of skills, qualities and other human
attributes. It helps in determining the number and kinds of jobs and qualifications
needed to fill these jobs because with the help of job analysis it is known that
what is the quantum of work which an average person can do on a job in a day.

It facilitates the division of work into different jobs. Thus, it is an essential
element of effective manpower planning. At managerial levels, accurate job
descriptions help in preparation of inventories of executive talent.
Job analysis may be defined as a process of discovering and identifying
the pertinent information relating to the nature of a specific job. It is the
determination of the tasks which comprise the job and of the skills, knowledge,
abilities and responsibilities required of the worker for successful performance
of the job. The process of job analysis is essentially one of data collection
and then analyzing that data. It provides the analyst with basic data pertaining
to specific jobs in terms of duties, responsibilities, skills, knowledge, etc. Thus
data may be classified as follows:
Job identification.
Nature of the job.
Operations involved in doing the job.
Materials and equipment to be used in doing the job.
Personal attributes required to do the job, e.g., education, training, physical
strength, mental capabilities, etc.
Relation with the other jobs.
The information relating to a job which is thus classified, if examined
carefully, would suggest that some information relates to the job and some
concerns the individual doing the job. The requirements of a job are known
as Job Description and the qualities demanded from the job holder are termed
as Job Specification. Thus job description and job specification are the
immediate products of job analysis.
Skill Inventory
The scarcity of talent, difficulty of discovering it and the time required
to develop it fully have forced big organisations to think about their manpower
in a systematic way. They attempt to know the inventory of man power resources,

develop and appraise their executives, draw up management succession plans
and calculate .the replacements that will be needed because of retirements and
other causes. To understand the nature of the recruitment and development
problems, it is necessary to determine the inventory of different skills and
talents existing in the organisation. The management must try to develop in
advance the talented employees to occupy the managerial positions in the future.
It can not longer rely upon finding talented manpower just when it is needed.
Systematic steps must be taken in order to ensure that a reservoir of talent
within the organisation must be continuous.
Thus, the identification of manpower potential within the organisation is a
critical factor for the long range success of any organisation.
Personnel (Manpower) Forecasting
In order to forecast the number of personnel required at a particular
plant, the work-load analysis will have to be done, and on the basis of work-
load of the plant, work-force analysis will have to be carried out.
(a)Work-load Analysis: In work-load analysis, the manpower planning
expert needs to find out sales forecasts, work schedules and thus determine
the manpower required per unit of product. The sales forecasts are translated
into work performance for the various departments of the enterprise. In a
manufacturing enterprise, one shall first find out the master schedule and then
hours in terms of different skills required. Workload analysis is used to
determine how many employees of various types are required to achieve total
production targets. Similarly, plans are made concerning the amount of work
that each other part (marketing department, purchase department, etc.) of the
organisation is expected to accomplish during the coming year. It is essential
to determine the work-load in some tangible units so that they may be translated
into manhours required per unit. Past experience can, of course, be utilized
for translating work-loads into manhours required.
To take an illustration, let us assume that the annual production budget
of a company is 1,00,000 units. The standard manhours required to complete

a unit of the product are 2 hours. The past experience reveals that a worker
on an average can contribute about 2,000 hours per year. The work-load may
be calculated as under:
Annual Production Budget
Standard Manhours required per unit
Planned Manhours for the year (a x b)
Annual contribution of a worker
No. of workers required (c/d)
1,00,000 units
2 hrs. :
2,00,000 hrs.
2,000 hrs.
Thus, 100 workers' are needed throughout the year to meet he production
target of 1,00,000 units. But this figure cannot be relied upon fully as the actual
production is influenced by many other factors such as availability of inputs
and power, breakdown of machinery, strike, lockout, etc. Nonetheless, work-
load analysis is quite suitable for short-term projection of manpower
requirements. Long-term projections can be made with the help of workforce
(b)Work-force Analysis: In the above illustration, we came to the
conclusion that 100 workers are required to make 1,00,000 units in a year.
Assuming that all other factors are favourable, this conclusion is illusory because
it is almost certain that all the 100 workers will not be available on all working
days because of the two major problems: (i) Absenteeism, and (ii) Labour
Turnover. Both these factors operate to rescue the number of workers available.
Therefore, it is essential to do the analysis of work-fore in the light of these
major problems. In other words, it is necessary to keep a sufficient margin
for absenteeism, labour turnover and idle time on the basis of past experience.
If it is essential to keep a margin of 20% of the manpower required as per
work-load analysis, the company must ensure that it has atleast 120 workers
on its payroll to meet the annual production target.

Employment Plan
This phase deals with planning how the organisation can obtain the
required number of right types of personnel as reflected by the personnel
forecasting. In other words, there is a need to prepare programme of recruitment,
selection, training, transfer and promotion so that personnel needs of various
departments of the organisation are met.
Training and Development of Personnel
The preparation of skill inventory helps in identifying the training and
development needs of the organisation. Training for learning new skills and for
refreshing the memory is necessary not only for new employees but also for
existing employees. Executive development programmes have to be devised
for the development of managerial personnel.
Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and
stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. When more persons
apply for jobs then there will be a scope for recruiting better persons. The job-
seekers too, on the other hand, are in search of organisations offering them
employment opportunities. Recruitment is a linkage activity bringing together
those with jobs and those seeking jobs.
In the words of Yoder, "Recruitment is a process to discover the sources
of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ
effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate
effective selection of an efficient working force". Recruitment is the process
which prompts people to offer for selection in an organisation. This involves
locating sources of manpower to meet job requirements. It is a process of
searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to
apply for jobs in an organisation.

Factors Affecting Recruitment
Every organisation, big or small, has to engage in recruitment of persons.
A number of factors influence this process. Some factors have been discussed
as follows:
1.Size of Organisation: The number of persons to be recruited will depend
upon the size of an organisation. A big enterprise needs more persons at regular
intervals while a small undertaking employs sometimes only. A big business
house will always be in touch with sources of supply and shall try to attract
more and more persons for making a proper selection. It can afford to spend
more amount in locating prospective candidates. So the size of an enterprise
will influence the process of recruitment.
2.Employment Conditions: The employment conditions in a country
greatly influence recruitment process. In underdeveloped countries, employment
opportunities are limited and there is no dearth of prospective candidates. At
the same time suitable candidates may not be available because of lack of
educational and technical facilities. In India, the availability of persons for
white collar jobs is large whereas the supply of technical persons is limited.
If the supply of persons is more, then selection from large number becomes
3.Salary Structure and Working Conditions: The wages offered and
working conditions prevailing in an enterprise greatly influence the supply of
personnel. If higher wages are paid as compared to similar concerns then the
organisation will not face any difficulty in making recruitments. A concern
offering low wages will always face to problem of labour turnover.
The working conditions in an organisation will determine job satisfaction
of employees. An enterprise offering good working conditions like proper
sanitation, lighting, ventilation, etc. will give more job satisfaction to employees
and they may not like to leave their present jobs. On the other hand, if employees
leave the jobs due to unsatisfactory working conditions there will be a need
for recruitment of more persons.

4.Rate of Growth: The growth rate of an enterprise also influences
recruitment process. An expanding concern will require regular employment
of new employees. There will also be promotions of existing employees to
higher jobs necessitating the filling up of those vacancies. A stagnant enterprise
will recruit persons only when present incumbent vacates his position on
retirement, etc.
Constraints of Recruitment
An enterprise may not be able to recruit freely even though it offers
better salaries and other amenities. A number of constraints may be faced in
recruitment which are as follows:
1.Image of Organisation: The image of the enterprise in the community
largely influences recruitment to it. A prospective candidate may not be
interested to get a job in some organisation because its reputation is not good.
An enterprise may attract adverse reputation because of undesirable attitude
of the management, bad working conditions, etc. Such organisations do not get
sufficient number of personnel even if they offer high wages.
2.Unattractive jobs: If the job is boring, hazardous, tension ridden, lacking
in opportunities for advancement, very few persons will be available for such
jobs. On the other hand, if it carries good salaries, has promotional avenues,
has good working conditions there will be sufficient persons available for such
3.Organisational Policies: Internal policies of the organisation may
also act as a constraint on recruitment of new persons. A policy of filling up
higher positions from outside will discourage competent persons to join such
an organisation.
4.Union Requirements: In some cases, agreements with workers' union
may also act as constraints to employ persons from outside. An understanding
with union to fill up certain percentage of posts through it may restrict the
choice of management in recruiting on its own.

5.Government Policies: Government policies may also act as constraints
on recruitment policy. Government legislation may require to reserve certain
percentage of posts for weaker sections of society or for persons belonging
to specific castes. Another legislation may require the enterprise to recruit new
persons only from the lists supplied by government employment exchange.
Such legislations restrict the choice of management in recruiting any type of
In general there are two sources of recruitment:
Internal sources
External sources
Internal Sources
Internal source is one of the important sources of recruitment. The
employees already working the organisation may be more suitable for higher
jobs than those recruited from outside. The present employees may help in
the recruitment of new persons also. Internal sources are discussed as follows:
1.Transfers: Transfer involves shifting of persons from present jobs to
other similar places. These do not involve any change in rank, responsibility
and prestige. The number of persons does not increase with transfers but vacant
posts may be attended to.
2.Promotions: Promotions refer to shifting of persons to positions
carrying better prestige, higher responsibilities and more salaries. The higher
positions falling vacant may be filled up from within the organisation. A
promotion does not increase the number of persons in the organisation. A
person going to get a higher position will vacate his present position. Promotion
avenues motivate employees to improve their performance so that they get
promotions to higher positions.

Merits of Internal Sources
1.Improves Morale: The internal sources of recruitment will boost morale
of employees. They are assured of higher positions whenever vacancies arise.
Existing employees are given preference in promotions. Outsiders are employed
only when suitable candidates are not available from within.
2.Proper Evaluation: The management is in a better position to evaluate
the performance of existing employees before considering then for higher
positions. An outsider employed just on the basis of an interview may not prove
suitable later on. The service records of existing employees will be a guide
to study their suitability for ensuring vacancies.
3.Economical: The method of internal recruitment is economical also.
The cost in selecting a person is saved. Moreover, internal candidates do not
require any training since they are well acquainted with various jobs in the
4.Promotes Loyalty: Internal sources of recruitment promote loyalty
among employees. They are preferred to consider at the time of filling up
higher positions. They will feel a part and parcel of the organisation and will
always try to promote its interests.
Demerits of Internal Sources
1.Limited Options: The recruitment of only internal candidates restricts
the choice of management. The present employees may not be suitable to take
up positions of higher responsibility but there will be no option. A person will
be selected only out of the available candidates. The outside candidates, even
though they may be suitable, will not get a chance to show their talent.
Internal sources may dry up in the meantime and filling up of higher
positions will become a problem.
2.Lack of Originality: The present employees may not be able to bring
new ideas. They will be accustomed to carryon things in the same old ways.
New persons will bring fresh thinking and new methods may be tried.

Every enterprise has to use external sources for recruitment to higher
positions when existing employees are not suitable.' More persons are needed
when expansions are undertaken. External methods are discussed as follows:
1.Advertisement: Advertisement is the best method of recruiting persons
for higher and experienced jobs. The advertisements are given in local or national
press, trade or professional journals. The requirements of jobs are given in the
advertisement. The prospective candidates evaluate themselves against the
requirements of jobs before sending their applications. Management gets a
wider range of candidates for selection.
2.Employment Exchanges: Employment exchanges run by the
government are also a good source of recruitment. Unemployed persons get
themselves registered with these exchanges. The vacancies may be notified
with the exchanges, whenever there is need. The exchange supplies a list of
candidates fulfilling required qualifications. Exchanges are a suitable source
of recruitment for filling unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled and operative posts.
The job-seekers and job-givers are brought into contact by the employment
Private agencies also helping in recruiting qualified and experienced.
persons. These agencies remain in contact with employees and persons seeking
change in jobs for higher posts.
3.Educational Institutions: The jobs in trade and industry are becoming
technical and complex. These jobs require certain amount of educational and
technical qualifications. The employers maintain a close liaison .with universities
and technical institutions. The students are spotted during the course of their
studies. The students are assured of jobs on the completion of their studies.
Junior level executives or managerial trainees may be recruited in this way.
4.Unsolicited Applicants: Persons in search of employment may contact
employers through telephone, by post or in person. Generally, employers with

good reputation get more and unsolicited applications. If an opening is there
or is likely to be there then these persons are considered for such jobs. Personnel
department may maintain a record of unsolicited applications. When jobs suitable
for those persons are available those are considered for employment.
5.Casual Callers: Management may appoint persons who casually call
on them for meeting short-term demands. This will avoid following a regular
procedure of selection. These persons are appointed for short periods only.
They need not be paid retrenchment or lay off allowance. This method of
recruitment is economical because management does not incur a liability in
pensions, insurance and fringe benefits.
6.Labour Contractors: It is quite common to engage contractors for the
supply of labour, when workers are required for short periods and are hired
without going through the full procedure of selection etc. Contractors or jobbers
are the best source of getting them. The contractors maintain regular contracts
with workers at their places and also bring them to the cities at their own
expense. The persons hired under this system are generally unskilled workers.
Merits of External Sources
I.Availability of Suitable Persons: Internal sources, sometimes, may
not be able to supply suitable persons from within. External sources will give
a wide choice for selection to the management. A large number of applicants
may be willing to join the organisation. They will also be suitable as per the
requirements of skills, training and education.
2.Brings New Ideas: The selection of persons from outside sources will
have the benefit of new ideas. The persons having experience in other concerns
will be able to suggest new things and methods. This will keep the organisation
in a competitive position. The present employees may not be able to infuse
new thinking because their ways of thinking will remain the same.
Demerits of External Sources
1.Demoralisation: When new persons from outside join the organisation
then present employees feel demoralised because these positions should have

gone to them. There will be a heart burning among old employees. Some
employees may even leave the enterprise to find out better avenues in other
2.Lack of Co-operation: The old staff may not co-operate with the new
employees because they feel that their right has been snatched away by them.
This problem will be acute especially when persons for higher positions are
recruited from outside.
3.Expensive: The process of recruiting from outside is very expensive.
It starts with giving costly advertisements in the media and then arranging
written tests and conducting interviews. Inspite of all this if suitable persons
are not available among the applicants then the whole process will have to be
4.Problem of Maladjustment: There may be a possibility that the new
entrants have not been able to adjust in the new environment. They may not
temperamentally adjust with the new persons. In such cases either the persons
may leave themselves or management may have to replace them. These things
have adverse effect on the working of the organisation.
What is meant by manpower planning ? Discuss the process of manpower
Discuss the need for manpower planning. What are the steps in manpower
Critically discuss the various sources of recruitment of employees.
What sources of recruitment will you recommend for the appointment
of management personnel?

Selection involves screening or evaluation of applicants to identify those
who are best-suited to perform the jobs which have fallen vacant in an
organisation. It divides the candidates who offer themselves for appointment
into two categories, namely those who will be employed and those who will
not be employed. It is the process of rejecting unsuitable candidates to choose
the few suitable applicants. Therefore, selection is frequently described as a
negative process as compared to the positive process of recruitment. Under
selection, the qualifications and experience of every candidate are compared
with job requirements and with those of other candidates. The basic purpose
of selection is to choose the right type of candidates to fill up vacancies in
the organisation. Selection involves the matching of the qualities of candidates
with the requirements of a job.
Significance of Selection
Selection of employees is very important because the costs of induction
and training have increased and it is very difficult to terminate the services of
an employee once he is confirmed on the job. If the right type of persons are
not selected, the employer will have to suffer a huge loss in terms of quantity
and quality of work. Selection of employees must be done very carefully because
mistakes in selection may prove to be very costly later on. If the selection
function is not performed efficiently, labour absenteeism and turnover will be
high. If unsuitable candidates are employed, the efficiency of the organization
will go down. Such persons will be frequently absent from work and they will
shirk their jobs. Very often, unsuitable employees have to leave the organization.
This will result in waste of time, energy and money spent on hiring and training
such employees.

Proper selection and placement of employees will go a long way towards
building up a stable workforce and eventually reducing labour costs. When
selected personnel are suitable to the job, their efficiency and productivity will
be high. Such personnel will have high job satisfaction and high morale. Therefore,
rates of absenteeism and labour turnover will be low.
Basic Elements in the Selection Process
As Figure 1 indicates, the selection process pulls together organizational
goals, job designs, and performance appraisals, as well as recruitment and
selection. The first element in the selection process is the setting of
organizational goals, which must include the general hiring policy of the
organization. Management can either employ the best people in the marketplace
for particular jobs ­ often incurring high individual salaries and benefits or pay
relatively low wages and salaries, unconcerned with employee turnover or
dissatisfaction about wages, benefits, and working conditions. Policy makers
must determine how the employees tit into the overall framework of the
organization and must establish the relationship among the employees in the
The second element, job design, involves determining what duties and
responsibilities each job will entail. How motivating or repetitious a job is
greatly affects the performance of employees on that job. The performance
of employees will be affected by their ability and motivation. The job design
will greatly affect both of these factors.
The third element involves the measurement of job success. The
discovery of what kind of employees are successful will determine what kind
of employees to recruit and select in the future.
The fourth element, job specifications, comes from the job analysis,
which specifies what traits, skills, and background an individual must have to
qualify for the job.
Finally, policy makers must determine which combination of interviews,

tests, or other selection devices to use in the selection process. There is no
magical combination of selection instruments that will minimize the cost of
selection and facilitate choosing the best candidates available.
What devices are available for determining if the
applicant possesses the desired traits,
characteristics, and skills?
What traits, skills, and qualities in the
individual are related to successful
What distinguishes successful performance
from unsuccessful performance? How is it
What are the duties and responsibilities
of the individual worker? What work
does the individual perform for the
Why does the organization exist?
What are its goals and objectives?

Steps in the Selection Process
The steps in the selection process are outlined in Figure 2. They may
change from one organization to another, but all the steps are normally completed
at one time or another. The process usually begins by reviewing current
applications gathered through the organization's recruitment effort.
Applicants who appear to be qualified for the position are then screened.
Initial screening looks for the minimum requirements as determined by the
job specifications. The third step is to have the applicants complete an application
blank, which standardizes information about all of the applicants to be considered.
Tests relevant to the job and validated by the organization are then administered
to applicants. The next step is usually to interview applicants within the human
resource department. The background of desirable applicants is checked next,
especially their references and employment history. Finally, the few applicants
remaining are interviewed by the departmental supervisor or department head.
During this in-depth interview, job requirements are discussed so that the
applicant as well as the supervisor will be able to judge each other's interest
in the job. At this point, a job offer can be made to the applicant best qualified
for the job. If the applicant rejects the offer, management can either contact
other qualified applicants or begin the recruitment process again if there are
not other qualified applicants available. When the applicant accepts the offer,
the process of placing the applicant in the organization begins.


Type of Edition
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
File size
1018 KB
Publication date
2017 (September)
Manpower Planning Human Resource Management in India Recruitment Method Employee Training Executive Development Performance Appraisal Job Evaluation Worker’s Participation Personnel Employee
Product Safety
Anchor Academic Publishing

Title: Human Resource Management in 15 Lessons
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