Alexandra Wasilewski
1 title published
Alexandra Wasilewski, M.Eng., was born in 1985 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. <br>In Bishkek in 27 she finished her first education, M. Sc., by the specialization “Economy and Management at energy enterprise”. After getting her first professional degree she collected several years of job experience being assigned in different projects of renewable energy and energy efficiency expansion in Kyrgyzstan. Collected practice in the field, as well as concerns of environmental security inspired her for further education and research at the area. In 212 she finished her master education by specialization “Energy and Environmental management in developing countries”. Sympathy to viable development of Eastern Europe and Eurasia was the principal background of direction of the Theme of the conducted book
The Russian energy sector: The way for future development
©2015 Textbook 121 Pages