1 title published
Dr.R.Neelaiah, Assistant Professor of the Department of Commerce, Govt. College for Men (Autonomous), Kadapa, YSR District. Andhra Pradesh. In addition to M.Com, MBA, L.L.B, Ph.D and qualified UGC National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) in twice in M.Com, Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test (APSET) in M.Com and MBA. He has been teaching B.Com, M.Com and MBA classes since 2003. His areas of specialization and research are Accounting, Financial Management, Micro-finance, Human Resource Management and Taxation. He is recipient of Doctoral fellowship from Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi. He has undertaken minor UGC sponsored research project. He has served as Academic Counselor for Dr.BR Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad, Telangana State. He has published 30 research articles in National and International journals of repute. He is attended and presented 60 research papers in National, International seminars and conferences.
Poverty Alleviation through Self-Help Groups in Anantapur District of Andhra Pradesh
©2017 Textbook 335 Pages