Loyalty cards in the apparel industry in Germany and Spain: Is the implementation of a global marketing approach reasonable when operating both in a Southern and a Northern European country?
133 Pages
Internationally operating apparel retailers are expanding throughout Europe (Noordhoff et al, 2004; Seock and Lin, 2011). To be able to cope with the fierce competition in the apparel retail industry, many retailers have implemented loyalty cards in order to keep current customers. Several retailers have opted for a global marketing strategy which includes implementing loyalty cards with the same features in several countries (e.g. Hunkemöller, Promod, Esprit). This research is a comparative analysis of young adults, aged between 18 and 30, from a Northern European country (Germany) and a Southern European country (Spain). The objective is to determine if there are significant differences in attitudinal and behavioural patterns, as well as in preferences regarding the features of loyalty cards in the consumers of the two countries, to find potential success factors for retailers.
In the first place, international apparel retailers have to decide which marketing approach they intend to follow. This may be either a standardised, etic marketing approach, which aims to have one overall marketing strategy for all countries, or a non-standardised, emic marketing approach, which aims to adapt the marketing strategy in every country to the local culture (Trommsdorff, 2009; Solomon et al, 2002). Research of consumer behaviour has shown that consumers are influenced by external stimuli (political, economic, social, technological) and consumer characteristics (cultural, social, personal) (Foscht and Swoboda, 2005; Kotler et al, 2009). Marketers have to be aware of these external influences in order to develop marketing strategies that appeal to the target market(s). By making use of the right marketing instruments, customer satisfaction and loyalty and, subsequently, long-term profitability can be established (Seock and Lin, 2011). Loyal customers have been shown to be more profitable to the company than continuously acquired new customers (Reichheld and Teal, 2001). In the literature, the distinction between attitudinal and behavioural loyalty is widely spread, and it will also be upheld in this research. One instrument often used in relationship marketing is the promotional tool of loyalty cards (Aßmann et al, 2008). There are different forms of loyalty cards, which differ in loyalty card type, in loyalty card functions and in target groups (Steffens, 2010). The image and efficacy of loyalty cards are highly controversial in the literature.
Recent research […]
In the first place, international apparel retailers have to decide which marketing approach they intend to follow. This may be either a standardised, etic marketing approach, which aims to have one overall marketing strategy for all countries, or a non-standardised, emic marketing approach, which aims to adapt the marketing strategy in every country to the local culture (Trommsdorff, 2009; Solomon et al, 2002). Research of consumer behaviour has shown that consumers are influenced by external stimuli (political, economic, social, technological) and consumer characteristics (cultural, social, personal) (Foscht and Swoboda, 2005; Kotler et al, 2009). Marketers have to be aware of these external influences in order to develop marketing strategies that appeal to the target market(s). By making use of the right marketing instruments, customer satisfaction and loyalty and, subsequently, long-term profitability can be established (Seock and Lin, 2011). Loyal customers have been shown to be more profitable to the company than continuously acquired new customers (Reichheld and Teal, 2001). In the literature, the distinction between attitudinal and behavioural loyalty is widely spread, and it will also be upheld in this research. One instrument often used in relationship marketing is the promotional tool of loyalty cards (Aßmann et al, 2008). There are different forms of loyalty cards, which differ in loyalty card type, in loyalty card functions and in target groups (Steffens, 2010). The image and efficacy of loyalty cards are highly controversial in the literature.
Recent research […]
Table Of Contents
Tables of Contents
Index of Tables
Index of Figures
Abbreviations V
Introduction 1
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. Preface 2
1.3. Research aim and objectives
1.4. Research problem
1.5. Research questions
1.6. Hypotheses 8
1.7. Structure of the investigation
Literature Review
2.1. Introduction 11
2.2. Background information
2.2.1. Marketing stimuli: loyalty cards in Germany and Spain
2.2.2. General consumer characteristics in Germany and Spain
2.3. Apparel retail industry in Germany and Spain
2.4. Theory of global marketing
2.4.1. Definition of global marketing
2.4.2. Discussion 19
2.5. Theory of consumer behaviour and external influences
2.5.1. Definition and development of consumer behaviour
2.5.2. Theoretical models of consumer behaviour
2.5.3. Stimuli and characteristics affecting consumer behaviour
2.6. Theory of customer loyalty in marketing management
2.6.1. Consumer loyalty
2.6.2. Loyalty programmes and consumer loyalty management
2.6.3. Loyalty cards
2.7. Research design and research tactics
2.8. Conclusion of the literature review
Research Methodology
3.1. Introduction 53
3.2. Research objectives
3.3. Research design and strategy
3.4. Research tactics: Sources of data
3.5. Questionnaire design
3.5.1. Operationalisation of research variables
3.5.2. Questionnaire development
3.5.3. Pilot study and finalised version of the questionnaire
3.6. Respondents and sampling procedure
3.6.1. Target population
3.6.2. Justification 63
3.7. Data collection
3.8. Problems and limitations
3.9. Conclusion of methodology
Research Findings and Data Analysis
4.1. Introduction 66
4.2. Sample composition
4.3. Research findings and data analysis
4.3.1. General behaviour and attitude towards loyalty cards
4.3.2. Preferences regarding loyalty card features
4.3.3. Store loyalty towards favourite retail store
Research discussions, conclusion and recommendations
5.1. Introduction 89
5.2. Analysis of store loyalty tendencies and success factors
5.2.1. General behaviour and attitudes towards loyalty cards
5.2.2. Preferences regarding loyalty card features
5.2.3. Store loyalty towards favourite retail store
5.3. Review theory used
5.4. Recommendations for apparel retailers
5.5. Recommendations for future research
References/Bibliography 96
6.1. References 96
6.2. Bibliography 105
Appendix I
7.1. Questionnaire I
Index of Tables
Table 1:
Membership card Hunkemöller ...12
Table 2:
Membership card ESPRIT ...13
Table 3:
Membership card Promod ...14
Table 4:
Arguments for and against standardized marketing ...19
Table 5:
Management of cultural diversity in MNCs ...20
Table 6:
Matrix of values and customer roles ...29
Table 7:
The family cycle: an updated view ...30
Table 8:
Complexity of loyalty ...35
Table 9:
Different levels of loyalty ...36
Table 10: Types of consumers and sales promotion goals ...42
Table 11: STP variables ...48
Table 12: Operationalisation of Research Variables ...57
Table 13: Average Annual Gross Income by age (2009) ...62
Table 14: Consumer expenditure on clothing and footwear (2009) ...62
Table 15: Composition sample: country of residence ...66
Table 16: Composition sample: possession of loyalty card ...66
Table 17: Relationship between possession of loyalty card and home country ...68
Table 18: Usage of benefits of loyalty cards ...69
Table 19: Change in consumer behaviour after loyalty card possession ...71
Table 20: Negative characteristics of loyalty cards (Country) ...72
Table 21: Negative characteristics of loyalty cards ...73
Table 22: Positive characteristics of loyalty cards (Country) ...74
Table 23: Preferences of promotional techniques of loyalty cards (Country) ...76
Table 24: Preferences of bonus systems of loyalty cards (Country) ...77
Table 25: Behavioural store loyalty: % expenditure (Country) ...79
Table 26: Behavioural store loyalty: Frequency store visit fav. retail store (Country )
Table 27: Behavioural store loyalty: number store visit compet. retail stores ...
(Country) ...81
Table 28: Behavioural store loyalty: per cent expenditure (Possession of loyalty ...
card) ...82
Table 29: Behavioural store loyalty: Frequency store visit favourite retail store ...
(Possession of loyalty card) ...83
Table 30: Behavioural store loyalty: Number store visit competitive retail stores ...
(Possession of loyalty card) ...84
Table 31: Attitudinal store loyalty (Country) ...86
Table 32: Attitudinal store loyalty (Possession of loyalty card) ...87
Table 33: Preferences regarding promotional techniques and bonus systems ...91
Table 34: Attitudinal store loyalty (Country) ...92
Table 35: Attitudinal store loyalty (Possession of loyalty card) ...93
Index of Figures
Figure 1: Research question ... 7
Figure 2: Hofstede's cultural dimensions: Germany vs. Spain ...15
Figure 3: General consumer purchase attitudes ...16
Figure 4: Europe apparel retail value: $ billion 2005-2009 ...18
Figure 5: Top retailers in Western Europe (2010) ...18
Figure 6: Extended model of consumer behaviour by Engle et al (1995) ...22
Figure 7: Extended model of consumer behaviour by Howard and Sheet (1969) .23
Figure 8: SR model...23
Figure 9: SR model adapted by Kotler ...25
Figure 10: Shell model of consumer characteristics ...25
Figure 11: Environment differentiation - hierarchy of social groups ...26
Figure 12: Purchase behaviour... 27
Figure 13: Self-concept ...28
Figure 14: From customer satisfaction to customer loyalty ...33
Figure 15: First contact to economic success ...34
Figure 16 Monetary benefit from long-term ...35
Figure 17: Relationship NPV retention rate ...35
Figure 19: Relationship between loyal attitude and loyal behaviour ...37
Figure 20: Measurement of customer loyalty ...39
Figure 21: Classification of loyalty cards ...43
Figure 22: Objectives of the instrument loyalty card ...46
Figure 23: Objectives of loyalty card programmes ...46
Figure 24: Segmentation of target groups ...48
Figure 25: Research designs ...49
Figure 26: Comparison: quantitative and qualitative data ...50
Figure 27: Adapted SR model ...51
Figure 28: Adapted SR model ...56
Figure 29: Waterfall illustration of budget ...67
Figure 30: Number of loyalty cards possessed (author's illustration) ...69
Figure 31: Usage of benefits of loyalty cards (author's illustration) ...70
Figure 32: Change in consumer behaviour since loyalty card possession ...71
Figure 33: Preferences of promotional techniques of loyalty cards (Country) ...76
Figure 34: Preferences of bonus systems of loyalty cards (Country) ...78
Figure 35: Behavioural store loyalty: Per cent expenditure (Country) ...79
Figure 36: Behavioural store loyalty: Frequency store visit favourite retail store
(Country) ...80
Figure 37: Behavioural store loyalty: Number store visit competitive retail stores ...
Country) ...81
Figure 38: Behavioural store loyalty: % expenditure (Possession of loyalty card) ..83
Figure 39: Behavioural store loyalty: Frequency store visit favourite retail store ...
(Possession of loyalty card) ...83
Figure 40: Behavioural store loyalty: Number store visit competitive retail stores
(Possession of loyalty card) ...84
Figure 41: Attitudinal store loyalty (Country) ...86
Figure 42: Attitudinal store loyalty (Possession of loyalty card) ...88
Figure 43: Attitudinal store loyalty (Possession of loyalty card) ...93
Analysis of variance
Business to business
Business to customer
Compound annual growth rate
For example (exempli gratia)
Model developed by Perlmutter
differentiating between different strategic
approaches of MNCs, namely
Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Regiocentric,
Individualism versus Collectivism
MAS Masculinity
MNC Multinational
PDI Power
Political, Economic, Social,
Statistical Package for Social Science
SR-model Stimulus
Segmentation, targeting positioning
UAI Uncertainty
Word of mouth
1.1. Introduction
The research with the title `Loyalty Cards in the Apparel Retail Industry: A
comparative analysis to detect store loyalty tendencies and the success factors of
loyalty cards in Germany and Spain examines the efficacy and the success factors
of loyalty cards as an instrument of loyalty programmes in global marketing and
researches the levels of store loyalty in two countries, Germany and Spain. This
paper seeks to gather customer data by means of a questionnaire and to compare
domestic differences across the countries in the apparel retail industry.
The first chapter of the investigation firstly introduces the context of the research,
leading to the research aim and objectives. In the next step, the research problem is
defined, followed by the research questions and hypotheses. Then, the structure of
the investigation is provided, explaining the outline of each chapter of the research.
1.2. Preface
In these times of globalisation and with the popularity of open trade, European
retailers are increasingly exploring foreign markets (Noordhoff et al, 2004; Seock
and Lin, 2011). This is also true for the apparel retail industry, which has
experienced an expansion of apparel retail chains disputing the market share of
local and smaller retail stores (Euromonitor, 2009; Euromonitor, 2011b;
Datamonitor, 2010a). The ambition and effort to reach new customers beyond
national borders implies the need for more complex marketing strategies. Marketers
have to be aware of the differences in local values and consumer behaviour across
different countries and cultures, and should decide whether they intend to choose a
more standardised marketing approach or adapt the strategy to the local
environment (Yoo and Zarb, 2009). In fact, culture is regarded as a cause for
inconsistency in consumer behaviour and as having a crucial influence on global
marketing plans (Seock and Lin, 2011). According to Kawabata and Rabolt (1999),
and Lam (2007), the awareness that cultures, and the way customers behave, differ
across the different target markets, and the subsequent implementation of adequate
strategies factoring in these differences, leads to global success (cited in Seock
and Lin, 2011 p. 95).
The retail industry is characterised by strong tendencies toward convergence,
homogenisation of the retail outlets and cutthroat competition (Mohme, 1993 pp. 3
f.). Additionally, there are no switching costs for consumers, making it easy for them
to change their retail store (Datamonitor, 2010a). Facing these facts, retailers need
to distinguish themselves from the competition so that retail outlets are not regarded
as interchangeable in the consumer's mind. An important instrument to survive and
to cope with the competition in the long run is the creation of consumer loyalty. The
retail sector especially suffers from the threat of losing consumers to the
competition, and therefore durable consumer loyalty is of vital importance (Müller-
Hagedorn, 2001 p. 15). Consequently, internationally operating retailers have
modified their strategic marketing focus from satisfaction-seeking to one that seeks
to create long-term customer loyalty (Noordhoff et al, 2004 citing Oliver 1999).
Consumer loyalty to stores in the retail industry remains a topical theme and
continues to be explored in various empirical research projects (e.g. García Gómez
et al, 2006; Gastrock, 2011; Noordhoff et al, 2004; Seock and Lin, 2011; Steyn and
Pitt et al, 2010).
The creation of store loyalty has even experienced a rise in strategic importance and
has become the prevailing objective of retailers to ensure profits and prosperity
(Noordhoff et al, 2004; Seock and Lin, 2011; Steyn et al, 2010). Loyalty affects both
tangible and intangible benefits, as it is composed of the consumer behaviour, but
also of the attitude of the consumer towards the company (Martínez García and
Martínez Caro, 2009). Behavioural store loyalty reflects the purchasing behaviour
and the frequency of store visits, but also the purchasing behaviour towards the
competition (Noordhoff et al, 2004; García Gómez et al, 2006). This loyalty is
objectively observable, in contrast to attitudinal store loyalty which deals with
subjective attitudes of the consumer towards a store or retailer (Noordhoff et al,
2004; García Gómez et al, 2006).
Consumer retention and consumer loyalty programmes are spread widely within the
apparel retail industry. Nowadays, nearly 80 per cent of buyers throughout Europe
are members of minimum one loyalty programme (Loyalty Cards, 2011).
Researchers argue that meticulously planned and implemented loyalty programmes
enable marketers to have an impact on consumer purchasing behaviour (Ponzoa
Casado and Reinares Lara, 2010). According to Wirtz et al (2007), they are a great
method for consumer retention. With improvements in technology, loyalty
programmes not only become payable to companies, and also offer a more
profound basis for strategic relationships and retention marketing (Noordhoff et al,
Loyalty cards are nowadays an established and oft used instrument of loyalty
programmes, especially in mature retail markets (Aßmann and Werk, 2008;
Noordhoff et al, 2004). However, the effectiveness of loyalty cards in creating
consumer loyalty and retention is often questioned in the literature (e.g. Dowling
and Uncles, 1997; Wendlandt, 2009; Noordhoff et al, 2004). Furthermore, there are
differences in the development and adoption of loyalty card schemes across
countries; this makes it difficult to compare the effectiveness of loyalty cards on an
international scale. Various researchers (e.g. Jin and Kim, 2003; Straughan and
Albers-Miller, 2001) reveal that the attitude to a store and the corresponding loyalty
may not be the same in different countries (cited in Seock and Lin, 2011).
The fact that retail chains increasingly operate on a global scale makes it essential
to explore behavioural and attitudinal store loyalty. By investigation, marketers are
able to detect local behaviour and preferences in order to adequately serve
customers in the respective country or culture (Noordhoff et al, 2004; Seock and Lin,
Apparel retailers such as ESPRIT, Hunkemöller or Promod run loyalty cards in
several countries including the two countries of interest to this paper, Germany and
Spain. Mostly, the features are identical in the various countries or differ only slightly
(e.g., ESPRIT offers an additional card in Germany which is not offered in Spain
(ESPRIT, 2011)). Consequently, an adaptation of the features to the domestic
customers, who may behave differently, does not take place at first view (maybe
there are differences with regard to frequency or design mailings, events or similar
actions which are not obvious when comparing the features and benefits). However,
there is the possibility that loyalty cards which work perfectly in one country do not
achieve the same success in another country (Steyn et al, 2010). Steyn et al (2010)
even argue that there might be a need for adaption across countries or cultures due
to local differences in values or preferences.
1.3. Research aim and objectives
Research aim
The aim of this work is to compare German and Spanish consumers regarding their
general behaviour and attitudes towards loyalty cards, the different levels of both
behavioural and attitudinal store loyalty, and their preferences regarding loyalty card
features (promotional techniques and bonus systems). The analysis undertaken in
this research should help answer the question if standardised loyalty cards are
reasonable in the two countries or if there is a need for local adaptation. If the
analysis shows a need for local adaptations, success factors shall be developed.
Research objectives
· Generate research question, and research aim and objectives for the present
work. Develop hypotheses that will be analysed throughout the paper (Chapter
1: Introduction).
· Undertake research by using journals, reports and governmental publications to
gather background information on the external influences of consumer
behaviour (external stimuli, marketing stimuli and consumer characteristics of
consumers) in the apparel retail industry in Germany and Spain (Chapter 2:
Literature Review).
· Critically review the theory of global marketing, consumer behaviour, and
loyalty. Determine basic theoretical principles and relevant contemporary
approaches and models. Create, on the basis of the reviewed literature, one
basic conceptual model for the present research (Chapter 2: Literature Review).
· Develop a research plan which contains research design, research tactics,
research type and approach (Chapter 3: Methodology).
· Create on the basis of the survey objectives a professional questionnaire which
provides a solid basis to analyse the hypotheses (Chapter 3: Methodology).
· Analyse the information gathered from the questionnaire statistically by means
of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and find out if the hypotheses
can be supported or not (Chapter 4: Research Findings and Data Analysis).
· Discuss the findings of the questionnaire critically (Chapter 5: Research
discussions, conclusion and recommendations).
· Summarise the findings and draw a conclusion. Formulate recommendations for
companies running loyalty card programmes in the two countries and for future
research (Chapter 5: Research discussions, conclusion and recommendations).
1.4. Research problem
With globalisation arises the need for complex marketing strategies for companies
operating in different countries. Companies have to find the right balance between
acting globally and adapting locally. Consumer behaviour is influenced by external
stimuli (PEST
) and also by consumer characteristics based on cultural, social and
personal determinants. Being aware of these influences on domestic consumer
behaviour lets marketers find the right methods to implement marketing stimuli that
attract the consumers in their domestic market places.
German and Spanish consumers may show different attitudes and behaviours, but
also different preferences regarding loyalty card features or levels of store loyalty.
Despite these differences, several companies offer loyalty cards with the same
features in both countries, which may lead to inefficient and ineffective usage of
marketing stimuli, because they are not adapted to the local consumer. The features
of loyalty cards may appeal to the consumers of one country but not necessarily, or
not as much, to those from another. This situation needs investigation to examine
the degree of store loyalty and the success factors of loyalty cards among the two
countries, in order to determine whether or not it is justified to adapt loyalty card
features locally to the customers in Germany and Spain.
Political, Economic, Social, Technological
1.5. Research questions
The research question that shall be answered in the present paper is whether or not
there should be adaptations to the features of loyalty cards in the two countries,
Germany and Spain. In order to answer this question, two previous stages have to
be explored. Firstly, the external influences have to be determined. In the next step,
the actual behavioural and attitudinal patterns and preferences of customers as well
as their store loyalty tendencies will be analysed. The exact stages and respective
questions gathered from figure 1.
Figure 1: Research question (author's illustration)
The secondary questions according to the corresponding research chapters are
listed here:
· What are the research questions, and research aim and objectives for the
present paper? Which hypotheses can be derived? (Chapter 1: Introduction).
· What are the external influences that impact consumers in their behaviour and
attitudes in the two countries, Germany and Spain? (Chapter 2: Literature
· What is the relevant literature in this context, and are the models and theories
applicable to the present research? Can one basic conceptual model be
developed for this work? (Chapter 2: Literature Review)
· Which research design, tactics, type and approach are appropriate for this
investigation? (Chapter 3: Methodology).
· How shall the survey be developed? (Chapter 3: Methodology).
· What are the findings of the research? Can the hypotheses be supported?
(Chapter 4: Research Findings and Data Analysis).
· On the basis of reviewed literature and previous studies on this subject matter,
what information does the present analysis provide? (Chapter 5: Research
discussions, conclusion and recommendations).
· What is the final conclusion, and does the research provide any
recommendations for the apparel retailers? (Chapter 5: Research discussions,
conclusion and recommendations).
1.6. Hypotheses
In accordance with the research aim, the behavioural and attitudinal impact of
loyalty cards will be analysed in this paper and the preferences regarding
promotional techniques and bonus systems will be reviewed. In addition,
behavioural and attitudinal store loyalty will be analysed and compared between
loyalty card holders and non-holders in the two countries, referring to the favourite
retail store of the respondents.
The hypothesis may be divided into three different research objective sections. The
first section deals with the general behaviour and attitude towards loyalty cards.
According to the information from background information (chapter 2.2.), which will
provide general information about the external influences, Spanish consumers
purchase more price-consciously since the economic downturn and the associated
slump in income levels. Therefore, Spanish consumers are expected to make
greater use of loyalty cards and their benefits. The second part deals with personal
preferences and the third with the behavioural and attitudinal store loyalty of
respondents regarding their favourite retail store.
General behaviour and attitude towards loyalty cards
1.1. General consumer behaviour regarding loyalty cards
Spanish consumers tend to have more loyalty cards than German
Spanish consumers make significantly greater use of the benefits
offered by loyalty cards.
Loyalty cards endorse a positive change in consumer behaviour in
both countries.
1.2. General attitude towards loyalty cards
a. The overall attitude towards negative characteristics of loyalty
cards differ in the two countries and between loyalty card holders
and non-holders.
b. The overall attitudes towards positive characteristics of loyalty
cards differ amongst loyalty card holders in the two countries.
Preferences regarding promotional techniques and bonus systems
2.1. The preferences regarding promotional techniques differ in the two
2.2. The preferences regarding bonus systems differ in the two countries.
Store loyalty towards favourite retail store
3.1. Behavioural store loyalty
Spanish and German consumers show significantly different levels
of behavioural store loyalty.
b. In both countries, the possession of loyalty cards is positively
related to behavioural store loyalty.
3.2. Attitudinal store loyalty
Spanish and German consumers show significantly different levels
of attitudinal store loyalty.
b. In both countries, the possession of loyalty cards is positively
related to attitudinal store loyalty.
1.7. Structure of the investigation
This investigation is composed of seven chapters. The first chapter is the
introduction, presenting the subject matter of the research and the problem
emerging from the current situation. In addition, research aim and objectives as well
as research questions are developed in this section. Designing research hypotheses
in order to provide a guideline for the primary research is also part of this chapter.
The second chapter provides an overview of background information and the
apparel retail industry as well as a review of relevant literature. The background
information are about general external influences on domestic customers of
Germany and Spain such as loyalty cards (marketing stimuli), and general
consumer characteristics. Moreover, the critical review of literature deals with global
marketing, consumer behaviour and loyalty. The relevant literature for this work is
combined into one model which will display the theoretical framework of the paper.
The third chapter `Methodology' shows how and what research will be undertaken in
the present paper. On the basis of the research aim, suitable research strategy and
tactics will be explained in greater detail throughout this chapter. Besides, the
creation description of the questionnaire will be part of this chapter as well as the
respondents and sampling procedure. In the end of this chapter, potential research
problems and limitations will be mentioned. The actual results of the research will
make up chapter four. The discussion in chapter five evaluates the findings in light
of previous research, reviewed literature and chosen approaches. This chapter
concludes the investigation and will develop recommendations for apparel retailers
arising from the present research. References and bibliography will make up the
sixth chapter of this work. Eventually, the last chapter `Appendices' is composed by
the questionnaire.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Introduction
The literature review provides a general overview of all relevant background
information and theoretical concepts. Hereby, prevailing theoretical concepts are
explained, presented and critically analysed. In this chapter, developments and
models will be defined and explained. Moreover, objectives and boundaries will be
discussed. Background information is composed by marketing stimuli and general
consumer characteristics which affect the domestic consumer in the two countries of
interest for this investigation.
The chapter is divided into seven subchapters. The first subchapter provides
background information and the second one presents relevant parameter of the
apparel retail industry. Subchapter three until five deal with relevant theory. The
fourth subchapter hereby deals with global marketing and the difficulty of
multinational companies (MNCs) to develop global marketing strategies which are
successful in all countries. Different perspectives and models will be presented and
critically reviewed in this part. The fifth subchapter reviews the literature about
consumer behaviour. Models and theories regarding consumer behaviour will be
explained, as well as determinants that influence consumer behaviour. The sixth
subchapter addresses loyalty, loyalty programmes and loyalty cards. Commonly
used models and theories will be reviewed from both the business' and the
consumer's point of view. The overall concept of loyalty, loyalty programmes and
loyalty cards will be analysed critically in terms of the objectives, the advantages
and the disadvantages for the different parties involved. In the seventh chapter, one
conceptual model for the present work is generated on the basis of the previously
reviewed theoretical concepts.
2.2. Background information
This and the following subchapter provide an overview of the external influences
that impact individual consumer behaviour shopping in apparel retailers in Germany
and Spain.
2.2.1. Marketing stimuli: loyalty cards in Germany and Spain
Loyalty cards are an instrument of loyalty management and are used as marketing
stimuli to influence the consumer in behaviour and attitude. The adoption of loyalty
cards was faster in Spain than in Germany. In 1998, about 25 per cent of the
Spanish population already participated in a loyalty programme whereas the
participation in Germany was only at 3 per cent (Glusac, 2005). Today however,
loyalty cards are widely spread in both countries.
Examples of loyalty cards in Spain and in Germany
This section presents three loyalty cards from the internationally operating apparel
retail chains Hunkemöller, ESPRIT and Promod. Research has shown that in both
countries of interest, the benefits and features of the loyalty cards are almost
identical. An overview of the benefits will be provided.
Hunkemöller/Bodique offers a loyalty `Club card' in both Germany and Spain which
can be acquired for 1 Euro. It offers a range of monetary benefits such as discounts
and vouchers, as well as non-monetary benefits like additional information and
access to events. In general, the benefits do not differ between the two countries.
Table 1: Membership card Hunkemöller/Bodique, 2011; Hunkemöller, 2011)
ESPRIT offers its customers three different types of loyalty cards, namely the Red
Card, the Platinum Card and ESPRIT Visa Card. The latter is an ordinary credit card
which can be acquired for an annual fee; it is not offered in Spain. Upgrading from
the red to the platinum card takes place automatically when a certain amount of `e-
points' in a certain period of time is gathered. An upgrade brings additional benefits
to the customer. The benefits do not differ between the two countries under study.
They are both monetary and non-monetary in nature. The whole loyalty card
programme seems rather complex and may be even confusing to the consumer.
Table 2: Membership card ESPRIT (ESPRIT, 2011)
Promod offers a loyalty card called `Ma Carte' in both Germany and Spain. The
design differs between the countries. As table 3 shows, the benefits offered are not
many and absolutely identical across the two countries.
Table 3: Membership card Promod
(Promod, 2011a, Promod, 2011b)
2.2.2. General consumer characteristics in Germany and Spain
Consumption preferences, attitudes and customs differ across countries and
cultures and shape consumer behaviour and lifestyles. Reasons for the differences
include the domestic climate and the availability of resources. This leads to different
consumption patterns and preferences (e.g. food, entertainment) (Solomon et al,
2002). This section provides a general overview of consumer characteristics
affecting the consumers in the two countries, Germany and Spain. A more concise
analysis of the characteristics of the target population will take place in chapter
Cultural differences
Hofstede (2003) developed cultural dimensions to compare different cultures. A
more profound review of Hofstede's approach will follow in chapter 2.5.3.
Figure 2: Hofstede's cultural dimensions: Germany vs. Spain
(Hofstede, 2003)
Germany ranks higher than Spain in individualism and masculinity. Spanish
inhabitants are regarded as being more collectivistic. This is recognisable by close
relationships to family and friends. German consumers on the contrary are more
self-oriented. Therefore, the social environment might have a greater influence on
Spanish consumers. Spain scores higher in power distance and uncertainty
avoidance than Germany. A high score in uncertainty avoidance might imply an
unwillingness to adopt unknown things, like a new loyalty card, without
Trends and developments in consumer behaviour
Current world-wide trends impact the consumer behaviour. Consumers increasingly
demand for integrated installation of more marketing channels (e.g. online) and for
corporate-responsible images of companies. They spend a considerable time
reserved for shopping making online researches and comparing products. In
addition, emotional shopping is becoming more and more important when going
shopping (Interbrand report, 2011).
Germany is an affluent country with a total GDP of 2,397 billion (Euromonitor,
2011b). "Its citizens enjoy a high standard of living and sizeable disposable
incomes, providing most with financial security and comfortable lifestyle"
(Euromonitor, 2011b). The overall purchasing climate continues to be good in
Germany (Euromonitor, 2009). German consumers generally refuse to place `blind'
trust in brand quality and increasingly purchase at mid-priced apparel chains such
as H&M or C&A (Euromonitor, 2009). In addition, discounters (e.g. Takko) have
experienced an increase in popularity, and online purchasing is also increasingly
popular (Euromonitor, 2009).
Spanish consumers are suffering from the financial crisis and the high
unemployment rate which resulted in a decrease of income levels. This obviously
has had an impact on the purchasing behaviour in the apparel retail industry.
"Between 2008 and 2009, real annual per capita disposable income fell by 5,8 per
cent, but the effects of this decline were still apparent in apparel in 2010"
(Euromonitor, 2011b). As a result of the economic slump, consumers changed their
purchasing behaviour. They reduced their shopping quantity, and are also expected
to spend more of their disposable income on savings in the future, even if the
economic situation improves (Euromonitor international, 2011b).
Consumer purchasing attitudes
According to market research carried out for the Deutsche Post Global Mail GmbH,
the general purchase attitudes in Germany and Spain show differences. Spanish
consumers are for instance more price-conscious (Krafft et al, 2005 pp. 254, 344).
Figure 3: General consumer purchase attitudes (Kraft et al, 2005 pp. 254, 344)
ESPRIT offers its customers three different types of loyalty cards, namely the Red
Card, the Platinum Card and ESPRIT Visa Card. The latter is an ordinary credit card
which can be acquired for an annual fee; it is not offered in Spain. Upgrading from
the red to the platinum card takes place automatically when a certain amount of `e-
points' in a certain period of time is gathered. An upgrade brings additional benefits
to the customer. The benefits do not differ between the two countries under study.
They are both monetary and non-monetary in nature. The whole loyalty card
programme seems rather complex and may be even confusing to the consumer.
Table 2: Membership card ESPRIT (ESPRIT, 2011)
Figure 4: Europe apparel retail value: $ billion 2005-2009 (Datamonitor, 2010a p. 10)
The apparel retail industry has experienced changes in general trends within the
past decades. Whereas smaller specialised retail stores were common in the past,
they are increasingly being squeezed out of the market by the leading international
apparel retail chains (Euromonitor, 2009; Euromonitor, 2011b; Datamonitor, 2010a
p. 19).
Figure 5: Top retailers in Western Europe (2010) (Euromonitor, 2011a)
The top retail chains in Western Europe according to company share are H&M,
Inditex and adidas (Euromonitor, 2011a).
- Pages
- Type of Edition
- Erstausgabe
- Publication Year
- 2013
- 9783954895151
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9783954890156
- File size
- 1.9 MB
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2014 (February)
- Keywords
- loyalty cards consumer loyalty Marketing Apparel industry Cultural differenes
- Product Safety
- Anchor Academic Publishing